I'm working on SAS Studio 3.7.
My option are:
In SAS Studio, I changed the UTF-8 preference to windows-1252 as suggested by the support and it works fine now.
I'll open a tracking number for you so we can gather more details including your session encoding, text encoding, operating system, how you download the file, and the application you use to view the output.
I'm not sure how the tracking number is supposed to work. However you can find attached my program and my output. Somehow I cannot attach my log (which contains proc options details) so I've just copy and past its content below.
Best Regards,
NOTE: ODS statements in the SAS Studio environment may disable some output features.
74 %let
74 ! root=C:/Users/xxformat/Documents/SASUniversityEdition/myfolders/Dropbox/xxformat/SAS/te
74 ! mp;
75 proc options;
76 run;
SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 9.4 TS1M5
Portable Options:
ANIMATION=STOP Specifies whether to start or stop animation.
ANIMDURATION=MIN Specifies the number of seconds that each animation frame displays.
ANIMLOOP=YES Specifies the number of iterations that animated images repeat.
ANIMOVERLAY Specifies that animation frames are overlaid in order to view all frames.
APPEND= Specifies an option=value pair to insert the value at the end of the existing
option value.
APPLETLOC=C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASGraphJavaApplets\9.4
Specifies the location of Java applets, which is typically a URL.
ARMAGENT= Specifies an ARM agent (which is an executable module or keyword, such as
LOG4SAS) that contains a specific implementation of the ARM API.
ARMLOC=ARMLOG.LOG Specifies the location of the ARM log.
Specifies the SAS ARM subsystems to enable or disable.
AUTOCORRECT Automatically corrects misspelled procedure names and keywords, and global
statement names.
AUTOEXEC= Specifies the location of the SAS AUTOEXEC files.
AUTOSAVELOC= Specifies the location of the Program Editor auto-saved file.
NOAUTOSIGNON Disables a SAS/CONNECT client from automatically submitting the SIGNON command
remotely with the RSUBMIT command.
BINDING=DEFAULT Specifies the binding edge type of duplexed printed output.
BOMFILE Writes the byte order mark (BOM) prefix when a Unicode-encoded file is written
to an external file.
Specifies the size of the margin at the bottom of a printed page.
BUFNO=1 Specifies the number of buffers for processing SAS data sets.
BUFSIZE=0 Specifies the size of a buffer page for output SAS data sets.
BYERR SAS issues an error message and stops processing if the SORT procedure
attempts to sort a _NULL_ data set.
BYLINE Prints the BY line above each BY group.
BYSORTED Requires observations in one or more data sets to be sorted in alphabetic or
numeric order.
NOCAPS Does not convert certain types of input, and all data lines, into uppercase
NOCARDIMAGE Does not process SAS source code and data lines as 80-byte records.
CASAUTHINFO= Specifies an authinfo or netrc file that includes authentication information.
CASDATALIMIT=100M Specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be read from a file.
CASHOST= The CAS server name associated with a CAS session.
CASLIB= Specify the default CASLIB name.
Specifies a multiplication factor to increase the number of bytes when
transcoding fixed CHAR data.
CASNWORKERS=ALL Specify the number of workers to use with a CAS session.
CASPORT=0 The port associated with a CAS session.
CASSESSOPTS= Identify CAS server session options.
CASTIMEOUT=60 The CAS session timeout in seconds.
CASUSER= The userid associated with a CAS session.
CATCACHE=0 Specifies the number of SAS catalogs to keep open in cache memory.
CBUFNO=0 Specifies the number of extra page buffers to allocate for each open SAS
CENTER Center SAS procedure output.
CGOPTIMIZE=3 Specifies the level of optimization to perform during code compilation.
NOCHARCODE Does not substitute specific keyboard combinations for special characters that
are not on the keyboard.
NOCHKPTCLEAN Does not erase files in the Work library after a batch program successfully
executes in checkpoint mode or restart mode.
CLEANUP Performs automatic continuous cleanup of non-essential resources in
out-of-resource conditions.
NOCMDMAC Does not check window environment commands for command-style macros.
CMPLIB= Specifies one or more SAS data sets that contain compiler subroutines to
include during compilation.
CMPMODEL=BOTH Specifies the output model type for the MODEL procedure.
Specifies the type of code-generation optimizations to use in the SAS language
NOCOLLATE Does not collate multiple copies of printed output.
COLOPHON= Specifies the comment text that is included in graphic stream files.
COLORPRINTING Prints in color if color printing is supported.
COMAMID=TCP Specifies the communication access method for connecting client and server
sessions across a network.
COMPRESS=NO Specifies the type of compression to use for observations in output SAS data
NOCONNECTEVENTS Clients do not receive SAS events propagated from a SAS/CONNECT server.
At sign-on, connects the SAS/CONNECT server to the SAS Metadata server.
Specifies whether to send the SAS/CONNECT server log and list output
immediately, or to buffer the output.
CONNECTPERSIST Continues a client/server connection after an RSUBMIT statement has completed.
CONNECTREMOTE= Specifies the ID of a specific server session that a client connects to.
CONNECTSTATUS Displays the Transfer Status window during file transfers.
CONNECTWAIT Executes RSUBMIT statements synchronously.
COPIES=1 Specifies the number of copies to print.
CPUCOUNT=4 Specifies the number of processors that thread-enabled applications should
assume are available for concurrent processing.
CPUID Prints the CPU identification number at the beginning of the SAS log.
CSTGLOBALLIB= Specifies the location of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit global library.
CSTSAMPLELIB= Specifies the location of the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit sample library.
Specifies whether the page size for a data set or utility file is compatible
with SAS 9.3 processing, or is determined by the current version of SAS.
Specifies which SAS statement keywords are prohibited from being specified as
a one-level DATA step name to protect against overwriting an input data set.
DATE Prints the date and time that a SAS program started.
DATESTYLE=MDY Specifies the sequence of month, day, and year when ANYDTDTE, ANYDTDTM, or
ANYDTTME informat data is ambiguous.
NODBFMTIGNORE Uses the numeric data type in tables.
NODBIDIRECTEXEC The SQL pass-through facility does not optimize the handling of SQL statements.
Specifies whether SAS procedures, applications, and the DATA step can read
DBMS tables in parallel, and the number of threads to use to read the DBMS
DBSRVTP=NONE Specifies whether SAS/ACCESS engines hold or block the originating client
while making performance-critical calls to the database.
DCSHOST=LOCALHOST Specifies the host name of the SAS Document Conversion Server.
DCSPORT=7111 Specifies the port number of the SAS Document Conversion Server.
Specifies the binary to decimal conversion and formatting methodology.
DEFLATION=6 Specifies the level of compression for device drivers that support the Deflate
compression algorithm.
NODETAILS Does not display additional information when files are listed in a SAS library.
DEVICE= Specifies the device driver to which SAS/GRAPH sends procedure output.
DFLANG=LOCALE Specifies the language for international date informats and formats.
DKRICOND=ERROR Specifies the error level to report when a variable is missing from an input
data set during the processing of a DROP=, KEEP=, or RENAME= data set option.
DKROCOND=WARN Specifies the error level to report when a variable is missing from an output
data set during the processing of a DROP=, KEEP=, or RENAME= data set option.
NODLCREATEDIR Does not create a directory for the SAS library that is named in a LIBNAME
statement when the directory does not already exist.
DLDMGACTION=FAIL Specifies the type of action to take when a SAS data set or a SAS catalog is
detected as damaged.
NODMR Does not invoke a server session for use with a SAS/CONNECT client.
NODMS Starts SAS using an interactive line-mode session.
DMSEXP Starts SAS and displays Explorer, Editor, Log, Output, and Results windows.
DMSLOGSIZE=99999 Specifies the maximum number of rows that the SAS Log window can display.
Specifies the maximum number of rows that the SAS Output window can display.
Specifies the maximum number of characters in a Program Editor line.
NODMSSYNCHK Disables syntax check mode for DATA step and PROC step processing in the
windowing environment.
DQLOCALE= Specifies the Data Quality Server ordered list of locales for data cleansing.
DQOPTIONS= Specifies the SAS session parameters for data quality programs.
DQSETUPLOC= Specifies the location of the Quality Knowledge Base root directory.
DS2ACCEL=NONE Provides support for DS2 code pass-through acceleration.
DS2SCOND=WARN Specifies the type of message that PROC DS2 generates.
DSACCEL=NONE Provides support for code pass-through acceleration.
DSCAS Runs the DATA step on the CAS server.
DSNFERR Issues an error message and stops processing when a SAS data set cannot be
DTRESET SAS updates the date and time in the titles of the SAS log and the procedure
output file.
NODUPLEX Does not print output using duplex (two-sided) printing.
NOECHOAUTO Does not write statements that are in the AUTOEXEC file to the SAS log as they
are executed.
EMAILACKWAIT=30 Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the SMTP server acknowledgement.
Specifies the SMTP e-mail authentication protocol.
NOEMAILFROM Does not require the FROM e-mail option when sending e-mail by using the FILE
or FILENAME statements.
Specifies one or more domain names for SMTP e-mail servers.
EMAILID= Specifies the SAS user's logon ID, profile or e-mail address.
EMAILPORT=25 Specifies the port number for the SMTP e-mail server that is specified in the
EMAILPW=XXXXXXXX Specifies the password for the e-mail address specified by the EMAILID option.
EMAILUTCOFFSET= For SMTP e-mail sent using the FILENAME statement, specifies a UTC offset that
is used in the Date header field of the e-mail message.
NOENCRYPTFIPS Does not limit SAS/SECURE and SSL security services to use FIPS 140-2
ENGINE=V9 Specifies the default access method for SAS libraries.
NOERRORABEND Does not end SAS for most errors, issues an error message, sets OBS=0, and
goes into syntax check mode.
NOERRORBYABEND Does not end a SAS program when an error occurs in BY-group processing, issues
an error, and continues processing.
ERRORCHECK=NORMAL Specifies whether SAS enters syntax-check mode when errors are found in the
ERRORS=20 Specifies the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues complete
error messages.
Specifies one or more data sets that define custom holiday events.
NOEXPLORER Does not invoke Explorer and the Program Editor when SAS starts.
Specifies whether SAS processes all supported data types or converts
nontraditional SAS data types to CHAR and DOUBLE.
Specifies whether to extend the maximum number of observations in a new SAS
data file.
FILESYNC=HOST Specifies when operating system buffers that contain contents of permanent SAS
files are written to disk.
FIRSTOBS=1 Specifies the observation number or external file record that SAS processes
NOFMTERR Issues a note for missing variable formats, uses w. or $w., and continues
Specifies the order in which format catalogs are searched.
FONTEMBEDDING Enables font embedding for Universal Printing and SAS/GRAPH printing.
Specifies whether some SAS/GRAPH devices render fonts by using the operating
system or by using the Free Type engine.
Specifies the location of the fonts that are supplied by SAS. Names the
default font file location for registering fonts that use the FONTREG
Specifies the default output formatting characters.
FORMDLIM= Specifies the character to delimit page breaks in SAS output for the LISTING
FORMS=DEFAULT If forms are used for printing, specifies the default form to use.
GSTYLE Uses ODS styles to generate graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries.
GWINDOW Displays SAS/GRAPH output in the GRAPH window.
HELPADDR= Specifies the address of the remote Help system.
HELPBROWSER=SAS Specifies the browser to use for SAS Help and ODS output.
HELPENCMD Uses the English version of the keyword list for the command-line Help.
HELPHOST= Specifies the name of the computer where the remote browser is to send Help
and ODS output.
HELPINDEX=(/help/common.hlp/index.txt /help/common.hlp/keywords.htm common.hhk)
Specifies one or more index files for SAS Help and Documentation.
HELPPORT=0 Specifies the port number for the remote browser client.
HELPTOC=(/help/helpnav.hlp/navigation.xml /help/common.hlp/toc.htm common.hhc)
Specifies the table of contents files for the online SAS Help and
HOSTINFOLONG Print operating environment information in the SAS log when SAS starts.
Specifies the highest port number that can be used by the SAS HTTP server for
remote browsing.
Specifies the lowest port number that can be used by the SAS HTTP server for
remote browsing.
IBUFNO=0 Specifies the number of extra buffers to be allocated for navigating an index
IBUFSIZE=0 Specifies the buffer page size for an index file.
Specifies the location for SAS/IML packages in the private collection.
IMLPACKAGEPUBLIC= Specifies the location for SAS/IML packages in the public collection.
IMLPACKAGESYSTEM= Specifies the location for SAS/IML packages in the system collection.
NOIMPLMAC Does not check for statement-style macros.
INITCMD= Specifies commands to open applications, or windows and text editor commands,
after SAS executes the AUTOEXEC= file and the INITSTMT= value.
INITSTMT= Specifies SAS statements to execute after any statements in the AUTOEXEC= file
and before any statements from the SYSIN= file.
INSERT= Specifies an option=value pair to insert the value at the beginning of the
existing option value.
INTERVALDS= Specifies interval=library pairs. Library is a SAS data set that contains a
custom interval data set; interval can be used in the INTNX and INTCK
INVALIDDATA=. Specifies the value that SAS assigns to a variable when invalid numeric data
is encountered.
NOIPADDRESS Disables the IP address to appear in SAS/CONNECT messages when using TCP/IP.
JPEGQUALITY=75 Specifies the JPEG quality factor that determines the ratio of image quality
to the level of compression for JPEG files produced by the JPEG device driver.
LABEL Enables procedures to use labels with variables.
NOLABELCHKPT For batch programs, disables the recording of checkpoint-restart data for
labeled code sections.
Specifies the libref of the library where the checkpoint-restart data is saved
for labeled code sections.
NOLABELRESTART Disables restart mode, which executes batch programs using checkpoint-restart
data collected at labeled code sections.
Specifies the print margin for the left side of the page.
LINESIZE=98 Specifies the line size for the SAS log and for SAS procedure output for the
LISTING destination.
Specifies the location of the locale database.
NOLOCKDOWN Specifies that access to files and certain SAS features will not be
restricted. This feature is only applicable for a SAS session executing in a
batch or server processing mode.
LOGAPPLNAME= Specifies a SAS session name for SAS logging.
LOGCONFIGLOC= Specifies the name of the XML configuration file or a basic logging
configuration that is used to initialize the SAS logging facility.
NOLOGLANGCHG Disables changing the language of the SAS log when the LOCALE= option is
NOLOGLANGENG Write SAS log messages based on the values of the LOGLANGCHG, LSWLANG=, and
LOCALE= options when SAS started.
Specifies when SAS log files are opened, closed, and according to the LOG=
system option, how they are named.
LRECL=32767 Specifies the default logical record length to use for reading and writing
external files.
LSWLANG=LOCALE Specifies the language for SAS log and ODS messages when the LOCALE= option is
set after SAS starts.
MACRO Enables the macro facility.
MAPEBCDICTOASCII= Specifies the transcoding table that is used to convert characters from ASCII
Specifies the location of SAS/GRAPH map data sets.
Specifies the location of GfK maps.
Specifies the location of SAS map data sets.
NOMAUTOCOMPLOC Does not display the autocall macro source location in the SAS log when the
autocall macro is compiled.
NOMAUTOLOCDISPLAY Disables the macro facility from displaying the autocall macro source location
in the log.
NOMAUTOLOCINDES Does not prepend the full pathname of the autocall macro source file to the
autocall macro catalog entry description field in the WORK.SASMACR catalog.
MAUTOSOURCE Enables the macro autocall feature.
MAXSEGRATIO=75 Specifies the upper limit for the percentage of index segments that the SPD
Engine identifies as containing the value referenced in the WHERE expression.
MCOMPILE Allows new macro definitions.
MCOMPILENOTE=NONE Specifies what to write to the SAS log when a macro compiles successfully.
NOMCOVERAGE Disables the generation of coverage analysis data for SAS macros.
MCOVERAGELOC= Specifies the location of the macro coverage analysis data file.
MERGENOBY=NOWARN Specifies the type of message that is issued when MERGE processing occurs
without an associated BY statement.
MERROR Issues a warning message for an unresolved macro reference.
Specifies the metadata resources that are assigned when SAS starts.
METACONNECT= Specifies the profile from the metadata user connection profiles that is used
to connect to the SAS Metadata Server.
Specifies the type of encryption to use to communicate with the SAS Metadata
Specifies the level of encryption that is used to communicate with the SAS
Metadata Server.
METAID= Specifies the ID of the SAS Metadata Server.
METAPASS=XXXXXXXX Specifies the SAS Metadata Server password.
METAPORT=8561 Specifies the TCP port for the SAS Metadata Server.
METAPROFILE= Specifies the XML document that contains SAS Metadata Server user connection
Specifies the network profile to use to connect to the SAS Metadata Server.
Specifies the name of the SAS Metadata Server Repository.
METASERVER= Specifies the host name or address of the SAS Metadata Server.
METASPN= Specifies the service principal name (SPN) for the SAS Metadata Server.
METAUSER= Specifies the user ID that is used to connect to the SAS Metadata Server.
NOMEXECNOTE Does not display the macro execution information in the SAS log when the macro
is invoked.
MEXECSIZE=65536 Specifies the maximum macro size that can be executed in memory.
NOMFILE Does not write MPRINT output to an external file.
MINDELIMITER= Specifies the character delimiter for the macro IN operator.
NOMINOPERATOR Disables IN logical operators in expressions.
Specifies the minimum size of the data component partitions for SPD Engine
data sets.
MISSING=. Specifies the character to print for missing numeric values.
NOMLOGIC Does not trace macro execution or write the results to the SAS log.
NOMLOGICNEST Does not display the macro nesting information in the SAS log for MLOGIC
NOMPRINT Does not display the SAS statements that are generated by macro execution.
NOMPRINTNEST Does not display the macro nesting information from the MPRINT output in the
SAS log.
NOMRECALL Searches the autocall libraries only once for a requested macro.
MREPLACE Enables updates to macro definitions in the Work library.
MSGLEVEL=N Specifies the level of detail in SAS log messages.
NOMSTORED Does not search for stored compiled macros.
Specifies the maximum amount of memory available to the macro variable symbol
table or tables.
NOMULTENVAPPL List only operating environment fonts in the font selector window of a SAS
MVARSIZE=65534 Specifies the maximum size for a macro variable that is stored in memory.
NONETENCRYPT Does not require encryption for client/server data transfers.
Specifies one or more algorithms to use for encrypted client/server data
Specifies the key length that is used by the encryption algorithm for
encrypted client/server data transfers.
NEWS= Specifies the location of the news file that is to be written to the SAS log
immediately after the header.
NONLDECSEPARATOR Disables formatting of numeric output using the decimal separator for the
NOTES SAS writes notes to the SAS log.
NUMBER Prints the page number on the first title line of each page of SAS output.
NOOBJECTSERVER Disables SAS from running an Integrated Object Model (IOM) server.
Specifies the observation that is used to determine the last observation to
process, or specifies the last record to process.
ODSDEST=AUTO Specifies the default ODS destination.
ODSGRAPHICS=AUTO Specifies the setting for ODS graphics.
NOODSLANGCHG Disables changing the language of the SAS message text in ODS output when the
LOCALE option is set after start up.
ODSSTYLE=AUTO Specifies the ODS HTML default style.
OLAPCONFIG= Specifies the name of the XML configuration file that is used to initialize an
OLAP server.
Specifies the paper orientation to use when printing to a printer.
NOOVP Disables overprinting of error messages to make them bold.
Does not begin SAS log and procedure output for the LISTING destination on a
new page.
PAGENO=1 Resets the SAS output page number.
PAGESIZE=55 Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of the SAS log and SAS
PAPERDEST= Specifies the name of the output bin to receive printed output.
PAPERSIZE=LETTER Specifies the paper size to use for printing.
PAPERSOURCE= Specifies the name of the paper bin to use for printing.
PAPERTYPE=PLAIN Specifies the type of paper to use for printing.
PARM= Specifies a parameter string that is passed to an external program.
Specifies the file reference to open when SAS encounters the PARMCARDS
statement in a procedure.
PDFACCESS Enables screen readers to read PDF text and graphics.
NOPDFASSEMBLY Disables assembly of PDF documents.
NOPDFCOMMENT Disables comments in PDF documents from being modified.
NOPDFCONTENT Disables modification of PDF document content.
PDFCOPY Enables PDF document text and graphics to be copied.
PDFFILLIN Enables PDF forms to be filled in.
Specifies the page layout for PDF documents.
Specifies the page viewing mode for PDF documents.
Specifies the password to use to open a PDF document and the password used by
a PDF document owner.
PDFPRINT=HRES Specifies the resolution to print PDF documents.
PDFSECURITY=NONE Specifies the level of encryption to use for PDF documents.
NOPRESENV Specifies that collecting data for the preservation of the SAS environment is
Specifies the domain name of the primary authentication provider.
PRINTERPATH= Specifies the name of a registered printer to use for Universal Printing.
NOPRINTINIT Preserves the procedure output file for the LISTING destination if no new
output is created.
PRINTMSGLIST Specifies to print the entire list of messages to the SAS log.
QUOTELENMAX Writes a warning message to the SAS log if a quoted string exceeds the maximum
length allowed.
REPLACE Enables replacement of permanent SAS data sets.
REUSE=NO Specifies whether SAS reuses space when observations are added to a compressed
SAS data set.
Specifies the print margin for the right side of the page.
NORLANG Disables SAS from executing R language statements.
RSASIOTRANSERROR Displays a transcoding error when illegal values are read from a remote
RSASUSER Opens the Sasuser library in Read-Only mode.
S=0 Specifies the length of statements on each line of a source statement, and the
length of data on lines that follow a DATALINES statement.
S2=0 Specifies the length of statements of each line of a source statement from an
%INCLUDE statement, an AUTOEXEC= file, or an autocall macro file.
S2V=0 Specifies the column to begin reading a file with variable length records that
is specified in an %INCLUDE statement, an autoexec file, or an autocall macro.
SASAUTOS=SASAUTOS Specifies the location of one or more autocall libraries.
SASCMD= Specifies the command that starts a server session on a symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) computer.
SASFRSCR= A read-only option that contains the fileref, generated by the SASSCRIPT
option, for SAS/CONNECT server sign-on script files.
"!SASROOT\aacomp\sashelp" "!SASROOT\cas\sashelp" "!SASROOT\cmp\sashelp"
"!SASROOT\graph\sashelp" "!SASROOT\spdsclient\sashelp" "!SASROOT\stat\sashelp"
Specifies the location of the Sashelp library.
SASMSTORE= Specifies the libref of a SAS catalog for stored compiled SAS macros.
SASSCRIPT= Specifies one or more locations of SAS/CONNECT server sign-on script files.
SASUSER=C:\Users\xxformat\Documents\My SAS Files\9.4
Specifies a libref or a path that identifies a library for the user's profile
Specifies the security package that the IOM server uses to authenticate
incoming client connections.
Specifies the security authentication packages that are used by the server.
SEQ=8 Specifies the length of the numeric portion of the sequence field in input
source lines or data lines.
SERROR Issues a warning message when a macro variable reference does not match a
macro variable.
SERVICESBASEURL= Specifies the URL for services.
SESSREF=CASAUTO Identify the name to associate with a generated CAS session.
NOSETINIT Disables PROC SETINIT to prevent updating site licensing information.
Specifies whether the SAS/SHARE server has one or multiple connections to
SIGNONWAIT Executes the SIGNON statement synchronously, signing on clients to the server
one at a time.
SKIP=0 Specifies the number of lines to skip at the top of each page of SAS output
for the LISTING destination.
SOLUTIONS Displays the Solutions menu in SAS windows.
SORTDUP=PHYSICAL Specifies whether PROC SORT removes duplicate variables based on the DROP and
KEEP options or on all data set variables.
SORTEQUALS PROC SORT maintains the relative position in the output data set for
observations with identical BY-variable values.
SORTSEQ= Specifies a language-specific collating sequence for the SORT and SQL
Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure.
NOSORTVALIDATE SORT does not verify whether a data set is sorted according to the variables
in the BY statement.
SOURCE Writes program source statements to the SAS log.
NOSOURCE2 Does not write secondary source statements from included files to the SAS log.
NOSPDEFILECACHE Disables caching of opened SPD Engine files.
Specifies the memory size for sorting index values.
SPDEMAXTHREADS=0 Specifies the maximum number of threads that the SPD Engine can spawn for I/O
Enables or disables SPD Engine parallel reads when no WHERE clause is in
Specifies the memory size that is used for sorting by the SPD Engine.
SPDEUTILLOC= Specifies one or more locations where the SPD Engine can temporarily store
utility files.
SPDEWHEVAL=COST Specifies the WHERE statement evaluation process for the SPD Engine.
NOSPOOL Does not write SAS statements to a utility data set in the Work library.
SQLCONSTDATETIME PROC SQL replaces references to the DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TODAY functions
with their equivalent constant values before a query executes.
Specifies whether and when SAS procedures generate SQL for in-database
processing of source data.
NOSQLIPONEATTEMPT Allows an SQL query to continue processing when an implicit pass-through
request fails.
Specifies the PUT function mapping to SQL.
SQLREDUCEPUT=DBMS For PROC SQL, specifies the engine type to use to optimize a PUT function in a
SQLREDUCEPUTOBS=0 For PROC SQL, specifies the minimum number of observations that must be in a
table for PROC SQL to optimize the PUT function in a query.
For PROC SQL, specifies the maximum number of SAS format values that can exist
in a PUT function expression to optimize the PUT function in a query.
SQLREMERGE PROC SQL processes queries that use remerged data.
Specifies how PROC SQL handles updated data if errors occur while you are
updating data.
NOSSLCLIENTAUTH Does not require the server to perform client authentication for a server
NOSSLCRLCHECK Does not check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) when a digital
certificate is validated.
SSLMINPROTOCOL= Specifies the minimum TLS or SSL protocol that can be negotiated when using
SSLMODE= Specifies the TLS version and the cipher suites for SSL.
NOSSPI Does not use Security Support Provider Interface for single sign-on
connections to IOM servers.
NOSTARTLIB Does not assign user-defined permanent librefs when SAS starts.
NOSTEPCHKPT Disables recording of checkpoint-restart data for DATA and PROC steps for
batch programs.
STEPCHKPTLIB=WORK Specifies the libref of the library where checkpoint-restart data for DATA and
PROC steps is saved.
NOSTEPRESTART Disables restart mode which executes batch programs using checkpoint-restart
data collected for DATA and PROC steps in a prior execution.
STRIPESIZE= Specifies path and size pairs to identify I/O device stripe size. Stripe size
indicates page size when creating a data set or utility file.
SUMSIZE=0 Specifies a limit on the amount of memory that is available for data
summarization procedures when class variables are active.
SVGAUTOPLAY Starts animation when the page is loaded in the browser.
Does not display the paging control buttons and an index in a multipage SVG
SVGFADEIN=0 Specifies the number of seconds for the fade-in effect for a graph.
Specifies whether to use sequential frames or to overlap frames for the
fade-in effect of a graph.
SVGFADEOUT=0 Specifies the number of seconds for a graph to fade out of view.
SVGHEIGHT= Specifies the height of the viewport. Specifies the value of the height
attribute of the outermost SVG element.
Disables the SVG magnifier tool.
Specifies whether to force uniform scaling of SVG output. Specifies the
preserveAspectRatio attribute on the outermost SVG element.
SVGTITLE= Specifies the text in the title bar of the SVG output. Specifies the value of
the TITLE element in the SVG file.
SVGVIEWBOX= Specifies the coordinates, width, and height that are used to set the viewBox
attribute on the outermost SVG element.
SVGWIDTH= Specifies the width of the viewport. Specifies the value of the width
attribute of the outermost SVG element.
SVGX= Specifies the x-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region for an
embedded SVG element. Specifies the x attribute in the outermost SVG element.
SVGY= Specifies the y-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region for an
embedded SVG element. Specifies the y attribute in the outermost SVG element.
NOSYMBOLGEN Does not display the results of resolving macro variable references in the SAS
SYNCHIO Requires that data set I/O must be completed before other logical SAS tasks
can be executed.
NOSYNTAXCHECK Disables syntax check mode for multiple steps in non-interactive or batch SAS
SYSPARM= Specifies a character string that can be passed to SAS programs.
SYSPRINTFONT= Specifies the default font to use for printing.
NOSYSRPUTSYNC Sets the %SYSRPUT macro variables in the client session when a synchronization
point is encountered.
TBUFSIZE=0 Specifies the size of the buffer that is used by SAS applications to transfer
client/server data across a network.
TCPLISTENTIME=300 Specifies the amount of time that a SAS/CONNECT server listens for a client to
connect before terminating the CONNECT server session.
TCPPORTFIRST=0 Specifies the first value in a range of TCP/IP ports for a client to use to
connect to a server.
TCPPORTLAST=0 Specifies the last value in a range of TCP/IP ports for a client to use to
connect to a server.
TENANTID= Specifies a name that identifies a tenant in a multi-tenant environment.
NOTERMINAL Does not associate a terminal with a SAS session.
TERMSTMT= Specifies the SAS statement to execute when SAS terminates.
Specifies the location of textures and images that are used by ODS styles.
THREADS Uses threaded processing for SAS applications that support it.
Specifies a time zone.
TOOLSMENU Displays the Tools menu in SAS windows.
Specifies the print margin at the top of the page.
TRAINLOC= Specifies the URL for SAS online training courses.
Specifies the translation table catalog entries.
TSID= Specifies a logical server metadata object that identifies a table service
UBUFNO=0 Specifies the number of utility file buffers.
UBUFSIZE=0 Specifies the size of utility file buffers.
NOUNIVERSALPRINT Disables Universal Printing and uses Windows printing.
UPRINTCOMPRESSION Enables compression of files that are created by some Universal Printers and
SAS/GRAPH devices.
Specifies whether the argument to the URLENCODE function and to the URLDECODE
function is interpreted using the SAS session encoding or UTF-8 encoding.
USER= Specifies the default permanent library to use for one-level SAS data set
UTILLOC=WORK Specifies one or more file system locations in which threaded applications can
store utility files.
UUIDCOUNT=100 Specifies the number of UUIDs to acquire from the UUID Generator Daemon.
UUIDGENDHOST= Specifies the host and port, or the LDAP URL that the UUID Generator Daemon
runs on.
Specifies the type of message to write to the SAS log when Version 6 data sets
are created or updated.
VALIDFMTNAME=LONG Specifies the maximum size that user-created formats and informat names can be
before an error or warning is issued.
Specifies the rules for naming SAS data sets, SAS data views, and item stores.
VALIDVARNAME=ANY Specifies the rules for valid SAS variable names that can be created and
processed during a SAS session.
VARINITCHK=NOTE Specifies the type of message to write to the SAS log when a variable is not
VARLENCHK=WARN Specifies the type of message to write to the SAS log when the length of the
variable that is being read is longer than the length that is defined for the
VBUFSIZE=65536 Specifies the buffer size for a view.
VIEWMENU Displays the View menu in SAS windows.
VNFERR SAS issues an error message when a BY variable exists in one data set but not
another when the other data set is _NULL_.
WORK=C:\Users\xxformat\AppData\Local\Temp\SAS Temporary Files\_TD19484_DESKTOP-D9HM8EJ_\Prc2
Specifies the libref or location of the Work library.
WORKINIT At SAS invocation, erases files that exist from a previous SAS session in an
existing Work library.
WORKTERM Erases the Work files when SAS terminates.
YEARCUTOFF=1926 Specifies the first year of a 100-year span that is used by date informats and
functions to read a two-digit year.
_LAST_=_NULL_ Specifies the most recently created data set.
Host Options:
Specifies whether accessibility features are enabled in the Customize Tool
dialog box and in some Properties dialog boxes.
ALIGNSASIOFILES Aligns SAS files on a page boundary for improved performance.
ALTLOG= Specifies the location for a copy of the SAS log when SAS is running in batch
ALTPRINT= Specifies the location for a copy of the SAS procedure output when SAS is
running in batch mode.
Specifies the authentication provider that is associated with a domain.
AUTHSERVER= Specifies the domain server that finds and authenticates secure server logins.
Specifies whether the main SAS window includes a title bar, a system control
menu, and minimize and maximize buttons.
AWSDEF=0 0 100 100
Specifies the location and dimensions of the main SAS window when SAS
AWSMENU Displays the menu bar in the main SAS window.
AWSMENUMERGE Embeds menu items that are specific to Windows in the main menus.
AWSTITLE= Specifies the text that appears in the title bar of the main SAS window.
COMAUX1= Specifies the first alternate communications access method.
COMAUX2= Specifies the second alternate communications access method.
Specifies the location where the SAS Command window is displayed by default.
CONFIG=( "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sasv9.cfg" "C:\Program
Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9.cfg" )
Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding
the values of SAS system options.
NODBCS Disables double-byte character sets.
DBCSLANG=NONE Specifies a double-byte character set language.
DBCSTYPE=NONE Specifies the encoding method to use for a double-byte character set.
ECHO= Specifies the message to be echoed to the SAS log while initializing SAS.
EMAILDLG=NATIVE Specifies whether to use the native e-mail dialog box that is provided by your
e-mail application or the e-mail dialog box that is provided by SAS.
EMAILSYS=MAPI Specifies the e-mail protocol to use for sending electronic mail.
ENCODING=WLATIN1 Specifies the default character-set encoding for the SAS session.
ENHANCEDEDITOR Invokes the Enhanced Editor when SAS starts.
FILELOCKWAIT=0 Specifies the number of seconds that SAS will wait for a locked file.
Specifies the number of seconds that SAS waits for a locked file to become
FILTERLIST= Specifies an alternative set of file filter specifications to use for the Open
and Save As dialog boxes.
FONT= Specifies a font to use for SAS windows.
FONTALIAS= Assigns a Windows font to one of the SAS fonts.
NOFULLSTIMER Does not write performance statistics to the SAS log.
HELPLOC=( "!SASROOT\core\help" "!MYSASFILES\classdoc" )
Specifies the location of the text and index files for the facility that is
used to view the online SAS Help and Documentation.
HELPREGISTER= Registers help files to access from the main SAS window Help menu.
HOSTPRINT Prints using Windows printing.
NOICON Restores the main SAS window.
-Djava.security.policy=C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\tkjava\sasmisc\sas.policy
properties -Dsas.app.class.path=C:\PROGRA~1\SASHome\SASVER~1\eclipse\plugins\tkjava.jar
-Dtkj.app.launch.config=C:\PROGRA~1\SASHome\SASVER~1\picklist -Xms128m -Xmx128m
Specifies the Java Runtime Environment options for SAS.
LOADMEMSIZE=0 Specifies a suggested amount of memory that is needed for executable programs
loaded by SAS.
LOCALE=EN_US Specifies a set of attributes in a SAS session that reflect the language,
local conventions, and culture for a geographical region.
LOG= Specifies a location for the SAS log when SAS is running in batch mode.
MAXMEMQUERY=0 Specifies the maximum amount of memory that is allocated for procedures.
MEMBLKSZ=16777216 Specifies the memory block size for Windows memory-based libraries.
MEMCACHE=0 Specifies to use the memory-based libraries as a SAS file cache.
NOMEMLIB Does not process the Work library as a memory-based library.
Specifies the maximum amount of memory to allocate for using memory-based
Specifies the limit on the amount of virtual memory that can be used during a
SAS session.
MSG=( "!SASROOT\core\sasmsg" "!SASROOT\accelmva\sasmsg"
"!SASROOT\access\sasmsg" "!SASROOT\cas\sasmsg" "!SASROOT\cmp\sasmsg"
"!SASROOT\graph\sasmsg" "!SASROOT\mtrb\sasmsg" "!SASROOT\spdsclient\sasmsg"
Specifies the path to the library that contains SAS messages.
NOMSGCASE Specifies that SAS writes notes, warning, and error messages in mixed casing.
NONLSCOMPATMODE Encodes data using the SAS session encoding.
NUMKEYS=12 Specifies the number of available function keys.
NUMMOUSEKEYS=3 Specifies the number of mouse buttons that SAS displays in the KEYS window.
NOOPLIST Does not write SAS system option settings to the SAS log.
PATH=( "!SASROOT\core\sasexe" "!SASROOT\aacomp\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\aastatistics\sasexe" "!SASROOT\accelmva\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\access\sasexe" "!SASROOT\analyticcmn\sasexe" "!SASROOT\baseui\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\cas\sasexe" "!SASROOT\cmp\sasexe" "!SASROOT\dmscore\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\econometrics\sasexe" "!SASROOT\etscomp\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\graph\sasexe" "!SASROOT\hadoopbasics\sasexe" "!SASROOT\hps\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\hpstat\sasexe" "!SASROOT\mlearning\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\mtrb\sasexe" "!SASROOT\optimization\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\prochttp\sasexe" "!SASROOT\spdsclient\sasexe" "!SASROOT\stat\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\statcomp\sasexe" "!SASROOT\textmine\sasexe"
"!SASROOT\tsmodel\sasexe" "!SASROOT\tsreconcile\sasexe" )
Specifies one or more search paths for SAS executable files.
PFKEY=(WIN) Specifies which set of function keys to designate as the primary set of
function keys.
PRINT= Specifies a location for SAS output when running in batch mode.
PRNGETLIST Recognizes printers that are attached to the system.
PRTABORTDLGS=BOTH Specifies when to display the Print Abort dialog box.
SAS uses the default printer.
PRTSETFORMS Include the Use Forms checkbox in the Print Setup dialog box.
REALMEMSIZE=0 Specifies the amount of real memory SAS can expect to allocate.
REGISTER= Adds an application to the Tools menu in the main SAS window.
RESOURCESLOC=( "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\core\resource" )
Specifies a directory location of the files that contain SAS resources.
RTRACE=NONE Produces a list of resources that are read or loaded during a SAS session.
RTRACELOC= Specifies the pathname of the file to which the list of resources that are
read or loaded during a SAS session is written.
Specifies whether the SAS application windows include system and control
menus, and minimize and maximize buttons.
SASINITIALFOLDER= When SAS starts, changes the working folder and the default folder for the
Open and Save As dialog boxes to a specified folder.
NOSCROLLBARFLASH Disables mouse and keyboard focus on the scroll bar to eliminate cursor
SET=[FT15F001 = 'FT15F001.DAT'] [SASROOT = "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4"]
[SASHOME = "C:\Program Files\SASHome"] [SASAUTOS = ( "!SASROOT\core\sasmacro"
"!SASROOT\aacomp\sasmacro" "!SASROOT\accelmva\sasmacro"
"!SASROOT\dmscore\sasmacro" "!SASROOT\graph\sasmacro" "!SASROOT\hps\sasmacro"
"!SASROOT\stat\sasmacro" )] [SAMPSIO = (
"!SASROOT\core\sample" "!SASROOT\access\sample" "!SASROOT\graph\sample"
"!SASROOT\hps\sample" "!SASROOT\hpstat\sample" "!SASROOT\stat\sample"
)] [SAMPsrc=( "!SASROOT\core\sample" "!SASROOT\access\sample"
"!SASROOT\graph\sample" "!SASROOT\hps\sample" "!SASROOT\hpstat\sample"
"!SASROOT\stat\sample" )] [INSTALL = ( )] [MYSASFILES =
"?FOLDERID_Documents\My SAS Files\9.4"] [SASCFG = "C:\Program
Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en"] [SAS_NO_RANDOM_ACCESS = "1"] [SAS_ODSG_CRENDER_PATH =
"C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASODSGraphicsCRenderer\9.44"]
Defines a SAS environment variable.
NOSGIO Disables the Scatter/Gather I/O feature.
SLEEPCNTL=NO Specifies whether SAS prevents Windows from going into sleep mode.
SLEEPWINDOW Enables the SLEEP window.
SORTANOM= Specifies options for the host sort utility.
SORTCUT=0 Specifies the data size in number of observations above which SAS uses the
host sort instead of the internal SAS sort.
SORTCUTP=0 Specifies the data size in bytes above which SAS uses the host sort instead of
the internal SAS sort.
SORTDEV= Specifies the pathname that is used for temporary files that are created by
the host sort utility.
SORTNAME= Specifies the name of the host sort utility.
SORTPARM= Specifies the parameters for the host sort utility.
SORTPGM=BEST Specifies whether to use the SAS sort utility or the host sort utility or to
let SAS choose the sort utility.
NOSPLASH Does not display the splash screen (logo screen) when SAS starts.
SPLASHLOC= Specifies the location of the splash screen (logo screen) bitmap that appears
when SAS starts.
SSLCERTISS= Specifies the name of the issuer of the digital certificate that SSL should
SSLCERTSERIAL= Specifies the serial number of the digital certificate that SSL should use.
SSLCERTSUBJ= Specifies the subject name of the digital certificate that SSL should use.
Specifies the format that is used to display the FULLSTIMER and STIMER output
for timestamp, memory, CPU and elapsed time statistics.
STIMER Writes real and CPU time to the SAS log.
SYSGUIFONT= Specifies a font to use for the button text and the descriptive text.
SYSIN= Specifies the SAS program to execute in batch.
SYSPRINT=("Hewlett-Packard HP Color LaserJet CP1215")
Specifies a destination printer for printing SAS output.
Specifies the Toolbox display location.
Disables the Universal Printing commands on the File menu.
USERCONFIG Process .sasv9.cfg and sasv9.cfg configuration files in user's home directory.
USERICON= Specifies the pathname of the resource file that is associated with the
user-defined icon.
NOVERBOSE Does not write start-up system options to the SAS log.
NOWEBUI Disables Web enhancements.
NOWINDOWSMENU Disables the Window menu in the main window if NOAWSMENUMERGE is specified.
XCMD Enables the X command in SAS.
NOXMIN Starts the application that is specified in the X command in the default
active state.
XSYNC Windows commands execute synchronously with SAS.
XWAIT The DOS shell closes and returns to SAS after EXIT is entered on the command
NOTE: PROCEDURE OPTIONS used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
78 data dm;
79 length USUBJID $11 ARMCD $11 AGE 8 SEX $16;
80 retain ARMCD ' ';
82 USUBJID='12314100004'; AGE=25; SEX='M'; output;
83 USUBJID='12314100006'; AGE=33; SEX='F'; output;
86 USUBJID='12314100001'; AGE=26; SEX='F'; output;
87 USUBJID='12314100002'; AGE=33; SEX='M'; output;
88 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.DM has 4 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
90 data vs;
91 length USUBJID $11 VSTESTCD $8 VSSTRESC $3;
92 retain VSTESTCD ' ';
94 USUBJID='12314100004'; VSSTRESC='55'; output;
95 USUBJID='12314100006'; VSSTRESC='95'; output;
96 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.VS has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
98 data vs (drop=vsstresc);
99 set vs;
100 VSSTRESN=input(vsstresc,best8.);
101 run;
NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.VS.
NOTE: The data set WORK.VS has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
103 proc sort data=dm;
104 by usubjid;
105 run;
NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set WORK.DM.
NOTE: The data set WORK.DM has 4 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
107 proc sort data=vs;
108 by usubjid;
109 run;
NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.VS.
NOTE: The data set WORK.VS has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
111 data calc;
112 merge dm
113 vs (rename=(vsstresn=weight) where=(vstestcd='WEIGHT'));
114 by usubjid;
115 run;
NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set WORK.DM.
NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.VS.
WHERE vstestcd='WEIGHT';
NOTE: The data set WORK.CALC has 4 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
117 ods listing file="&root./issue.txt";
118 proc tabulate data=calc formchar='B3C4DAC2BFC3C5B4C0C1B2'x;
119 *formchar='0123456789a';
120 *formchar='82838485868788898A8B8C'x;
122 class armcd;
123 var age weight;
124 tables (all)*(n)
125 (age weight)*(mean)
126 ,armcd;
127 run;
NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set WORK.CALC.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE TABULATE printed page 1.
NOTE: PROCEDURE TABULATE used (Total process time):
real time 0.37 seconds
cpu time 0.07 seconds
128 ods listing close;
In SAS Studio, I changed the UTF-8 preference to windows-1252 as suggested by the support and it works fine now.
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