I have the following dataset and I was wondering how can I add a row at the bottom with the totals?
data have;
1 AAA 11 10 7 70 7(70%)
2 AAA 11 0 0 0 0(0%)
1 BBB 14 5 5 100 5(100%)
2 BBB 14 4 2 50 2(50%)
1 CCC 80 46 39 84.783 39(84.8%)
2 CCC 80 0 0 0 0(0%)
proc print data=have; run;
I want my final output (in Word) to look like this:
Where the percentage in the Total row comes from division by the Total Site N so: 48.6%=51/105, and 1.9%=2/105.
This should work. I consider something like the text string 7(70%) to be such a poor way to display data that I haven't programmed it. Of course, you can program it if you'd like. I have also fixed a spelling error.
proc summary data=have nway;
class visit;
var n expct occrd;
output out=_stats_ sum=;
data have1;
length site $ 5;
set have _stats_(drop=_:);
if missing(site) then site='Total';
if site='Total' then percent=occrd/n;
else percent=percent/100;
proc report data=have1;
columns site n visit,(occrd percent expct);
define site/group "Site" order=data;
define n/group "N";
define visit/across "Yearly Visits";
define occrd/sum "Total Occurred";
define percent/sum "Percent" format=percent8.1;
define expct/sum "Total Expected";
Is your question:
How to produce the report shown?
Or, is it as you have stated, how to produce a data set that looks somewhat like the report? (If so, why?)
@PaigeMiller, the question is how to obtain the report shown based on the dataset have (specifically how to add that final row with Totals at the bottom). Thanks!
This should work. I consider something like the text string 7(70%) to be such a poor way to display data that I haven't programmed it. Of course, you can program it if you'd like. I have also fixed a spelling error.
proc summary data=have nway;
class visit;
var n expct occrd;
output out=_stats_ sum=;
data have1;
length site $ 5;
set have _stats_(drop=_:);
if missing(site) then site='Total';
if site='Total' then percent=occrd/n;
else percent=percent/100;
proc report data=have1;
columns site n visit,(occrd percent expct);
define site/group "Site" order=data;
define n/group "N";
define visit/across "Yearly Visits";
define occrd/sum "Total Occurred";
define percent/sum "Percent" format=percent8.1;
define expct/sum "Total Expected";
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