Hi _ALL_,
I'm facing a strange problem, while I'm trying to understand if a "day" (numeric) is a working day, an (italian) holiday or a weekend.
The weekend part is working as expected:
%macro isWeekEnd(dateToCheck); %let isWeekEnd = %sysfunc(weekday(&dateToCheck)); %if &isWeekEnd eq 1 or &isWeekEnd eq 7 %then %do; %let isWeekEnd=1; %end; %else %do; %let isWeekEnd=0; %end; &isWeekEnd %mend isWeekEnd;
so that I can write
%if %isWeekEnd(&moggin.) %then %do;
having &moggin = 23300 (which is Tuesday 17 Oct 2023) gives back 0 etc.
I tried the same with an isHolidayIt() macro then:
%macro isHolidayIt(dateToCheck);
%local LCisHolidayIt;
%let LCisHolidayIt=0;;
proc sql noprint;
select count(*)
into :LCisHolidayIt
from Festiv_ITA
where datan = &dateToCheck;
%mend isHolidayIt;
%let festa=%isHolidayIt(23315); /* 1 Nov 2023: holiday */
%put &=festa;
after preparing a Festiv_ITA table with italian holidays for the year (4 variables, 13 rows, with first variable is datan: numeric holiday): if the dateToCheck is holiday it finds 1 record, and finds 0 of them if not, so we have the 0/1 situation again.
All good but I'm not getting back the return value in any way, here's the log:
26 /* DEBUG: _VERBOSE_ */
27 OPTIONS mprint mprintnest mlogic mlogicnest symbolgen syntaxcheck autocorrect fullstimer source stimer threads;
29 %macro isHolidayIt(dateToCheck);
30 %local LCisHolidayIt;
31 %let LCisHolidayIt=0;;
32 proc sql noprint;
33 select count(*)
34 into :LCisHolidayIt
35 from Festiv_ITA
36 where datan = &dateToCheck;
37 quit;
38 &LCisHolidayIt.
39 %mend isHolidayIt;
41 %let festa=%isHolidayIt(23315);
MLOGIC(ISHOLIDAYIT): Beginning execution.
MLOGIC(ISHOLIDAYIT): Parameter DATETOCHECK has value 23315
MPRINT(ISHOLIDAYIT): proc sql noprint;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATETOCHECK resolves to 23315
MPRINT(ISHOLIDAYIT): select count(*) into :LCisHolidayIt from Festiv_ITA where datan = 23315;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LCISHOLIDAYIT resolves to 1
41 1
2 The SAS System 12:57 Tuesday, October 17, 2023
MLOGIC(ISHOLIDAYIT): Ending execution.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable FESTA resolves to
42 %put &=festa;
Another strange thing (at least to me) is, if I don't put double ";;" before the proc sql, I see in sas log that its code get assigned to the macro variable:
41 proc sql noprint; select count(*) into :LCisHolidayIt from Festiv_ITA where datan =
41 ! &dateToCheck; quit; &LCisHolidayIt.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
;; seems fixing it but the first problem remains: how can I "capture" the return value to assign it externally?
Assigning the value internally, to a global variable, works, but it's not what I would like to achieve: if I do that, all the programs which will use such macro will have to define a global which exact matches the one which macro uses, so the macro won't work as a "black box" (which I prefer).
I tried to use the same logic and syntax, into isWeekEnd() and isHolidayIt() and I'm not getting why the second is not working like the first one.
Agree with others, you are better off using the HOLIDAYNAME function.
As a learning exercise, what you are trying to do is create a 'function-style macro'. The challenge is that a function-style macro can only contain macro language statements, not SAS SAS statements.
If you had asked this question 11 years ago, the answer would have been "You can't use a PROC step inside a function-style macro." But 10 years ago Rick Langston decided to add a function, DOSUBL, to SAS, which actually makes this possible. See: https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings13/032-2013.pdf.
Basically, you use %SYSFUNC to invoke the DOSUBL function, so the macro definition is still pure macro code. Then DOSUBL creates a magical 'side-session' which can execute the PROC SQL step. e.g.:
%macro isHolidayIt(dateToCheck);
%local rc LCisHolidayIt;
%let LCisHolidayIt=0;
%let rc=%sysfunc(dosubl(%nrstr(
proc sql noprint;
select count(*)
into :LCisHolidayIt
from Festiv_ITA
where datan = &dateToCheck;
))) ;
%mend isHolidayIt;
data Festiv_ITA ;
input datan ;
cards ;
run ;
%let festa=%isHolidayIt(23315);
%put &=festa ;
%let festa=%isHolidayIt(23314);
%put &=festa ;
Again, not suggesting you use this approach for this problem. But as you are developing macros, it's helpful to know that DOSUBL provides you with this ability to write function-style macro that executes SAS code.
When you put code other than just macro statements, such as your Proc SQL then the usage as a macro "function" is going to break.
Suggestion: Look at the documentation for the Holidayname function.
You can create a data set using the DATEKEYS procedure to provide your additional holidays and then reference that data set with the SAS option EVENTDS= to make a custom list of holidays available to the SAS holiday related functions.
Holidayname, when used correctly will return the name of the holiday or a blank. The Index parameter comes into play when you want a specific version of the holiday. The example in the online help for Holidayname shows use of a holiday that in the US may have multiple observations on the same day (or not if occurring on Saturday or Sunday).
Agree with others, you are better off using the HOLIDAYNAME function.
As a learning exercise, what you are trying to do is create a 'function-style macro'. The challenge is that a function-style macro can only contain macro language statements, not SAS SAS statements.
If you had asked this question 11 years ago, the answer would have been "You can't use a PROC step inside a function-style macro." But 10 years ago Rick Langston decided to add a function, DOSUBL, to SAS, which actually makes this possible. See: https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings13/032-2013.pdf.
Basically, you use %SYSFUNC to invoke the DOSUBL function, so the macro definition is still pure macro code. Then DOSUBL creates a magical 'side-session' which can execute the PROC SQL step. e.g.:
%macro isHolidayIt(dateToCheck);
%local rc LCisHolidayIt;
%let LCisHolidayIt=0;
%let rc=%sysfunc(dosubl(%nrstr(
proc sql noprint;
select count(*)
into :LCisHolidayIt
from Festiv_ITA
where datan = &dateToCheck;
))) ;
%mend isHolidayIt;
data Festiv_ITA ;
input datan ;
cards ;
run ;
%let festa=%isHolidayIt(23315);
%put &=festa ;
%let festa=%isHolidayIt(23314);
%put &=festa ;
Again, not suggesting you use this approach for this problem. But as you are developing macros, it's helpful to know that DOSUBL provides you with this ability to write function-style macro that executes SAS code.
Thank you very much, all, for the quick answers and solutions (I was struggling on that since two days): all answers have been very useful (as always) and yes, I previously saw the EVENTDS thing but, to be honest, I didn't know how to manage it and figured out how to write a small "perpetual calendar" (which gives previous, current, and next year's holidays: 39 obs at all) taking a millisec to update every time I launch my EG project, (while I'm not sure I can "write our local holidays somewhere" into a dataset read via EVENTDS: I probably have to ask This and That department... I'm not sure: it's not that clear, here, who manages what).
So, at last, and despite Quentin's comment ("not suggesting you use this approach for this problem"), his suggestion seems saving my day: I tried it on my Festiv_ITA full calendar and it works as expected there too.
I'm going to apply the same logic to a PrevLabDay() macro too, which is giving the same problem since I enabled it to work with isHolidayIt(): while it was working with isWeekEnd() only it worked like a charm (and now you explained the reason behind).
I was nearly modifying my code, to make it use of &rc global var instead (so that my colleagues, which are working at the data side, can go forth), but I'll implement the DOSUBL suggestion, now, and will give a look into EVENTDS things, later, as it's probably a better/more robust way: even now I'm basing on holiday('EASTER'), which is luckily in common with non-ita-custom holidays (GREAT luck, as it's a variable holiday date, "base" for two other holidays here: all others are fixed ones and can be summarized with 10 datalines).
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