I am unable to load data into Lasr server via autoload facility its throwing error :
15 /* ------- No edits necessary below this line -------- */
16 filename inclib "&INCLUDELOC.";
17 %include inclib ( AutoLoadMain.sas );
3832 %AutoLoadMain;
No matching SASLibrary objects found. (RC=-4 )
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Logs does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Append does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Unload does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory validation failed.
ERROR: Ensure that connection to metadata server is configured properly
ERROR: and that the proper autoload folder structure exists.
ERROR: Errors printed on page 2.
I alredy set the value of VA.AutoLoad.Enabled extended attribute of Visual Analytics Public LASR Library is "Yes" but still its throwing the same error.
I see here 2 different topics/concerns that should be separated:
Execution permissions of schedule.sh: I am afraid that sudo won't be enough. THis is a basics on Linux, not exactly SAS related. Your user will still require the right permissions/group membership. Is your user within the sas group?
Autoload errors: they seem to occur because the user that launches/triggers the autoload is not registered in the metadata and/or cannot see certain resources. This is quite simple: if you access with the user to SMC, on the folders tab you should be able to see the relevant resources (library/server/tables) and it will require read metadata, write metadata, read, write on those relevant.
Both issues are easy to solve within 5-10 min with access to your system, but a bit hard by sharing batches of questions and pieces of information. If your problem remains for long time here, I would suggest you to get SAS Consulting services or from a partner specialized on VA administration.
I am unable to load data into Lasr server via autoload facility its throwing error :
15 /* ------- No edits necessary below this line -------- */
16 filename inclib "&INCLUDELOC.";
17 %include inclib ( AutoLoadMain.sas );
3832 %AutoLoadMain;
No matching SASLibrary objects found. (RC=-4 )
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Logs does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Append does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Unload does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory validation failed.
ERROR: Ensure that connection to metadata server is configured properly
ERROR: and that the proper autoload folder structure exists.
ERROR: Errors printed on page 2.
I alredy set the value of VA.AutoLoad.Enabled extended attribute of Visual Analytics Public LASR Library is "Yes" but still its throwing the same error.
Hello @sewa_bal_gmail_com,
there can be many reasons for those errors. Could you please give us some history and information about this autoload library?
Is it one of the default ones provided by SAS or is it a new one, a custom autoload folder? Was it working any time? When did it started to fail?
Now, also some heads up:
The autoload normally works as a 3 headed solution: your metadata library+server, your physical location and your scripts. If any of them are misaligned, you will find issues as the one above.
Some examples:
- if your scripts point to wrong metadata locations.
- If your metadata library points to wrong metadata folders or wrong physical locations.
- etc.
Do you have a SAS Administrator at your company? I would ask him for checking into this issue. Of course, we can help him/you in the meantime.
I am using the first time via autoload facility and also this is one default provided by SAS.
Please se attcahed details log with source2 mprint and other option. Hope you will help you to figure out root cause.
Hello @sewa_bal_gmail_com,
unfortunately this is not helping much, except the fact that your directories are not being resolved.
Please give us more information: Version of VA, your Operating System, user that is actually running/having scheduled the autoload.
Also in the meantime, I suggest some reading:
"How Do I Create New Autoload Implementations in SAS Visual Analytics 7.1?" : http://support.sas.com/training/tutorial/gel/gelva03.html (this should be your basics)
SAS Visual Analytics autoload configuration made easy: http://blogs.sas.com/content/sgf/2016/04/04/sas-visual-analytics-autoload-configuration-made-easy/ (now very easy to create your own autoload folders, and it will prevent you from many human errors)
SAS VA version : 7.3
OS: Linux
User: I have triggered with sas user id via sudo rights as when I trigger with my id it throws below error:
-bash: ./schedule.sh: Permission denied
But i am able to triggered with sas user via sudo rights.
Ok, thank you @sewa_bal_gmail_com.
New set of questions:
Personally I would schedule this script with lasradm user. And ensure you/ the gets the righ permissions to the folders/scripts
Thanks for quick response.
Below are the details as requsted.
Don't know how to check.
sas user not registred in metadata but my personal id is registerd in metadata.
Yes sas has a access right on these below dir : -
Personally I would schedule this script with lasradm user. And ensure you/ the gets the righ permissions to the folders/scripts
When I schedule with lasradm its throwing the same error as my personal :
bash: ./schedule.sh: Permission denied
OK, thank you again. Let's try to aim for some answers now.
I am a bit confused. You said that sas user is not registered, yours it is. And you mention the sas user has access on some metadata folders.... would this mean your user has access on both OS folders and Metadata folders?
if you run a:
ls -la ./schedule.sh
ls -la /{your_autoload_folder_path}
What do you get? Feel curious what users and groups has got access and what kind of access...
Points here: the same OS user that triggers the initial autoload, is the one who will start the Public LASR server. This means:
Finally,.... what you reference AutoLoad/EVDMLA is not a "normal" autoload folder, this autoload folder is made specifically for loading the Environment Manager Data Mart (which will be enabled only when you set the Extended Monitoring https://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/evug/67886/HTML/default/viewer.htm#p0h7p9v8da676jn13vcj... ...I wonder if this is the same script you are tying to schedule or a different one. Beware there are 2 or 3 different autoload folders out of the box. If not, you will need to
PS. All in all, I strongly recommend you by having a good read of the SAS Visual Analytics Administration Guide https://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/va/
Did you read already this one?
Thanks for you reply.
I am also bit confused. I mentioned above that my user dont have access to shedule.sh script and my id also registered in metadata with full access.
As my id has sudo access, via sudo access (sas user) I am trigerring the shedule.sh script . Please see below access details for sas user via sudo rights.
sas@sasprod01 EVDMLA]$ ls -la ./schedule.sh
-rwxrwx---. 1 sas sas 357 Dec 23 2015 ./schedule.sh
[sas@sasprod01 AutoLoad]$ ls -la /opt/sas/config/Lev1/AppData/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/AutoLoad
total 13580360
drwxrwxrwx. 8 sas sas 4096 Feb 6 13:27 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 ..
drwxrwxrwx. 2 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 Append
drwxrwxrwx. 6 sas sas 4096 Feb 6 16:13 EVDMLA
drwxrwxrwx. 2 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 Formats
drwxrwxrwx. 2 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 Logs
drwxrwxrwx. 2 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 Unload
drwxrwxrwx. 6 sas sas 4096 Dec 23 2015 VALIBLA
I noticed there is no sas user define in sas metadata(in SAS metadata console).
I see here 2 different topics/concerns that should be separated:
Execution permissions of schedule.sh: I am afraid that sudo won't be enough. THis is a basics on Linux, not exactly SAS related. Your user will still require the right permissions/group membership. Is your user within the sas group?
Autoload errors: they seem to occur because the user that launches/triggers the autoload is not registered in the metadata and/or cannot see certain resources. This is quite simple: if you access with the user to SMC, on the folders tab you should be able to see the relevant resources (library/server/tables) and it will require read metadata, write metadata, read, write on those relevant.
Both issues are easy to solve within 5-10 min with access to your system, but a bit hard by sharing batches of questions and pieces of information. If your problem remains for long time here, I would suggest you to get SAS Consulting services or from a partner specialized on VA administration.
Thanks for the reply.
Now my ID got the Execution permissions of schedule.sh but wehen I trigger the schedule.sh then process not triggered.
Please advise.
Did you check crontab -l? And the logs of the autoload? It could be that you don;t have permissions for crontab.
I would ask a Linux administrator at your company since we are on a more basic stage, before SAS.
I cann below entry in my crontab file
*/15 * * * * /opt/sas/config/Lev1/Applications/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/runsas.sh > /dev/null
But there is no log in my directory.
When I triggered the runsas.sh it throws error:-
ERROR: Unrecognized SAS option name USERMODS_OPTIONS.
ERROR: Unable to initialize the SAS kernel.
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