I'm using the SAS Viya (Pay-as-you-go) on Azure Marketplace and I just wanted to share that the instructions for Adding and Configuring Users on this page: SAS Help Center: Add and Configure Users did not work as expected for me.
Within the Create a Home Directory for Each User the first step stated to run the following cURL command:
curl -sL https://support.sas.com/kb/68/620.html | sed -n '/<code>/,/<\/code>/{ /code>/d; p }' > /tmp/create_homedir.sh
However, that did not return the required code within the shell script. It just contained the HTML of the help page.
Therefore, I changed the code to the following:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sascommunities/technical-support-code/main/fixes/create_home_directories_vk.sh > /tmp/create_homedir.sh