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On hierarchical filesystems, a directory is just a file (albeit of a specific type), but nonetheless a file that has the same attributes any other file has: permissions, modification or other date(s), a size. The directory-specific functions DOPEN() et al are suited to mostly process the contents of the directory, but they miss out on the file-specific attributes of the directory file itself.

I therefore propose to enable the FOPEN() and other functions to work with a directory file for the purely FILE aspects of it.

Tourmaline | Level 20

Directories files have a fixed size (typically 4k under Unix), no?

At least as important, more metadata should be retrieved.

At a minimum, these should be available :

- 3 dates (created, modified, accessed) - some missing for Unix and Windows

- owner - missing for Windows

and maybe file attributes under Windows while we're at it.



Super User

Directory files will grow as needed, so their size is not static.

UNIX does not have a created timestamp, only "file modified", "inode modified" and "file accessed".

Tourmaline | Level 20

That's coming, depending on the FS. 🙂

Some filesystems have a birthtime or crtime stamp. OS X (HSF filesystem) or FreeBSD (UFS2, ZFS) or Fedora (ext4) use it I think. Unsure about Red Hat.