October is a busy & exciting month for our User Groups.

On October 11, you can catch the Boston Area Users Group virtually covering the translation between R & SAS.
The San Diego SAS Users are back in-person on October 13, 2022. SAS’ Ari Zitin will be making the trek out West to join the group & cover all things Machine Learning. For more information visit their site!
On October 18, @PaigeMiller will be presenting a free lunch webinar on October 18: Why You Should Consider Partial Least Squares For Your Next Statistical Modeling. Register here! The webinar is brought to you by the Eastern Canada & Northern United Status Collaborative (ECNUS), four LUGs collaborating to present quarterly webinars hosted by SAS Canada. (Toronto Area SAS Society; Buffalo SAS Users Group; Golden Horseshoe SAS Users Group; Boston Area SAS Users Group).
Shortly thereafter, PharmaSUG is back this fall! The popular Single Day Event in North Carolina is now an in-person gathering on Friday October 21, 2022. Come and join PharmaSUG’s second in-person event this year! Learn how to get involved here.
If that’s not enough – one of our regional groups is ending the month of User Events in a BIG way! Register & join the SESUG Crew in Mobile, AB for their first in-person event since 2019. Here you can network with other SAS Users, interact with SAS, enhance & learn valuable skills & more.
Rounding out the month, Michigan SAS Users are holding it down on Halloween for an in-person meeting in Ann Arbor! There will be hybrid capabilities if you want to join virtually.
What am I missing? Whether you're hosting or attending, comment your October SAS User Group plans below!!