I'm trying to get data from sql server table such that I need only the most recent observation- identified by max(dte).
I created the following code, it doesn't give an error, but it's producing results for all values of 'dte' and not just max(dte). I tried 'having' clause, but the 'group by' kept throwing me off. Would appreciate suggestions on what I should be changing in the following to get the desired result. Thank you!
proc sql;
connect to SQLSVR ( user="%sysget(USER)" password="xx" dsn="xx" );
create table table1 as select * from connection to SQLSVR
account , id, code, dte
from dbtable
where dte= (select max(dte) from dbtable)
and code like '20%'
order by account;
disconnect from SQLSVR;
Perhaps the table only has the most recent data?
Get a distribution on the values of DTE that are returned.
How about this?
select account , id, code, dte
from dbtable as A
inner join
(select account , id, code, max(dte) as max_dte
from dbtable
group by account , id, code
) as B
on A.account = B.account
and A.id = B.id
and A.code = B.code
where A.code like '20%' and A.dte = B.max_dte
order by account;
Because you are selecting by code (20%) I assumed you want the maximum date for each code combination, not on all records, so you will get multiple rows coming back, but just the latest for each code combination. If this is not what you want then please advise.
That is what I was trying to do. Try running just this then. You should only get one row for each value of account, id and code combination with the maximum date in each combination. Do you?
select account , id, code, max(dte) as max_dte
from dbtable
where code like '20%'
group by account , id, code
order by account , id, code
@AJ_Brien wrote:
there are multiple records where code (20%) is satisfied. For eg, one single account has multiple records for various dates where code (20%) is satisfied. So instead of selecting all the records for that account, I only need the record for that account with the latest date where code (20%) is satisfied. Hope this helps.
That is a totally different query than what you originally posted. The original query is only looking for the latest date independent of account. Then further filtering those to just the ones that match the code restriction.
Please post some example data, made up data is fine, and the expected output for that example.
Below SQL works for a SAS table. There is no reason why this shouldn't yield the same result with SQL Server.
There is nothing in the SQL which SAS couldn't push to the database so eventually try the implicit SQL from below first.
data dbtable(drop=_:);
do account=2 to 1 by -1;
do code='2000','2010','1000';
do _i=1 to 5;
format dte datetime20.;
options sastrace=',,,d' sastraceloc=saslog nostsuffix;
proc sql;
account , id, code, dte
from dbtable
where code like '20%'
group by account
having max(dte)=dte
Sounds like a bug in SQL Server. Talk to the admins for your database to understand what syntx SQL server is expecting for that query.
You could possibly use SAS's macro language to help by first pulling the maximum date into a macro variable and then using that date in the query that pulls the actual data. Note you will need to understand how to make the value of the macro variable look like how SQL Server handles dates. Perhaps something like this:
select cats("DATE('",put(datepart(max_dte),yymmdd10.),"')")
into :max_date
from connection to SQLSVR
(select max(dte) as max_dte from dbtable)
create table table1 as
select * from connection to SQLSVR
, id
, code
, dte
from dbtable
where dte = &max_dte
and code like '20%'
order by account
No too sure why you code doesn't work.
If you want to try another syntax, all three queries return the same result:
select *
where AGE = (select max(AGE) from SASHELP.CLASS)
and SEX = 'M';
select *
group by '1'
having AGE = max(AGE)
and SEX = 'M';
select a.*
,(select max(AGE) as MAX
where AGE = MAX
and SEX = 'M';
I understand that you want the latest record for each account, not just the records that are from the latest date in the whole table.
One possibility is to use SAS SQL instead, you just need to assign a SAS libname referencing the SQL server schema:
libname SQLSVR ODBC user="%sysget(USER)" password="xx" dsn="xx" schema=dbo;
proc sql;
create table table1 as
account , id, code, dte
from SQLSVR.dbtable
where code like '20%'
group by account
having dte=max(dte)
order by account;
Another is to restructure the SQL Server query a bit:
proc sql;
connect to SQLSVR ( user="%sysget(USER)" password="xx" dsn="xx" );
create table table1 as select * from connection to SQLSVR
(select account , id, code, dte
from dbtable join
(select account,max(dte) from dbtable
where code like '20%'
group by account) lastdate on
dbtable.account=lastdate.account and dbtable.dte=lastdate.dte
order by account;
disconnect from SQLSVR;
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