Here is the code I am using. If I change the "adjust=tukey" to "adjust=t" the code crashes. Am I doing something wrong? I want to test the lsmeans for student's t comparisons. How do I do this?
proc import datafile='/home/u48644977/Priyanka/305_All_Dry_Yield_Data_Adjusted.xlsx'
out=work.dryYield dbms=xlsx replace;
proc mixed plot=all covtest data=work.dryYield;
class year harvest block treatment;
model yield = block treatment|harvest|year /residual outp=resid s;
random block*treatment;
repeated / type=un subject=plot r;
lsmeans treatment|harvest|year/ adjust=tukey;
ods output diffs=ppp lsmeans=mmm;
proc univariate noprint data=resid;
histogram resid/ normal;
inset n mean std="Std Dev" skewness;
ppplot resid/normal (L=1 mu=est sigma=est);
qqplot resid /normal (L=1 mu=est sigma=est) square;
inset n mean std="Std Dev" skewness;
%include '/home/u48644977/Priyanka/';