@DWimbish you have already posted this question.
please do not spam the community with duplicated postings.
Hi. I am trying to install the university edition of SAS on a Windows single use machine using the SAS Deployment Wizard. I got to the screen that asks me to "specify the deployment directory for SAS/GRAPH Java Applets in a web server." There is a browse button, and it wants me to go to a specific place and choose a directory. I have no idea what I am doing here. I don't know what to look for or where to look for it. Help?
AFAIK, University Edition is just a .ova file to be opened with Virtualbox, no Deployment Wizard necessary?
I've posted a picture of the message. It looks like the version says SAS-Win-Complete. Perhaps it is a different version than I thought?
From where did you get it? Is this a version licensed by your university for distribution to the students?
Yes. There is a link on the University Website to download it.
According to https://www.gvsu.edu/cms4/asset/778479D3-07DF-084E-09FD89BDE51017EA/sas_9.4_installation_tips_--_upd..., you should use
C:\program files\SASHome\
So it is the same base directory that is used for all SAS installations on Windows.
Hi. I am trying to install the SAS-Win-Complete on a Windows single use machine using the SAS Deployment Wizard. I got to the screen that asks me to "specify the deployment directory for SAS/GRAPH Java Applets in a web server." There is a browse button, and it wants me to go to a specific place and choose a directory. I have no idea what I am doing here. I don't know what to look for or where to look for it. Help?
Hi ,
Just give SAS home path and go a head with installation and see.
C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASGRAPHJavaApplets
I merged the two threads, and will move the whole to Admin & Deploy.
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