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I have a dataset with about 100 variables all starting with the same prefix (and ending in different numbers, like prefix1, prefix3, prefix7...prefix170, etc.). The numbers are not consecutive. All I want to do is rename the variables prefix1_2008, prefix3_2008, etc. There are too many variables to type them all by hand, so I'm hoping there's some kind of shortcut.
Any help is much appreciated.
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Firstly my question would be why? The reason is that SAS has native functionality to deal with lists of variables with a numeric suffix, if you apply your logic to them they lose all that functionality. For instance an array statement of:
array some_name{200} $200. prefix1-prefix200;
array some_name{200} $200. prefix1_2008 prefix2_2008... prefix200_2008;
So far more typing. Over and of functions and such like also work lists of variables so you would lose that as well.
If there is a specific reason why you need 2008 as part of the variable name then I would suggest you need to think about your data differently, normalize it:
... prefix year
... 1 2008
... 2 2008
Then use summary functions.
As for technically, then yes, there are many postings on here with methods to do this.
data _null_;
set sashelp.vcolumn (where=(libname="WORK" and memname="HAVE")) end=last;
if _n_=1 then call execute('data want; set have (rename=('||strip(name)||'='||strip(name)||'_2008');
else call execute(' '||strip(name)||'='||strip(name)||'_2008');
if last then call execute(';run;');
Though do think about what you are going to do further with the data as my question above.
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You can try proc transpose to stack all these variables, which you get a column Old_vari with previous variable name prefix1, prefix3, prefix7....as value.
Then add a new column as New=Old-vari||'_2008', and use this newly created variable after ID statement in another proc transpose, in which you un-stack the table and get values in New column as variable names.
syntax of proc transpose for stack table
proc transpose data=you_input_data out=stack_table (rename=(col1=value))
Name Old_vari;
By xxxxx /*columns you want to keep unchanged*/
Data stack_table1;
set stack_table;
drop Old_vari;
Proc transpose data=stack_table1 out=you_output_data;
ID New;
Var Value;
By xxxx;
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Adding 2008 to the end will break your nice variable list. Look how easy it could be if you just move 2008 to the "left".
length prefix1 prefix3 prefix7 prefix170 8;
retain _all_ 0;
proc print;
options dkricond=nowarning;
data test2;
set test(rename=(prefix1-prefix170=prefix2008_1-prefix2008_170));
options dkricond=error;
proc print;

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Explore using PROC DATASETS / MODIFY with RENAME -- SAS code can be generated then %INCLUDE, based on the output of a PROC CONTENTS with OUT= or otherwise manually coded if/where the SAS variable names are known and expected to be present.
Scott Barry
SBBWorks, Inc.
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proc datasets + call execute() , the benefit is fast speed, no need to overwrite dataset again.
data test; length prefix1 prefix3 prefix7 prefix170 8; retain _all_ 0; run; data _null_; set sashelp.vcolumn(keep=libname memname name where=(libname='WORK' and memname='TEST' and name like 'prefix%')) end=last; if _n_ eq 1 then call execute('proc datasets library=work nolist; modify test;rename '); call execute(cats(name,'=',name,'_2008')); if last then call execute(';quit;'); run;
Xia Keshan
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Below is a way that I have been able to put an "E_" in front of all of my variables. Many thanks especially to data _null_ and Joe Matisse for helping me along the way.
It also has a little code to prevent particular variables from receiving the E_.
proc sql noprint;
select trim(name)||'= E_'||trim(name)
into :varlist separated by ' '
and upcase(name) ne 'POL_PHR_CODE' and upcase(name) ne 'POL_CODE' and upcase(name) ne 'POL_CMP_CODE';
%put &varlist;
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Do consider that SAS has a macro variable maximum length limitation which could result in variable-name truncation. Best to avoid the potential situation, program to write SAS code (with a DATA step) to generate the statements needed to perform the RENAME, reading either DICTIONARY or SASHELP view for determining an input variable list.
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data have;
length prefix1 prefix3 prefix7 prefix170 8;
retain _all_ 0;
proc contents data=have out=interim
(where=(index(upcase(name),'PREFIX') > 0));
data interim ;
set interim;
name_2008 = cats(name,'_2008');
rename_stmt = cats(name,' = ',name_2008);
proc sql;
select rename_stmt into :rn_st separated by ' ' from interim;
data have (rename = ( &rn_st ) );
set have;