I am trying to connect MSSQL Server with SAS using the following:
1. SQL Pass-Through, or explicit pass-through
2. LIBNAME statement, or implicit pass-through
But I am unable to make a connection between them.
Here are my MSSQl details (I am trying to do this using Windows authentication)
Can anyone help with the complete code I can use in my SAS EG to connect SAS with MSSQL?
Great, so that shows that you're connected to the right server, but wrong database.
Are you able to pass the database name inside the connection string, something like:
libname SQLSRVR odbc noprompt = "Driver=SQL Server;server=VIJAY_PRATAP\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted Connection=yes;DATABASE=test" ;
? You might need to look up the connection string syntax for SQLEXPRESS. There are examples at https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/ .
First run this code and then show us the result from the log:
Proc setinit; run;
Go to the log and copy the results starting at Product Expiration dates and then post into a text box opened on the forum using the </> icon above the main message window. You should see something like:
Product expiration dates: ---Base SAS Software 30JAN2025 ---SAS/STAT 30JAN2025
The output shows what products you have licensed to use. If you don't have SAS Access/SQL Server (or whatever name actually comes up) you may be able to access data through the ODBC connection but that has different limits and abilities than the SQL Server package.
If your SAS is running EG on a server then the links would have to be available to server. It would not see any local connection you may have to SQL server and likely need to get your SAS admin involved in getting the mappings set up.
Where is your SAS installed? On a server or on a PC? What SAS/ACCESS product are you using? SQL Server or ODBC? Please post the SAS logs for your two attempts including any errors.
I have installed in my PC
Please post the SAS logs from your two attempts.
That photograph (why take the time to make a picture out of text?) you posted appears to be from SAS running on some server. When I run SETINIT on SAS running on PC it does not mention anything about CPU's.
Product expiration dates: ---Base SAS Software 31OCT2023 ---SAS/STAT 31OCT2023 ---SAS/GRAPH 31OCT2023 ---SAS/ETS 31OCT2023 ---SAS/FSP 31OCT2023 ---SAS/OR 31OCT2023 ---SAS/AF 31OCT2023 ---SAS/IML 31OCT2023 ---SAS/QC 31OCT2023 ---SAS/SHARE 31OCT2023 ---SAS/ASSIST 31OCT2023 ---SAS/CONNECT 31OCT2023 ---SAS/EIS 31OCT2023 ---SAS/SHARE*NET 31OCT2023 ---MDDB Server common products 31OCT2023 ---SAS/Secure 168-bit 31OCT2023 ---SAS/Secure Windows 31OCT2023 ---SAS Enterprise Guide 31OCT2023 ---OR OPT 31OCT2023 ---OR PRS 31OCT2023 ---OR IVS 31OCT2023 ---OR LSO 31OCT2023 ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 31OCT2023 ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 31OCT2023 ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 31OCT2023 ---SAS/IML Studio 31OCT2023 ---SAS Workspace Server for Local Access 31OCT2023 ---High Performance Suite 31OCT2023
Compared to running in SAS on UNIX server:
---Base SAS Software 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/STAT 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/GRAPH 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ETS 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/FSP 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/OR 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/AF 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/IML 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/QC 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/SHARE 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/CONNECT 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/SHARE*NET 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/IntrNet 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Integration Technologies 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/Secure 168-bit 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/Genetics 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Enterprise Guide 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---OR OPT 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---OR PRS 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---OR IVS 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---OR LSO 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---Grid Manager for Platform 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/IML Studio 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Workspace Server for Local Access 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Workspace Server for Enterprise Access 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS to Amazon Redshift 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---High Performance Suite 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Add-in for Microsoft Excel 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Add-in for Microsoft Outlook 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS Add-in for Microsoft Word 30DEC2023 (CPU A) ---SAS/ACCESS to Snowflake 30DEC2023 (CPU A)
I am not sure if using Windows Authentication can work from Unix.
@vijaypratap0195 wrote:
I have installed in my PC
That actually only shows that the product is licensed.
Proc product_status; run;
will verify that the modules are actually installed.
The log looks something like this for each product installed:
For Base SAS Software ... Custom version information: 9.4_M4 Image version information: 9.04.01M4P110916 For SAS/STAT ... Custom version information: 14.2 For SAS/GRAPH ... Custom version information: 9.4_M4
You should be able to copy text from your log and then on the forum open a text box using the </> icon above the message window. Then paste in the text box. For one thing it should be faster than making an image and attaching, second it is easier to read and in the cases of syntax discussion, much easier to copy, correct or make suggestions and paste.
Since you mention EG and you have SAS/ACCESS to SQL Server, that makes me think that EG (which might be running on Windows) is connecting to a linux SAS server. Is that right?
If so, then you won't be able to use Windows authentication, because the connection is made from the linux server where the SAS code executes to the database.
For connecting from a SAS server, connecting to a new SQL server would typically involve having a SAS server administrator update the odbc.ini file on the server which defines the ODBC connections, and the administrator might also create a SAS library for you. I would suggest working with your server administrator. Or do you have admin privileges on the server?
But then you also said you have "installed on your PC." Are you actually running SAS on your local PC (not a server), and using EG to connect to the SAS session on your PC?
I am able to establish the connection between SAS and MSSQL using this:
libname SQLSRVR odbc noprompt = "Driver=SQL Server;server=VIJAY_PRATAP\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted Connection=yes" DATABASE=test schema=dbo;
Connection test:
%put %sysfunc(ifc(%sysfunc(libref(SQLSRVR)) = 0, "Connection successful", "Connection failed"));
proc datasets lib=SQLSRVR ;
I can see only these many datasets/Tables.
In MSSQL my table is located here in test database:
Can you please tell me how can I fetch the Table data in SAS here?
I tried :
proc print data=SQLSRVR.MyTable; run;
Instead of using trusted_connection=yes, maybe try assing user ID and password in the connection string.
Also what happens if you run:
data sqlsrvr.foo;
Does the SAS log say that it successfully created the table? Can you see the table in SQL Server Management Studio?
It runs without an error:
data sqlsrvr.foo;
table got created in master database instead of test:
libname SQLSRVR odbc noprompt = "Driver=SQL Server;server=VIJAY_PRATAP\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted Connection=yes" DATABASE=test schema=dbo;
%put %sysfunc(ifc(%sysfunc(libref(SQLSRVR)) = 0, "Connection successful", "Connection failed"));
proc datasets lib=SQLSRVR ;
data sqlsrvr.foo;
Try using SQL Passthrough
Proc SQL;
connect using sqlsrvr as sqlsrvr;
create table <mytable> as
select * from connection to sqlsrvr (Select * from dbo.Mytable);
disconnect from sqlsrvr;
Here is paper for more details and illustration
Emulating FIRST. and LAST. SAS® DATA Step Processing in SQL? Concepts and Review (lexjansen.com)
Hope this helps
libname SQLSRVR odbc noprompt = "Driver=SQL Server;server=VIJAY_PRATAP\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted Connection=yes" DATABASE=test schema=dbo;
Proc SQL;
connect using sqlsrvr as sqlsrvr;
create table a as
select * from connection to sqlsrvr
(Select * from dbo.Mytable);
disconnect from sqlsrvr;
Great, so that shows that you're connected to the right server, but wrong database.
Are you able to pass the database name inside the connection string, something like:
libname SQLSRVR odbc noprompt = "Driver=SQL Server;server=VIJAY_PRATAP\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted Connection=yes;DATABASE=test" ;
? You might need to look up the connection string syntax for SQLEXPRESS. There are examples at https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/ .
Worked, Thanks
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