Hi Team,
We are trying to provide an options to generate the RTF, PDF and Excel file using STP.
We are able to generate an output in RTF and in PDF format, but while trying to generate the Excel file the STP is giving the _webout related error, attached log file and below is the code snippet.
/*Code Start*/
%let mcv_back = "<button class='NAV' onclick=history.go(-1)%str(;) title='Go Back 1 Page'><img src='/images/left.png' /></button>" ;
%let mcv_forward ="<button class='NAV' onclick=history.go(+1)%str(;) title='Go Forward 1 Page'><img src='/images/right.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_pdf = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=PDF' title='Click to Download to PDF.' ><img src='/images/pd
f.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_excel = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=EXCEL' title='Click to Download to Excel.'><img src='/images
/excel_small.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_word = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=RTF' title='Click to Download to Word'><img src='/images/wor
d.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_print = "<button class='NAV' onclick=window.print(); title='Click to Print report.'><img src='/images/print.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_rerun = "<button class='NAV' onclick=window.location.reload(); title='Click to Re-Run report.'> <img src='/images/rerun.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_close = "<button class='NAV' onclick=self.close(); title='Click to Close window.'><img src='/images/close.png' /></button>";
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_portal_only)) = YES /*and %superq(_result) = PACKAGE_TO_ARCHIVE*/ %then %do ;
%stpbegin ;
ods text = "^{style [fontsize=14pt]&c_stp_name.}" ;
ods text = "^{style [fontsize=14pt]Can only be viewed on the ERS Portal.}" ;
%end ;
%else %do ;
%if %upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) ne HTML and
%upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) > %str() %then %let mcv_dest = &_odsdest. ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = EXCEL %then %do ;
ODS _all_ close;
data _null_;
rc = appsrv_header('Content-type', 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
rc = appsrv_header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename="Class.xlsx"');
* Create the file in a temporary location;
filename temp temp;
ods Excel file=temp style=HTMLBlue;
proc print data=sashelp.class; run; quit;
ods Excel close;
* Copy the file to _WEBOUT;
data _null_;
infile temp recfm=f lrecl=1;
file _webout recfm=n;
put _infile_;
%end ;
%else %let _odsdest = &mcv_dest. ;;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PANEL %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.htmlpanel ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = TABLE %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.tableeditor ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = SPECIAL %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.special ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) =HTML OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=PANEL OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=TABLE OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=SPECIAL %then %do ;
%include "/apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/tableeditor.tpl";
/* ods tagsets.tableeditor file=_webout style= &mcv_tag_options.;*/
%let _odsoptions = file=_webout (title='ERS') style= &mcv_style. &mcv_tag_options. ;
%end ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PDF %then %do ;
%let _odsoptions = notoc &mcv_ods_options. ;
data _null_ ;
rc = stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',"attachment; filename=&mcv_stp_name..pdf") ;
run ;
%macro mac_buttons_ods(
mcv_style = ERS, /* Select the SAS style you want to use. default = ers */
mcv_tag_options = ,
mcv_excel_options = %str(options(sheet_label="ERS" sheet_interval="none" frozen_headers="yes" embedded_titles="yes")),
mcv_ods_options = %str(),
mcv_title = ERS, /* Enter the text you want to see in the title area of the browser window.*/
mcv_portal_only = no,
mcv_mode = PROD, /* PROD: mprint mlogic symbolgen will be turned off otherwise they will be turned on. */
mcv_param =,/*all the parameters to pass in url*/
) ;
%global mcv_stp_name
_odsdest _odsoptions _odsstyle _odsstylesheet _program _url mcv_filename
mcv_back mcv_forward mcv_pdf mcv_excel mcv_word mcv_print mcv_rerun mcv_close
%local mcv_style
mcv_mode ;
*ProcessBody ;
options minoperator ;
%* Only use this macro if running as a stored process ;
%if %superq(_program) = %then %return ;;
libname ersstyle '/apps/usr/ERS/styles' access=readonly ;
ods path ersstyle.templat(read) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read) ;
ods escapechar = '^' ;
%let _odsstyle = &mcv_style. ;
%let mcv_sasweb = https://&_srvname.:&_srvport./ ;
data _null_ ;
call symputx('mcv_stp_name',scanq("&_program.",countc("&_program.","/"),'/')) ;
run ;
%let mcv_back = "<button class='NAV' onclick=history.go(-1)%str(;) title='Go Back 1 Page'><img src='/images/left.png' /></button>" ;
%let mcv_forward ="<button class='NAV' onclick=history.go(+1)%str(;) title='Go Forward 1 Page'><img src='/images/right.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_pdf = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=PDF' title='Click to Download to PDF.' ><img src='/images/pd
f.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_excel = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=EXCEL' title='Click to Download to Excel.'><img src='/images
/excel_small.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_word = "<button class='NAV' onclick=location.href='do?_program=%sysfunc(urlencode(&_program.))&mcv_param.%str(&)_odsdest=RTF' title='Click to Download to Word'><img src='/images/wor
d.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_print = "<button class='NAV' onclick=window.print(); title='Click to Print report.'><img src='/images/print.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_rerun = "<button class='NAV' onclick=window.location.reload(); title='Click to Re-Run report.'> <img src='/images/rerun.png' /></button>";
%let mcv_close = "<button class='NAV' onclick=self.close(); title='Click to Close window.'><img src='/images/close.png' /></button>";
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_portal_only)) = YES /*and %superq(_result) = PACKAGE_TO_ARCHIVE*/ %then %do ;
%stpbegin ;
ods text = "^{style [fontsize=14pt]&c_stp_name.}" ;
ods text = "^{style [fontsize=14pt]Can only be viewed on the ERS Portal.}" ;
%end ;
%else %do ;
%if %upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) ne HTML and
%upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) > %str() %then %let mcv_dest = &_odsdest. ;;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = EXCEL %then %do ;
ODS _all_ close;
data _null_;
rc = appsrv_header('Content-type', 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
rc = appsrv_header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename="Class.xlsx"');
* Create the file in a temporary location;
filename temp temp;
ods Excel file=temp style=HTMLBlue;
proc print data=sashelp.class; run; quit;
ods Excel close;
* Copy the file to _WEBOUT;
data _null_;
infile temp recfm=f lrecl=1;
file _webout recfm=n;
put _infile_;
%end ;
%else %let _odsdest = &mcv_dest. ;;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PANEL %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.htmlpanel ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = TABLE %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.tableeditor ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = SPECIAL %then %let _odsdest = tagsets.special ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) =HTML OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=PANEL OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=TABLE OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=SPECIAL %then %do ;
%include "/apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/tableeditor.tpl";
/* ods tagsets.tableeditor file=_webout style= &mcv_tag_options.;*/
%let _odsoptions = file=_webout (title='ERS') style= &mcv_style. &mcv_tag_options. ;
%end ;
%if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PDF %then %do ;
%let _odsoptions = notoc &mcv_ods_options. ;
data _null_ ;
rc = stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',"attachment; filename=&mcv_stp_name..pdf") ;
run ;
/* %if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = EXCEL %then %do ;
%let _odsoptions = file=_webout ;
data _null_;
rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename=try3.xlsx');
proc print data=sashelp.cars;
%end ;
*/ %if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = RTF %then %do ;
data _null_ ;
rc = stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',"attachment; filename=&mcv_stp_name..doc") ;
run ;
%end ;
/* %if %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) ne EXCEL %then %stpbegin ;;*/
%end ;
%if %upcase(&mcv_mode) ne PROD %then options mlogic mprint symbolgen ;
%else options nomlogic nomprint nosymbolgen ;;
%mend mac_buttons_ods;
You posted this to the Web Report Studio community but it is not entirely clear if you are actually running this stored process in Web Report Studio. If you are, then I would suggest, instead, running the stored process in the SAS Stored Process Web Application. Web Report Studio can render stored processes only if they conform to a specific set of rules as described here:
Four tips to remember when you contact SAS Technical Support
Tricks for SAS Visual Analytics Report Builders
SAS Visual Analytics Learning Center
Web Report Studio does not support the code you are using to create the Excel file. You will need to use the SAS Stored Process Web Application.
Four tips to remember when you contact SAS Technical Support
Tricks for SAS Visual Analytics Report Builders
SAS Visual Analytics Learning Center
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