Error Stored Process Error This request completed with errors. SAS Log 1 The SAS System 09:56 Wednesday, September 19, 2018 NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M3) Licensed to XEROX/TX OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, Site 70093777. NOTE: This session is executing on the AIX 7.1 (AIX 64) platform. NOTE: Updated analytical products: SAS/STAT 14.1 SAS/ETS 14.1 SAS/OR 14.1 SAS/QC 14.1 NOTE: Additional host information: IBM AIX AIX 64 1 7 00CB0E274C00 You are running SAS 9. Some SAS 8 files will be automatically converted by the V9 engine; others are incompatible. Please see PROC MIGRATE will preserve current SAS file attributes and is recommended for converting all your SAS libraries from any SAS 8 release to SAS 9. For details and examples, please see This message is contained in the SAS news file, and is presented upon initialization. Edit the file "news" in the "misc/base" directory to display site-specific news and information in the program log. The command line option "-nonews" will prevent this display. NOTE: SAS Initialization used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds NOTE: The autoexec file, /apps/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/SASApp/StoredProcessServer/, was executed at server initialization. >>> SAS Macro Variables: ARMLOG=StoredProcessServer/PerfLogs/arm_sassrv_19SEP18x09x49x11_12583096.log MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 MCP_EMP_ID_COUNT=1 SERVERCLASS=StoredProcessServer SYSDBMSG= SYSDBRC=0 _APSLIST=MCP_EMP_ID,MCP_EMP_ID_count,_srvname,_rmthost,_htcook,_srvport,_username,_reqmeth,_htua,_odsdest,_grafloc,_version,_url,_rmtaddr,_reqencoding,_userlocale,_program,_result,_metaperson,_m etauser,_metafolder,_client,_SECUREUSERNAME _CLIENT=StoredProcessService 9.4; JVM 1.7.0; AIX (ppc64) 7.1 _GRAFLOC=/sasweb/graph _HTCOOK=b719e9987744c7108aa016de2b91a8ff_Cluster=72D35DD5373708066A09119663619193.b719e9987744c7108aa016de2b91a8ff_SASServer1_1 _HTUA=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko _METAFOLDER=/ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/ _METAPERSON=pd6 _METAUSER=pd6 _ODSDEST=EXCEL _PROGRAM=/ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report _REPLAY="&_URL?_sessionid=3E45998E-BC1C-11E8-B15C-AA08897E6603&_program=replay&_entry=&_TMPCAT.." _REQENCODING=UTF-8 _REQMETH=GET _RESULT=STREAM _RMTADDR= _RMTHOST= _SECUREUSERNAME=pd6 _SRVPORT=7980 _TMPCAT=APSWORK.TCAT000E _URL=/SASStoredProcess/do _USERLOCALE=en_US _USERNAME=pd6 _VERSION=Version 9.4 (Build 506) NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file SASEnvironment/SASMacro/ is file /apps/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASMacro/ 3 +/***************************************************/ The SAS System 4 +/* Copyright (c) 2014 SAS Institute Inc. */ 5 +/* SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC, USA */ 6 +/* All Rights Reserved */ 7 +/***************************************************/ 8 + 9 +%macro apm_request_init; 10 + 11 +/* 12 + * Define the execution of the ARM to specific userid versus "sas server" userid. 13 + */ 14 + 15 +%global _armexec; 16 + 17 +%let _armexec=1; 18 + 19 +%let clientname = %scan(%sysfunc(getoption(METAUSER)),1,'@'); 20 + 21 +%if "&serverClass"="StoredProcessServer" %then %do; 22 + %let txtvalue=STOREDPROCESS; 23 + %let pgmvalue=&_program.; 24 + %end; 25 +%else %do; 26 + %let txtvalue=PLWK_SESSION; 27 + %let pgmvalue=PooledWorkspaceServer; 28 + %end; 29 + 30 +%ARMINIT(appname="&pgmvalue.",appuser="&clientname.",maconly=yes); 31 + 32 +%ARMSTRT(getid=yes,maconly=yes,txnname="&txtvalue."); 33 + 34 +%mend; 35 + 36 +%apm_request_init; NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending. NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file /apps/usr/datamart/ is file /apps/usr/datamart/ 38 +* Begin EG generated code (do not edit this line); 39 +* 40 +* Stored process registered by The SAS System 41 +* Enterprise Guide Stored Process Manager V7.1 42 +* 43 +* ==================================================================== 44 +* Stored process name: Registered Employer Detail Report 45 +* ==================================================================== 46 +* 47 +* Stored process prompt dictionary: 48 +* ____________________________________ 49 +* MCP_EMP_ID 50 +* Type: Text 51 +* Label: MCP_EMP_ID 52 +* Attr: Visible 53 +* ____________________________________ 54 +*; 55 + 56 + 57 +*ProcessBody; 58 + 59 +%global MCP_EMP_ID; 60 + 61 +%STPBEGIN; 61 nogtitle nogfootnote body=_WEBOUT path=APSWORK.TCAT000E (url="/SASStoredProcess/do?_sessionid=3E45998E-BC1C-11E8-B15C-AA08897E6603&_program=replay&_entry=APSWORK.TCAT000E.") CHARSET=' ____ _______ 22 22 202 76 61 ! ' ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ;, ANCHOR, AUTHOR, BOX_SIZING, CATEGORY, CLOSE, COMMENTS, CSSSTYLE, DOM, DPI, FILE, GFOOTNOTE, GTITLE, IMAGE_DPI, KEYWORDS, NOGFOOTNOTE, NOGTITLE, OPTIONS, SASDATE, STATUS, STYLE, TEXT, TITLE, WORK. ERROR 202-322: The option or parameter is not recognized and will be ignored. ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored. 62 + 63 +* End EG generated code (do not edit this line); 64 + 65 + 66 +/********************************************************************************* The SAS System 67 +Program : Iam_registered_employer_detail_report 68 +Version : 2.0 69 +Type : Stored Process 70 +Owner : z6spb 71 +Location : /T2ERS/Common Objects/Stored Processes/ 72 +Description : The Registered Employer Summary Report generates the Total number of Active Registered Employers and Users who have access to T2. 73 +Dependencies : none 74 +"Input :dw_lib.DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP,work.SDS_promptdata,work.SDS_promptdata1,work.SDS_promptdata2" 75 +"Output :work.SDS_detailtable" 76 +"Includes :none" 77 +"Formats :none" 78 +"Macro Calls :MAC_filterdata" 79 +SP Calls : n/a 80 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 + Program History 82 + User ID / Name Date Description 83 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 + z6kla 04/14/2017 Initial Release. 85 + z6asg 07/26/2017 Modification as per naming convection 86 +*********************************************************************************/ 87 +/* Global Macro Variables Declaration */ 88 + 89 +%global MCP_EMP_ID MCV_FILE _ODSDEST; /*Value from prompt for EMPLOYER_ID column*/ 90 + %LET MCV_FILE=%str(&)MCP_EMP_ID=%TRIM(&MCP_EMP_ID); 91 + 92 + 93 +/* List of Macro Definitions */ 94 + 95 + 96 +%macro MAC_filterdata; 97 +options orientation=landscape 98 + nonumber topmargin=.5in bottommargin=.5in 99 + leftmargin=.5in rightmargin=.5in nonumber pdfpageview=fitwidth; 100 +options mlogic mprint symbolgen; 101 + 102 +%mac_buttons_ods(mcv_dest =, mcv_tag_options = ,mcv_excel_options =%str(options(sheet_label = "ERS" sheet_interval = "proc" frozen_headers = "yes" embedded_titles = "yes")), 103 + mcv_title = ERS, mcv_portal_only= no, mcv_mode = PROD, mcv_param = &MCV_FILE.) ; 104 + The SAS System 105 + 106 +data work.SDS_promptdata1; 107 +set dw_lib.DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP; 108 +USER_CREATED_DATE1= PUT(USER_CREATED_DATE, mmddyy10.); 109 +USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE1= PUT(USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE, mmddyy10.); 110 +where EMPLOYER_ID IN ( 111 + %if &MCP_EMP_ID_COUNT = 1 %then 112 + &MCP_EMP_ID; 113 + %else %do i=1 %to &MCP_EMP_ID_COUNT; 114 + &&MCP_EMP_ID&i 115 + %end;); 116 +run; 117 + 118 +%mac_footer_sp(mcv_table_name=DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP ,mcv_title=Employer Detail, mcv_detail=N); 119 + 120 + 121 +%mac_zero_obs(mcv_detail=Y, mcv_ds=WORK.SDS_promptdata1); 122 +proc sql noprint; 123 + select count(1) into :mcv_numobs from WORK.SDS_promptdata1; 124 +quit; 125 +/* %IF &mcv_numobs. > 0 %then*/ 126 +/* %DO;*/ 127 + 128 +options missing= " "; 129 + 130 +proc report data=work.SDS_promptdata1 nowd spanrows center style=seaside missing 131 + style(report)=[rules=groups] split='#'; 132 + 133 + 134 + column OBS EMPLOYER_NAME EMPLOYER_ID FEIN ('Employer User' USERS SECURITY_CONTACT USER_ACCOUNT_STATUS USER_CREATED_DATE1 USER_CREATED_BY USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE1 USER_LAST_UPDATED_BY); 135 + Define obs / Computed ' ' ; 136 + Define EMPLOYER_NAME / Display 'Employer Name' GROUP; 137 + Define EMPLOYER_ID / Display 'Employer ID' GROUP ; 138 + Define FEIN / group 'FEIN'; 139 + Define USERS / Display 'User' ; 140 + 141 + Define SECURITY_CONTACT / Display 'Security#contact(Y/N)' ; 142 + Define USER_ACCOUNT_STATUS / Display 'Account#Status' ; The SAS System 143 + Define USER_CREATED_DATE1 / Display 'Created Date' ; 144 + Define USER_CREATED_BY / Display 'Created By' ; 145 + Define USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE1 / Display 'Last Updated#Date' ; 146 + Define USER_LAST_UPDATED_BY /Display 'Last Updated By' ; 147 + 148 +compute obs; 149 + dsobs + 1; 150 + obs = dsobs; 151 +endcompute; 152 + 153 +run; 154 + 155 +/*%END;*/ 156 +/*proc print;run;*/ 157 +ods _all_ close; 158 + 159 +%mend; 160 + 161 +%MAC_filterdata; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): ; MLOGIC(MAC_FILTERDATA): Beginning compilation of MAC_BUTTONS_ODS using the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ MLOGIC(MAC_FILTERDATA): Ending compilation of MAC_BUTTONS_ODS. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_FILE resolves to &MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_DEST has value MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_TAG_OPTIONS has value MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_EXCEL_OPTIONS has value options(sheet_label  "ERS" sheet_interval  "proc" frozen_headers  "yes" embedded_titles  "yes") MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_TITLE has value ERS MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_PORTAL_ONLY has value no MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_MODE has value PROD MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_PARAM has value &MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_STYLE has value ERS MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Parameter MCV_ODS_OPTIONS has value  MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %GLOBAL MCV_STP_NAME MCV_ERS_URL MCV_SASWEB _ODSDEST _ODSOPTIONS _ODSSTYLE _ODSSTYLESHEET _PROGRAM _URL MCV_FILENAME MCV_BACK MCV_FORWARD MCV_PDF MCV_EXCEL MCV_WORD MCV_PRINT MCV_RERUN MCV_CLOSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LOCAL MCV_STYLE MCV_DEST MCV_TAG_OPTIONS MCV_EXCEL_OPTIONS MCV_TITLE MCV_ODS_OPTIONS MCV_PORTAL_ONLY The SAS System MCV_MODE MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): *ProcessBody ; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): options minoperator ; MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %superq(_program) = is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): libname ersstyle '/apps/usr/ERS/styles' access=readonly ; NOTE: Libref ERSSTYLE was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: V9 Physical Name: /apps/usr/ERS/styles MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ods path ersstyle.templat(read) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read) ; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ods escapechar = '^' ; MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is _ODSSTYLE) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_STYLE resolves to ERS MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_SASWEB) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _SRVNAME resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _SRVPORT resolves to 7980 MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): data _null_ ; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _PROGRAM resolves to /ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _PROGRAM resolves to /ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): call symputx('mcv_stp_name',scanq("/ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report",countc("/ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report","/"),'/')) ; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): run ; NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This might cause NOTE: No observations in data set. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Beginning compilation of MAC_ASSIGN_LIB using the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/auditing/ MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): Ending compilation of MAC_ASSIGN_LIB. MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/auditing/ MPRINT(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): LIBNAME dw_lib DB2 CONNECTION=GLOBAL Datasrc=CT2DW03D SCHEMA=ZT2CSE_DW AUTHDOMAIN="DB2Auth" ; NOTE: Libref DW_LIB was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: DB2 Physical Name: CT2DW03D MPRINT(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): LIBNAME DILlib DB2 CONNECTION=GLOBAL Datasrc=CT2DW03D SCHEMA=ZT2CSE_DIL AUTHDOMAIN="DB2Auth" ; NOTE: Libref DILLIB was successfully assigned as follows: The SAS System Engine: DB2 Physical Name: CT2DW03D MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ; MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_BACK) MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_FORWARD) MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_PDF) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _PROGRAM resolves to /ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_PARAM resolves to &MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_EXCEL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _PROGRAM resolves to /ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_PARAM resolves to &MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_WORD) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _PROGRAM resolves to /ERS/IAM/Detail/Data/Registered Employer Detail Report SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_PARAM resolves to &MCP_EMP_ID=3000069 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_PRINT) MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_RERUN) MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_CLOSE) MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_portal_only)) = YES is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) ne HTML and %upcase(%superq(_odsdest)) >  is TRUE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %LET (variable name is MCV_DEST) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ; MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = EXCEL is TRUE MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ODS _all_ close; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): data _null_; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): rc = appsrv_header('Content-type', 'application/'); MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): rc = appsrv_header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename="Class.xlsx"'); MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): run; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): * Create the file in a temporary location; The SAS System MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): filename temp temp; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ods Excel file=temp style=HTMLBlue; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): proc print data=sashelp.class; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): run; NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): quit; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ods Excel close; NOTE: Writing EXCEL file: /apps/usr_work/SAS_work0DCC00C000B8_OAGCS4SV-DAX07/#LN00463 MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): * Copy the file to _WEBOUT; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): data _null_; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): infile temp recfm=f lrecl=1; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): file _webout recfm=n; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): input; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): put _infile_; MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): run; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): ; MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PANEL is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = TABLE is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = SPECIAL is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) =HTML OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=PANEL OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=TABLE OR %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest))=SPECIAL is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = PDF is FALSE MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(%superq(mcv_dest)) = RTF is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_MODE resolves to PROD MLOGIC(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): %IF condition %upcase(&mcv_mode) ne PROD is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_BUTTONS_ODS): options nomlogic nomprint nosymbolgen NOTE: The data set WORK.SDS_PROMPTDATA1 has 0 observations and 23 variables. The SAS System NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): mlogic; MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): Beginning compilation of MAC_FETCHASOFDATE using the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): Ending compilation of MAC_FETCHASOFDATE. MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_TABLE_NAME resolves to DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Parameter TABNAME has value DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Parameter INFOMAPNM has value MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/auditing/ MPRINT(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): LIBNAME dw_lib DB2 CONNECTION=GLOBAL Datasrc=CT2DW03D SCHEMA=ZT2CSE_DW AUTHDOMAIN="DB2Auth" ; NOTE: Libref DW_LIB was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: DB2 Physical Name: CT2DW03D MPRINT(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): LIBNAME DILlib DB2 CONNECTION=GLOBAL Datasrc=CT2DW03D SCHEMA=ZT2CSE_DIL AUTHDOMAIN="DB2Auth" ; NOTE: Libref DILLIB was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: DB2 Physical Name: CT2DW03D MLOGIC(MAC_ASSIGN_LIB): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): ; MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %LET (variable name is MCV_TABLENAME) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TABNAME resolves to DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %LET (variable name is MCV_INFOMAPNAME) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable INFOMAPNM resolves to MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): proc sql NOPRINT ; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_TABLENAME resolves to DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): select DISTINCT(AS_OF_DATE) format=mmddyy10. into :MCV_AS_OF_DATE from dw_lib.DEPENDENCY_DTL_STATUS WHERE upcase(dm_table)=upcase("DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP") and DM_LOAD_FLAG=1; NOTE: No rows were selected. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_TABLENAME resolves to DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): select DISTINCT(IMAP_PATH) into :MCV_PATH from dw_lib.DEPENDENCY_DTL_STATUS WHERE upcase(dm_table)=upcase("DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP"); NOTE: No rows were selected. MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): quit; The SAS System NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %LET (variable name is MCV_PATH) MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Beginning compilation of CMPRES using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Ending compilation of CMPRES. MLOGIC(CMPRES): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(CMPRES): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_PATH resolves to MLOGIC(CMPRES): Parameter TEXT has value MLOGIC(CMPRES): %LOCAL I MLOGIC(CMPRES): %LET (variable name is I) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(CMPRES): %DO %WHILE(&i ne 0) loop beginning; condition is FALSE. Loop will not be executed. MLOGIC(CMPRES): Beginning compilation of LEFT using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(CMPRES): Ending compilation of LEFT. MLOGIC(LEFT): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(LEFT): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(QTRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QTRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to MLOGIC(QTRIM): Parameter VALUE has value MLOGIC(QTRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to MLOGIC(QTRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 0; stop value is 1; by value is -1. Loop will not be executed. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is FALSE MLOGIC(QTRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(LEFT): Parameter TEXT has value MLOGIC(LEFT): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to MLOGIC(LEFT): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 is TRUE MLOGIC(LEFT): %LET (variable name is TEXT) MLOGIC(LEFT): %LET (variable name is I) MLOGIC(VERIFY): Beginning execution. The SAS System MLOGIC(VERIFY): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TEXT has value   MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TARGET has value   MLOGIC(VERIFY): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 OR %length(&target)=0 is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 1; by value is 1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition NOT %index(&target,%qsubstr(&text,&i,1)) is FALSE MLOGIC(VERIFY): %DO loop index variable I is now 2; loop will not iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 2 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition &i>%length(&text) is TRUE MLOGIC(VERIFY): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(LEFT): %IF condition &i is FALSE MLOGIC(LEFT): Ending execution. MLOGIC(CMPRES): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_INFOMAPNAME resolves to MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %IF condition %LENGTH(&MCV_infomapname.) > 2 is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): proc sql noprint; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_TABLENAME resolves to DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): select UPCASE(parm1) into :mcv_dummy from dw_lib.config_table where upcase(target_table_name)=("DM_IAM_REG_EMP_USER_REP"); NOTE: No rows were selected. MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %LET (variable name is MCV_DUMMY_TRIM) MLOGIC(TRIM): Beginning execution. The SAS System MLOGIC(TRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_DUMMY resolves to MLOGIC(TRIM): Parameter VALUE has value MLOGIC(TRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to MLOGIC(TRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 0; stop value is 1; by value is -1. Loop will not be executed. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is FALSE MLOGIC(TRIM): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_DUMMY_TRIM resolves to MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): %IF condition "&mcv_dummy_trim." = "DUMMY RECORDS" is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MLOGIC(MAC_FETCHASOFDATE): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): ; MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): %GLOBAL MCV_FOOTER MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): data _null_; MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): length PersonURI name $256; MLOGIC(MAC_VALUES1): Beginning execution. WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference USER not resolved. MLOGIC(MAC_VALUES1): %IF condition %superq(user) =  is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _METAPERSON resolves to pd6 MPRINT(MAC_VALUES1): nobj = metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Person?@Name='pd6'",1,PersonURI); MLOGIC(MAC_VALUES1): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): rc = metadata_getattr(PersonURI,"DisplayName",name); MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): ; MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): call symputx('MCV_footer',"Generated by " !! trim(name) !! MLOGIC(TRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(TRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _METAPERSON resolves to pd6 MLOGIC(TRIM): Parameter VALUE has value pd6 MLOGIC(TRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to pd6 MLOGIC(TRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 3; stop value is 1; by value is -1. The SAS System SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to pd6 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 3 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(TRIM): %GOTO TRIMMED (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 3 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to pd6 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 3 MLOGIC(TRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(TRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(TRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(TRIM): Parameter VALUE has value 09192018 MLOGIC(TRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 09/19/2018 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(TRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 10; stop value is 1; by value is -1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 09/19/2018 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(TRIM): %GOTO TRIMMED (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 09/19/2018 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 MLOGIC(TRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(TRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(TRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(TRIM): Parameter VALUE has value 9:56:53 AM MLOGIC(TRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 9:56:53 AM MLOGIC(TRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 10; stop value is 1; by value is -1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 9:56:53 AM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(TRIM): %GOTO TRIMMED (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 The SAS System MLOGIC(TRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 9:56:53 AM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 10 MLOGIC(TRIM): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): " pd6 on 09/19/2018 at 9:56:53 AM"); MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): run; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_AS_OF_DATE resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_TITLE resolves to Employer Detail SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): %IF condition &_odsdest EQ HTML or &_odsdest =  or &_odsdest =tagsets.tableeditor is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): title1 justify=left "Data as of " justify=center "Employer Detail" ; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_FOOTER resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ODSDEST resolves to EXCEL MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): %IF condition &_odsdest =PDF or &_odsdest=RTF is FALSE MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): footnote j=center "^S={just=C}" ; MPRINT(MAC_FOOTER_SP): ; MLOGIC(MAC_FOOTER_SP): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): ; MLOGIC(MAC_FILTERDATA): Beginning compilation of MAC_ZERO_OBS using the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ MLOGIC(MAC_FILTERDATA): Ending compilation of MAC_ZERO_OBS. MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/usr/ERS/MacroLibrary/ MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): Parameter MCV_DETAIL has value Y MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): Parameter MCV_DS has value WORK.SDS_promptdata1 MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): %GLOBAL MCV_NUMOBS MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): ods escapechar="^"; MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): proc sql noprint; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_DS resolves to WORK.SDS_promptdata1 MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): select count(*) as count into : mcv_numobs from WORK.SDS_promptdata1; The SAS System MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_NUMOBS resolves to 0 MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): %IF condition &mcv_numobs=0 is TRUE MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): DATA Work.SDS_nodata; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MCV_DETAIL resolves to Y MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): %IF condition %QUOTE(&mcv_detail.)=Y is TRUE MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): DSV_msg = "No records found"; MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): RUN; NOTE: The data set WORK.SDS_NODATA has 0 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): PROC REPORT DATA = Work.SDS_nodata NOWD NOHEADER STYLE(COLUMN) = {PROTECTSPECIALCHARS = OFF}; MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): COLUMN DSV_msg; MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): DEFINE DSV_msg / STYLE(COLUMN) = {FONT_WEIGHT=BOLD JUST=CENTER}; MPRINT(MAC_ZERO_OBS): RUN; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE REPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MLOGIC(MAC_ZERO_OBS): Ending execution. MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): proc sql noprint; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): select count(1) into :mcv_numobs from WORK.SDS_promptdata1; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): quit; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds The SAS System cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): options missing= " "; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): proc report data=work.SDS_promptdata1 nowd spanrows center style=seaside missing style(report)=[rules=groups] split='#'; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): column OBS EMPLOYER_NAME EMPLOYER_ID FEIN ('Employer User' USERS SECURITY_CONTACT USER_ACCOUNT_STATUS USER_CREATED_DATE1 USER_CREATED_BY USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE1 USER_LAST_UPDATED_BY); MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define obs / Computed ' ' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define EMPLOYER_NAME / Display 'Employer Name' GROUP; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define EMPLOYER_ID / Display 'Employer ID' GROUP ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define FEIN / group 'FEIN'; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USERS / Display 'User' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define SECURITY_CONTACT / Display 'Security#contact(Y/N)' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USER_ACCOUNT_STATUS / Display 'Account#Status' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USER_CREATED_DATE1 / Display 'Created Date' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USER_CREATED_BY / Display 'Created By' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USER_LAST_UPDATED_DATE1 / Display 'Last Updated#Date' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): Define USER_LAST_UPDATED_BY /Display 'Last Updated By' ; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): compute obs; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): dsobs +1; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): obs = dsobs; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): endcompute; MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): run; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE REPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(MAC_FILTERDATA): ods _all_ close; MLOGIC(MAC_FILTERDATA): Ending execution. 162 + 163 +* Begin EG generated code (do not edit this line); 164 +;*';*";*/;quit; 165 +%STPEND; MLOGIC: Beginning compilation of STPEND using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC: Ending compilation of STPEND. MLOGIC(STPEND): Beginning execution. The SAS System MLOGIC(STPEND): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(STPEND): Parameter SHOWVER has value N MLOGIC(STPEND): Parameter MIMEMAP has value MLOGIC(STPEND): Parameter DEBUG has value MLOGIC(STPEND): %GLOBAL _RESULT _STPERROR _STPERRMSG _STPWORK MLOGIC(STPEND): %LOCAL _GENERATED_NAME_FLAG _PARENT_FOLDER_FLAG DEBUG I QRESULT MIMEMAP MIMEMAP1 NOTES SHOWVER MLOGIC(STPEND): %LET (variable name is NOTES) MPRINT(STPEND): options nonotes; MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _STPERROR resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Parameter TEXT has value 0 MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LOCAL I MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LET (variable name is I) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %DO %WHILE(&i^=0) loop beginning; condition is FALSE. Loop will not be executed. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(QTRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QTRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QTRIM): Parameter VALUE has value 0 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 1; by value is -1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(QTRIM): %GOTO trimmed (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QTRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Parameter TEXT has value 0 MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 The SAS System SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 is FALSE MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LET (variable name is I) MLOGIC(VERIFY): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(VERIFY): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TEXT has value 0 MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TARGET has value   MLOGIC(VERIFY): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 OR %length(&target)=0 is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 1; by value is 1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition NOT %index(&target,%qsubstr(&text,&i,1)) is TRUE MLOGIC(VERIFY): %GOTO verfnd (label resolves to VERFND). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition &i>%length(&text) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition &i is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QLEFT): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Ending execution. The SAS System MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%qcmpres(&_STPERROR) eq ) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _STPERROR resolves to 0 MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%eval(&_STPERROR) ne 0) is FALSE MPRINT(STPEND): ods _ALL_ close; MLOGIC(STPEND): %LET (variable name is QRESULT) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _RESULT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable QRESULT resolves to STREAM MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%length(&QRESULT) lt 7) is TRUE MLOGIC(STPEND): %LET (variable name is QRESULT) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable QRESULT resolves to STREAM MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable QRESULT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Parameter TEXT has value STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LOCAL I MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LET (variable name is I) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %DO %WHILE(&i^=0) loop beginning; condition is FALSE. Loop will not be executed. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(QTRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QTRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(QTRIM): Parameter VALUE has value STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(QTRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(QTRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 13; stop value is 1; by value is -1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 13 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(QTRIM): %GOTO trimmed (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 13 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 13 MLOGIC(QTRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Parameter TEXT has value STREAMzzzzzzz The SAS System MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 is FALSE MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LET (variable name is I) MLOGIC(VERIFY): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(VERIFY): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TEXT has value STREAMzzzzzzz MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TARGET has value   MLOGIC(VERIFY): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 OR %length(&target)=0 is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 13; by value is 1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition NOT %index(&target,%qsubstr(&text,&i,1)) is TRUE MLOGIC(VERIFY): %GOTO verfnd (label resolves to VERFND). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition &i>%length(&text) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition &i is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAMzzzzzzz SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 The SAS System MLOGIC(QLEFT): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Ending execution. MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%qupcase(%qsubstr(%qcmpres(&QRESULT),1,7)) eq PACKAGE) is FALSE MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _RESULT resolves to STREAM MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Parameter TEXT has value STREAM MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LOCAL I MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %LET (variable name is I) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 0 MLOGIC(QCMPRES): %DO %WHILE(&i^=0) loop beginning; condition is FALSE. Loop will not be executed. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(QTRIM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(QTRIM): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM MLOGIC(QTRIM): Parameter VALUE has value STREAM MLOGIC(QTRIM): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAM MLOGIC(QTRIM): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 6; stop value is 1; by value is -1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 6 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition %qsubstr(&value,&i,1) ne   is TRUE MLOGIC(QTRIM): %GOTO trimmed (label resolves to TRIMMED). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 6 MLOGIC(QTRIM): %IF condition &i>0 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable VALUE resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 6 MLOGIC(QTRIM): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QLEFT): Parameter TEXT has value STREAM MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 is FALSE MLOGIC(QLEFT): %LET (variable name is I) MLOGIC(VERIFY): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(VERIFY): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ The SAS System SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TEXT has value STREAM MLOGIC(VERIFY): Parameter TARGET has value   MLOGIC(VERIFY): %LOCAL I SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition %length(&text)=0 OR %length(&target)=0 is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %DO loop beginning; index variable I; start value is 1; stop value is 6; by value is 1. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TARGET resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition NOT %index(&target,%qsubstr(&text,&i,1)) is TRUE MLOGIC(VERIFY): %GOTO verfnd (label resolves to VERFND). SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(VERIFY): %IF condition &i>%length(&text) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(VERIFY): Ending execution. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QLEFT): %IF condition &i is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable TEXT resolves to STREAM SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable I resolves to 1 MLOGIC(QLEFT): Ending execution. MLOGIC(QCMPRES): Ending execution. MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%qupcase(%qcmpres(&_RESULT)) eq REPORT_REPOSITORY) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHOWVER resolves to N SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHOWVER resolves to N MLOGIC(STPEND): %IF condition (%bquote(%upcase(&SHOWVER)) eq Y) or (%bquote(%upcase(&SHOWVER)) eq YES) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NOTES resolves to NOTES The SAS System MPRINT(STPEND): options NOTES; MLOGIC(STPEND): Ending execution. 166 + 167 +* End EG generated code (do not edit this line); 168 + NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending. NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file SASEnvironment/SASMacro/ is file /apps/sas/sasconfig/Lev1/SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASMacro/ 170 +/***************************************************/ 171 +/* Copyright (c) 2014 SAS Institute Inc. */ 172 +/* SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC, USA */ 173 +/* All Rights Reserved */ 174 +/***************************************************/ 175 + 176 +%macro apm_request_term(); 177 + 178 +/* 179 + * End the ARM execution for userid. 180 + */ 181 + 182 + 183 +%ARMSTOP(maconly=yes); 184 +%ARMEND(maconly=yes); 185 + 186 + 187 +%mend; 188 + 189 +%apm_request_term; MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Beginning compilation of ARMSTOP using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Ending compilation of ARMSTOP. MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter MACONLY has value yes MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter SCL has value NO MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter STATUS has value 0 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter SHANDLE has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter LEVEL has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter SHDLVAR has value The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL1 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL2 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL3 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL4 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL5 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL6 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Parameter METRVAL7 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMAPID MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMTXID MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMSHDL MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMRC MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMGLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMTLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMEXEC MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMSCL MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GLOBAL _ARMACRO MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL1 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL2 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL3 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL4 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL5 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL6 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMVL7 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _MAXPARM) MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMSTAT MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMSH MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMSCLP MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMMLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMSVAR MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMSVAT MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMMACO MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMPARM MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LOCAL _ARMI MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMSTAT) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable STATUS resolves to 0 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMSH) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHANDLE resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMSCLP) The SAS System SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SCL resolves to NO MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMMLVL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMSVAR) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHDLVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMPARM) MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARM1ST) MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMALL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARM1ST resolves to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_ MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %LET (variable name is _ARMMACO) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MACONLY resolves to yes SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMACO resolves to YES SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %IF condition &_armmaco eq is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMEXEC resolves to 1 MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %IF condition &_armexec = 1 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMACO resolves to YES SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %IF condition (&_armmaco = YES ) is TRUE MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Beginning compilation of ARMSTP2 using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Ending compilation of ARMSTP2. MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable STATUS resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHANDLE resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHDLVAR resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL1 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL2 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL3 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL4 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL5 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL6 resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL7 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter STATUS has value 0 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter SHANDLE has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter LEVEL has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter SHDLVAR has value The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL1 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL2 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL3 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL4 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL5 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL6 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Parameter METRVAL7 has value MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %GLOBAL _ARMSHDL MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %GLOBAL _ARMGLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %GLOBAL _ARMTLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMTHDL MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMSTAT MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMSH MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMMLVL MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMSVAR MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMI MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL1 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL2 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL3 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL4 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL5 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL6 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMVL7 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _MAXPARM) MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LOCAL _ARMBUFF MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMSTAT) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable STATUS resolves to 0 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMSH) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHANDLE resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMMLVL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMSVAR) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SHDLVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMTHDL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMSHDL resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMLVL resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &_armmlvl ne ) is FALSE The SAS System SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMSVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition &_armsvar ne is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMSH resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition &_armsh ne is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTHDL resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &_armthdl = ) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _MAXPARM resolves to 7 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop beginning; index variable _ARMI; start value is 1; stop value is 7; by value is 1. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 1 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL1 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 2; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 2 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL2 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 3; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 3 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL3 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 4; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 4 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL4 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 5; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 5 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL5 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 6; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 6 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL6 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 7; loop will iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMI resolves to 7 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable METRVAL7 resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &&metrVal&_armI ne ) is FALSE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %DO loop index variable _ARMI is now 8; loop will not iterate again. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMBUFF resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition (&_armbuff eq 1) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTHDL resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &_armthdl ne ) is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMPARM resolves to MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition &_armparm = is TRUE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMRC) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTHDL resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMSTAT resolves to 0 SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTHDL resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMSHDL resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %IF condition ( &_armthdl = &_armshdl ) is TRUE MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %LET (variable name is _ARMSHDL) MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): %GOTO _EXIT (label resolves to _EXIT). MPRINT(ARMSTP2): ; MPRINT(ARMSTP2): ; MLOGIC(ARMSTP2): Ending execution. MPRINT(ARMSTOP): ; MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): %GOTO _EXIT2 (label resolves to _EXIT2). MPRINT(ARMSTOP): ; MLOGIC(ARMSTOP): Ending execution. MPRINT(APM_REQUEST_TERM): ; MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Beginning compilation of ARMEND using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Ending compilation of ARMEND. MLOGIC(ARMEND): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(ARMEND): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(ARMEND): Parameter MACONLY has value yes MLOGIC(ARMEND): Parameter SCL has value NO MLOGIC(ARMEND): Parameter APPID has value MLOGIC(ARMEND): Parameter LEVEL has value MLOGIC(ARMEND): Parameter APPIDVAR has value The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMAPID MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMTXID MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMSHDL MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMRC MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMGLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMTLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMEXEC MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMSCL MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GLOBAL _ARMACRO MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMAID MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMSCLP MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMMLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMAVAR MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMAVAT MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LOCAL _ARMMACO MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMAID) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPID resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMSCLP) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SCL resolves to NO MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMMLVL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMAVAR) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPIDVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARM1ST) MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMALL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARM1ST resolves to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_ MLOGIC(ARMEND): %LET (variable name is _ARMMACO) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MACONLY resolves to yes SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMACO resolves to YES SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMEND): %IF condition &_armmaco eq is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMEXEC resolves to 1 MLOGIC(ARMEND): %IF condition &_armexec = 1 is TRUE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMACO resolves to YES SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMEND): %IF condition (&_armmaco = YES ) is TRUE MLOGIC(ARMEND): Beginning compilation of ARMEND2 using the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ MLOGIC(ARMEND): Ending compilation of ARMEND2. The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMEND2): Beginning execution. MLOGIC(ARMEND2): This macro was compiled from the autocall file /apps/sas/sashome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasautos/ SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPID resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPIDVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND2): Parameter LEVEL has value MLOGIC(ARMEND2): Parameter APPID has value MLOGIC(ARMEND2): Parameter APPIDVAR has value MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMAPID MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMTXID MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMSHDL MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMRC MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMGLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GLOBAL _ARMTLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LOCAL _ARMTPID MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LOCAL _ARMAID MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LOCAL _ARMMLVL MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LOCAL _ARMAVAR MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMAID) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPID resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMMLVL) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LEVEL resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMAVAR) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable APPIDVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMTPID) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMAPID resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMMLVL resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition ( &_armmlvl ne ) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMAVAR resolves to MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition &_armavar ne is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMAID resolves to SYMBOLGEN: Some characters in the above value which were subject to macro quoting have been unquoted for printing. MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition &_armaid ne is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTPID resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition ( &_armtpid = ) is FALSE SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTPID resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition ( &_armtpid ne ) is TRUE The SAS System MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMRC) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTPID resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMTPID resolves to 15 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable _ARMAPID resolves to 15 MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %IF condition ( &_armtpid = &_armapid ) is TRUE MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %LET (variable name is _ARMAPID) MLOGIC(ARMEND2): %GOTO _EXIT (label resolves to _EXIT). MPRINT(ARMEND2): ; MPRINT(ARMEND2): ; MLOGIC(ARMEND2): Ending execution. MPRINT(ARMEND): ; MLOGIC(ARMEND): %GOTO _EXIT2 (label resolves to _EXIT2). MPRINT(ARMEND): ; MLOGIC(ARMEND): Ending execution. MPRINT(APM_REQUEST_TERM): ; MLOGIC(APM_REQUEST_TERM): Ending execution. NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending.