I'm creating a report based on a cube, on that cube I have 2 measures with solve_order=2 and they both derive from the same measure, when test them in the SAS Information Map Studio everything works great.
My problem is when I create the report in WRS only one of those 2 measures will appear and the one that does not appears, only appears when it is the only measure in the report.
Here are my derived measures:
MEMBER '[CUBO_RACIOS].[Measures].[Real Mensal]' AS
'[Measures].[Real Mensal_1]*2,FORMAT_STRING="COMMAx20.1", SOLVE_ORDER=2';
MEMBER '[CUBO_RACIOS].[Measures].[coiso_mensal]' AS
'sum({[dim_tempo].currentmember.lag(iif([dim_tempo].currentmember.level.ordinal=1,1,12))},[Measures].[Real Mensal_1]), FORMAT_STRING="COMMAx20.1", SOLVE_ORDER=2';
Thanks in advance 😉