Hi @ahmedgamal,
this is a very functional question for the SAS ECM tool, which probably it will be hard to answer for an administrator unless the admin has functional experience with SAS ECM.
What you can do is:
- Do you know there is plenty of documentation for ECM under https://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/securedoc/ecm.html? You will need a user and password to access those resources.
- You can contact SAS Technical Support with this question, maybe the can help you telling wether this functionality is possible or not and maybe on which part of the documentation you can find it, if available.
- You can try to find a most suitable SAS Community where to ask this question. I could not find any...
@LinusH, can you help me to guide@ahmedgamal with locating the best Community to place the question? (thanks in advance in case you can)
I hope this helps a bit.
Best regards,