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Quartz | Level 8



When publishing a decision flow in Intelligent Decisioning in Viya 4, the initial run completes successfully, however when these same flow was re-executed, it would not complete and it will just run (Please find below screenshot)

However if we put in a new name for the same flow it would complete successfully. 



Any thoughts on this behavior? Thanks in advance!






SAS Employee
Did you check "Replace item with the same name" option when publishing using old flow name? Also, find your model here /modelPublish/models and provide a response from a log endpoint.
Fluorite | Level 6

Hi @alko13 ,


Yes, checked the "Replace item with the same name" option. If we try to uncheck this. The publishing will just cause an error but the expectation is that publishing job itself will still end with an error instead of it just running forever. Here are the 3 cases we have tried so far:


  1. Publishing using an old flow name (1_0) u41146773_0-1675843031098.png
  2. Publishing using an old flow name (1_3) u41146773_1-1675843031201.png
  3. Publishing using a new flow name (1_47) u41146773_2-1675843031278.png


Quartz | Level 8

Hi @alexal 


Please find the above screenshot for the behavior. 


For this one we do not understand how to perform:  

"Also, find your model here /modelPublish/models and provide a response from a log endpoint."


Appreciate any suggestions


SAS Employee

Open that endpoint in the browser and find your model. If you cannot do that, please open a ticket with SAS Technical Support.