Hi Tom, Thank you. below is my code, I get the column and format list of the variables in log file of proc import, only define the first 100 as the last 26~28 are useless to me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filename indata "D:\Temp\EP\*.txt" lrecl=32767; data first; attrib Lot length=$8; attrib Event length=$1; attrib Product length=$10; attrib Recipe length=$10; attrib Route length=$10; attrib Entity length=$6; attrib LotList length=$8; attrib Date length=8 informat=ANYDTDTM40. format=DATETIME.; attrib Time B_oHe_Leak_Rate A_oHe_Leak_Rate B_iHe_Leak_Rate A_iHe_Leak_Rate B_sRF_ref B_sRF B_tRF_ref B_tRF A_sRF_ref A_sRF A_tRF_ref A_tRF robot_rtn robot_xtn HX_rho_dome HX_rho_wall A_wfr_prsnt HX_T_wall HX_T_dome A_wfr_T A_rcp_stp A_CNT_T A_TOP_T A_GSH_T A_SID_T A_iIHC_P A_iIHC_flow A_oIHC_P A_oIHC_flow A_bRF A_bRF_ref A_sO2 A_sAr A_sHe A_sSiH4 A_tHe A_tSiH4 A_tAr A_tO2 A_NF3 A_P A_rTV_stp A_TTV_stp A_echuck_V A_echuck_I B_wfr_prsnt B_wfr_T B_rcp_stp B_CNT_T B_TOP_T B_GSH_T B_SID_T B_iIHC_P B_iIHC_flow B_oIHC_P B_oIHC_flow B_bRF B_bRF_ref B_sO2 B_sAr B_sHe B_sSiH4 B_tHe B_tSiH4 B_tAr B_tO2 B_NF3 B_P B_rTV_stp B_TTV_stp B_echuck_V B_echuck_I HX_flow_wall HX_flow_dome CF_xtn_corr CF_rot_corr A_foreline_P B_foreline_P A_slot B_slot A_elapsed_stp_time B_elapsed_stp_time buffer_P Buffer_N2_flow Buffer_N20_Setpoint ChamberA ChamberB ChamberC ChamberD Batch Operation length=8; stop; call missing(of _all_); run; csvReader macro definition lines %csvReader(data=first,out=final,fileref=indata,fileNameLength=$500,namerow=4); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and get error for every raw file like below NOTE: The infile INDATA is: Filename=D:\Temp\EP\141012_040223_0511_K4411740.txt, File List=D:\Temp\EP\*.txt,RECFM=V,LRECL=32767 NOTE: The data set WORK.CSVREADER_VINFO has 102 observations and 3 variables. ERROR: Invalid data set name at line 9 column 218. ERROR: An error has occurred during instance method OM_OUTPUT(505) of "DATASTEP.HASH". Actually the 218th column in the raw file is empty with column name as "SubEntityId___5", not sure why it get an error in line 9 specifically.
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