In the output method for the hash package, how do I specify overwrite? (is it even possible?). For example, the following code runs fine the first time:
proc ds2; data _null_; dcl char(20) USUBJID; dcl char(8) VSTESTCD; dcl char(20) VISIT; dcl char(30) VSTPT; dcl double rc; dcl package hash hw(); method init(); hw.ordered('a'); hw.keys([USUBJID VSTESTCD VISIT VSTPT]); hw.dataset(%tslit({select * from sdtm.vs where VSTESTCD in ('HEIGHT','WEIGHT')})); hw.definedone(); end; method term(); rc = hw.output('testtest5'); end; enddata; run; quit;
However if I run again the dataset that hw.output tries to use produces an error since it already exists.
Looks like dosubl isn't recognized in proc ds2 (or it's very possible i was using it wrong). However I was able to just pass it through a sysfunc macro call like so:
%if %sysfunc(exist(testtest1)) %then %do;
%sysfunc(dosubl('proc delete lib=work data=testtest1; run;'));
Thank you for the suggestion!
@slacey wrote:
Looks like dosubl isn't recognized in proc ds2 (or it's very possible i was using it wrong). However I was able to just pass it through a sysfunc macro call like so:
%if %sysfunc(exist(testtest1)) %then %do; %sysfunc(dosubl('proc delete lib=work data=testtest1; run;')); %end;
Thank you for the suggestion!
Why would you need DOSUBL in that case? How is running that macro code different than running this macro code?
%if %sysfunc(exist(testtest1)) %then %do;
proc delete lib=work data=testtest1; run;
Or this SAS code (note that PROC DELETE does not have a NOWARN option, but PROC DATASETS does).
proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=work;
delete testtest1;
You're 100% correct. I wrote the reply in the middle of working on it and came across that exact realization afterwards. In the end I just wrapped the proc delete in the macro exist call and put it all before proc ds2.
You probably can add the following before your Proc DS2 statement
%if (%sysfunc(exist(testtest5))) %then
PROC DELETE Data=testtest5; run;
Use the Force 😉
When a Jedi Knight uses PROC FEDSQL, the proc just deletes data set regardless the data set exists or not 🙂
data class;
set sashelp.class;
DROP TABLE TESTTEST5 FORCE; /* no need for conditional execution */
proc ds2;
data _null_ / OVERWRITE=YES;
dcl char(20) name;
dcl char(8) sex;
dcl double AGE;
dcl double rc;
dcl package hash hw();
method init();
hw.keys([name age]);
hw.dataset(%tslit({select *
from work.class
where sex in ('F','M')}));
method term();
rc = hw.output('testtest5');
May the Force be with you!
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