I am currently workin gon a project that requires me to put sensor data. There are 41 sensors in total with each sensor sending data to the vendor cloud every 10 minutes, in short i have a few hundred data entries that needes to be dealt with. I am tasked with building a dashboad that allows me to separate the dates into day, month and date cetegories using a drop down list. Adding the items into the label list very tedious as mentioned above, hundreds of data per day. Is there a shortcut for me to achieve my goal? Additionally, instead of using lables are there any other methods that i can take note of?
I thank you for the quick reply, as i mentioned, im working on a stats-like project. I supposed to build a dashboard that displays stats that are based on the information given. For data preparation is just data that has been saved within an excel file, no data manipulation whatsoever. According to my higer ups, any and all data manipulation are to be done with in SAS. Below is a snapshot of what i have done so far. Also, according to my higer ups, the data will grow in size exponentially. I find that manually sorting the data would be ridiculous and would like to know if there are shortcuts/different ways to handle this situation. In the picture, the cancelled out value innthe right drop down box will indicate the room numbers, and the drop down boxes in the left will indicate the occupancy of the rooms in a day/month/year format/setting
There are a lot of functions for dealing with time and date.
First try to get the datepart and convert in to a date variable (some combination of datepart and treat as).
As soon as you have a date variable you can duplicate it and assign different formats for day, month, year, ...
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See how to use one filter for multiple data sources by mapping your data from SAS’ Alexandria McCall.
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