Using VA 7.5
Having just got geo mapping enabled using the SAS OpenStreetMap service I'm experimenting with creating reports using it. However, I'm not sure how to identify geographies. I have some sample data for Scottish local authorities with 9-character ID codes (along the lines of "S12000001"). I also have a shape file containing the ID codes, X and Y values, and names so I can merge this with the data. I think the ID codes are probably ISO codes without the "GB-" prefix, so I've also tried adding that on to them. But when I use this as a geography, either with or without the "GB-" prefix, I don't see anything plotted. For the context I've tried using the various ISO codes and SAS Map ID values without success. I also tried using the names as Subdivision Names and this was more successful, but it didn't identify all local authorities successfully and omitted the City of Edinburgh, Perth and Kinross, Argyll and Bute, and Dumfries and Galloway.
Can anyone suggest how to define a reliable geography?
Well, Tech Support finally got to the bottom of this for me. I'd sent them the custom polygon data and the report and they had worked on their systems. Then they got me to turn off interactive data, which unfortunately still didn't work. Finally, they enlisted the help of the wonderful Karen Linton and we had a Teams meeting to investigate further. Eventually we found that the GeographicalMappingService stored process was assigned to the wrong application server (our ordinary computer server rather than the VA one). Once we changed that the mapping started working as it should. Apparently that SP is only used for region maps rather than bubbles and coordinates, which is why it was only region maps which didn't work.
So huge thanks to @FalkoSchulz and to Karen: also to Karen Vincent in UK Tech. Support who handled the problem.
SAS Visual Analytics ships with boundary data for country and first administrative level (e.g. states or sub-divisions). You can find out expected mapping values by visiting .
Now, Scottish local authorities are administrative level 2 I believe (correct me here of course) - and as such would require custom boundary data to be imported. You can follow guides such as or of course check out related VA documentation how to do that. If you have an Esri shapefiles - you could also use the provided %shpimprt macro to import the data into SAS. Often boundary data is provided free of charge and many government agencies around the world provide data as part of their open-data strategy.
Once you have imported the boundary data and defined your geographic item based on a custom geographic provider - the mapping should work.
Hope this helps. Falko
Thanks @FalkoSchulz that's all quite helpful. Unfortunately, the blog entry seems to be fairly specific to VA 8.* (ie. on Viya) whilst we have VA 7.5 in SAS 9.4M7. There doesn't seem to be such a range of options available for creating a geography item, such as no option to define custom polygon shapes, only custom coordinates:
The other thing I'm finding is that I can't work out how to use the shape data as well as a separate data set for the business data. I'm sure I'm being stupid somewhere!
Hey @Nigel_Pain - sorry I was somehow under the impression you would use current production version with VA on Viya. Well, in VA 7.x - things are a little more complicated unfortunately. Especially geographical support for custom polygons and centroids along with better Esri integration is something which got massively improved in VA 8.x.
However - we do have instructions on how to do this in VA 7.x as well. Please check out There is a bit of SAS code involved so hopefully not too difficult. Essentially you will update the underlying lookup tables VA uses and merges in your custom polygon data. If all goes well - the 'Country or Region' drop down list will have your new entry populated.
In regards to your question around separating business from shape data. After the steps above you will have the shape data in a different table (the internal VA lookup tables). Once done - only an ID column ('GB-XXXXXX') is required in your business data. That is the very same column you will convert to a geographic item in VA. Once it's a geo column - you can use it in any geo visualization and combine with other business values to color regions or size bubbles.
Obviously let me know how you go.
Thanks, Falko
Many thanks for this @FalkoSchulz. We don't have Viya, so having just upgraded to 9.4M7 in October we have the most recent non-Viya version of VA.
This all looks helpful so I'll see how it goes. I'm applying hotfixes across the servers this Friday so will get the opportunity to restart services then. In the meantime I'm running the import program (love a bit of code, me!). Seems to be taking a long time to run PROC REDUCE but maybe I'm just impatient!
I will let you know how it goes, and attribute credit where it's due.
Well I managed to get the shape file data into a new MAPSCSTM library, with a bit of editing of the program. It was changing the ID variable into a shortened version so I had to force it to keep the full code. Here are the settings from the beginning of the program:
%let REGION_LABEL=Scottish Local Authorities;
%let REGION_ISO=827;
%let REGION_SHP_FILE=*****************************;
%let REGION_SHP_ID_COL=code;
As a result of that, I then was able to choose "Scottish Local Authorities" as the geography type in Report Builder:
But still it isn't actually mapping the data onto the regions:
I can't see where this is going wrong. Here's some extracts of the various data sets involved:
MAPDATA - Business Data Obs code NAME band1 1 S1- 1 2 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 3 3 S1-S12000006 Dumfries and Galloway 1 4 S1-S12000008 East Ayrshire 2 5 S1-S12000010 East Lothian 3 6 S1-S12000011 East Renfrewshire 4 7 S1-S12000013 Na h-Eileanan an Iar 1 8 S1-S12000014 Falkirk 1 9 S1-S12000017 Highland 2 10 S1-S12000018 Inverclyde 2 11 S1-S12000019 Midlothian 4 12 S1-S12000020 Moray 4 13 S1-S12000021 North Ayrshire 1 14 S1-S12000023 Orkney Islands 1 15 S1-S12000026 Scottish Borders 1 16 S1-S12000027 Shetland Islands 2 17 S1-S12000028 South Ayrshire 3 18 S1-S12000029 South Lanarkshire 3 19 S1-S12000030 Stirling 2 20 S1-S12000033 Aberdeen City 1 21 S1-S12000034 Aberdeenshire 2 22 S1-S12000035 Argyll and Bute 4 23 S1-S12000036 City of Edinburgh 3 24 S1-S12000038 Renfrewshire 4 25 S1-S12000039 West Dunbartonshire 1 26 S1-S12000040 West Lothian 1 27 S1-S12000041 Angus 1 28 S1-S12000042 Dundee City 4 29 S1-S12000045 East Dunbartonshire 4 30 S1-S12000047 Fife 3 31 S1-S12000048 Perth and Kinross 3 32 S1-S12000049 Glasgow City 3 33 S1-S12000050 North Lanarkshire 4 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 (obs=10) Obs ISO ISOALPHA2 ID IDNAME DENSITY X Y 1 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 0 298892.30 694533.90 2 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 4 298883.50 694488.50 3 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 4 298890.70 694481.90 4 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 1 298886.40 694361.70 5 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 4 298781.20 694369.40 6 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 4 298721.30 694365.00 7 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 2 298713.80 694371.40 8 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 4 298606.00 694346.90 9 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 3 298508.30 694312.50 10 827 S1 S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 2 298498.20 694319.10 VALIB.CENTLOOKUP (obs=10) Obs mapname ID 3477 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1 3478 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000005 3479 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000006 3480 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000008 3481 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000010 3482 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000011 3483 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000013 3484 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000014 3485 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000017 3486 MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 S1-S12000018 VALIB.ATTRLOOKUP (obs=10) Obs IDLABEL ID IDNAME 3477 Scottish Local Authorities S1 Scottish Local Authorities 3478 Aberdeen City S1-S12000033 Aberdeen City 3479 Aberdeenshire S1-S12000034 Aberdeenshire 3480 Angus S1-S12000041 Angus 3481 Argyll and Bute S1-S12000035 Argyll and Bute 3482 City of Edinburgh S1-S12000036 City of Edinburgh 3483 Clackmannanshire S1-S12000005 Clackmannanshire 3484 Dumfries and Galloway S1-S12000006 Dumfries and Galloway 3485 Dundee City S1-S12000042 Dundee City 3486 East Ayrshire S1-S12000008 East Ayrshire Obs ID1NAME ID2NAME ISO ISONAME 3477 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3478 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3479 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3480 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3481 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3482 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3483 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3484 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3485 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities 3486 Scottish Local Authorities 827 Scottish Local Authorities Obs key ID1 ID2 ID3 ID3NAME level 3477 Scottish Local Authorities 0 3478 Aberdeen City|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3479 Aberdeenshire|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3480 Angus|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3481 Argyll and Bute|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3482 City of Edinburgh|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3483 Clackmannanshire|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3484 Dumfries and Galloway|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3485 Dundee City|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1 3486 East Ayrshire|Scottish Local Authorities S1 1
I would have expected the business data to be mapped onto the Scottish Local Authorities but it hasn't been. If I can get this working there are various other Scottish geographies which I will be able to add in.
Well, I'm getting really confused now trying to convert the coordinates. I can't work out what units they are in the shape file and I've tried different PROJ.4 conversions without success.
Looking at the MAPSGFK.VAEUROPE1 data set, which appears to be what VA is using by default, I see that the lat and long variables are standard WGS84 values but the X and Y variables have ranges of roughly -0.49 to 0.5 (X) and -0.4 to 0.3 (Y).
Well, typically you can determine the coordinate space by looking at your original Esri shape files. One of the files has the extension .PRJ and you can just open using a text editor. Then use information to find related proj.4 or EPSG code via or Once done use a command such as (here an example converting Canada's UTM projection) :
proc gproject latlon
project=proj4 from="+proj=utm +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs +zone=11" to="EPSG:4326" data=myorigshp out=myprjshp;
run; convert values from your original projection into WGS. Note, that both from/to parameters support both the proj.4 syntax or EPSG codes.
Now, if you don't have the original shape file anymore or it doesn't have a .prj file - things get a little more complicated ;_) and it may involve a bit try and error approach. Looking at your first example line above - you stated that one coordinate pair for Clackmannanshire is:
Clackmannanshire 0 298892.30 694533.90
Using sites such as and entering both values as well as navigate the right hand map to exactly the location of Clackmannanshire shows a potential hit for EPSG:27700. Have you tried that?
In regards to your question and confusion about two different pairs of coordinates in MAPSGFK.VAEUROPE1. Note, that files in MAPSGFK are the original (unchanged) map data as provided by GfK. SAS Visual Analytics references only the LAT/LONG columns in these tables but not the X/Y. The latter represent the coordinates as projected by the Albers projection and aren't used in VA. So when you create your custom shape data set - it doesn't really matter what you populate in X/Y as long as LAT/LONG carry correct WGS84 representation of your values.
Hope this helps! Falko
Breakthrough! Thank you so much for all your help @FalkoSchulz . I'd assumed it was the X & Y values so was concentrating on them. But I finally discovered that the original values were OSGB grid references and was able to use the appropriate PROJ.4 settings for them. This allowed me to map data correctly using bubbles or coordinates as the map type:
It's still failing if I use regions though:
Nice work @Nigel_Pain - I feel like we are getting close 😎.
Given that data point overlays (bubble/scatter) are working indicates that you have correct entries in the CENTLOOKUP table along with correct X/Y values for the coordinates. Now, for regional overlays the actual polygon data is retrieved by referencing the table as specified in the MAPNAME column in CENTLOOKUP. If that fails (and you can double check any potential errors in the underlying workspace server log file) - it typically means that Visual Analytics can't find the related table (correct name?). In many cases it may just be a missing library definition during runtime - so first I would check whether you have correctly done step #2 in the instructions? In particular whether you have added the library to the file and restarted the object spawner service?
If that library is there and table exists within that library and is correctly referenced in the CENTLOOKUP table - check the underlying workspace server log files and see whether you can see any other messages related to that. If you find something not making sense there - just post it here and I have a look...
Thanks, Falko
I really appreciate all the time you're spending on this @FalkoSchulz. If I'm taking up too much I can always raise a track with Tech Support.
I did do all the configuring of the MAPSCSTM library and added a libname statement for it in the file. I tested this by running the WorkspaceServer.bat file manually and the library was assigned as it should be. I did notice that I'd edited the file too much and removed the step where the custom region row was added to ATTRLOOKUP but I fixed that. I also ran this code to ensure that the mapname value in CENTLOOKUP was correct:
data _null_;
set valib.centlookup;
where id="S1";
call symput("mapname",mapname);
data _null_;
set &mapname (obs=10);
put _all_;
But I don't have logging enabled for workspace servers (I think that's the default?) and I haven't yet got to grips with how to do this. So I don't have any logs to look through.
All the best,
Well, you did all the hard work - I'm just leaving some comments 🙂
Question. I just had another look at your data column description above - in particular table MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1. I do not see a column named SEGMENT in there. Can you confirm it's there? At the very minimum you need ID, IDNAME, SEGMENT, X & Y columns.
In VA - can you also add a filter to reduce data to one region only? It sometimes helps to narrow down an issue. I have seen instances - nothing would render, just because there was one region which had invalid polygon data and confused the system. Worth a try - just looking at one for testing purposes.
Also let's validate whether expected ID variables are passed thru to the server. Can you open the browser developer tools (typically just by pressing F12 in Chrome/Edge). By default that window will be docked next to the browser window - if you undock and open in a new dialog - it will give you more room to see content. In the developer tools open the 'Network' tab and enter 'geoMapService' in the top left 'filter' input field. This will reduce the noise and only show requests to that one service. Every time you open a region map (even when sample data is shown) - a new request is send to retrieve the polygons. Now, if you select a request entry it will show you things like 'Headers' and 'Response' information. In 'Headers' - validate the query string parameters and make sure ID's are passed in as expected. No leading/ending spaces - upper/lowercase etc? Also validate the table name and library information. What is the return HTTP status code of such request (it should be 200) and do you see any response data at all?
Chances are, response data is empty given your description and it will be a little difficult to debug this here further without seeing any log files. If that is the case - we may need to get TechSupport involved so you can share log entries and they can help you enabling logs temporarily for debugging purposes.
However, it feels like you have everything in place - and it may just turn out to be one minor last tweak required here.
Segment does exist, I just didn't include it in the listing.
Well, all looks OK in the request, the form data shows this:
name: MAPSCSTM.SCOTTISH_LA1 location: ID: ID subset: ID in ( 'S1-S12000005' 'S1-S12000006' 'S1-S12000008' 'S1-S12000010' 'S1-S12000011' 'S1-S12000013' 'S1-S12000014' 'S1-S12000017' 'S1-S12000018' 'S1-S12000019' 'S1-S12000020' 'S1-S12000021' 'S1-S12000023' 'S1-S12000026' 'S1-S12000027' 'S1-S12000028' 'S1-S12000029' 'S1-S12000030' 'S1-S12000033' 'S1-S12000034' 'S1-S12000035' 'S1-S12000036' 'S1-S12000038' 'S1-S12000039' 'S1-S12000040' 'S1-S12000041' 'S1-S12000042' 'S1-S12000045' 'S1-S12000047' 'S1-S12000048' 'S1-S12000049' 'S1-S12000050' ) xRes: 2400 yRes: 1800
or if I filter the data that is reflected in the subset line. As you predicted, there's no response. I think the best thing will be for me to raise a track with Tech Support. I've exported the requests to a HAR file so I can attach that. I'll report back in due course.
Once again, thanks for your help Falco. I wouldn't have known where to start!
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