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Obsidian | Level 7

I need to combine same clinic names if the corresponding prior_span =1.

For example, if Clinic_name1 and Clinic_name2 where both Clinic A and Prior_span1 and prior_span2 both =1 then Clinic would = A.

Clinic_name_1 corresponds with Prior_span1

Clinic_name_2 corresponds with Prior_span2

Clinic_name_3 corresponds with Prior_span3


Below is my sample data. 



Data Have;

ID$	Clinic_Name_1$	Clinic_Name_2$	Clinic_Name_3$	Prior_Span1$	Prior_Span2$	Prior_Span3$	Cost service$ ;

1	B	A	.	0	0	0	168 A
2	A	A	.	1	0	0	46  B
2	A	A	.	0	1	0	99  C
3	B	.	.	0	0	0	24  D
4	D	.	.	0	0	0	54  A
5	B	D	F	0	1	0	405 B
7	A	.	.	1	0	0	90  F
8	E	E	A	0	0	1	87  J
9	F	.	.	0	0	0	0   G
10	C	C	C	0	0	0	40  C
10	C	C	C	0	0	1	374 B
10	C	C	C	0	1	1	60  A



***Summary table-clinic var not created yet****;
proc sql;
create table want as

select 1 as ID1,'service' as a length=40,Clinic,
       1 as ID2,put(service, $40.) as b length=40,
	   1 as ID3,(select count(distinct ID) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic and service=a.service and cost>0 ) as c format=comma20.,
	   1 as ID4,calculated c/(select count(distinct ID) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic and cost>0 ) as d format=percent8.1,
	   1 as ID5,sum(cost) as e format=dollar20.,
	   1 as ID6,sum(cost)/(select sum(cost) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic) as f format=percent8.1

 from have as a

  group by Clinic,service
union all
select 7 as id1,'09'x as a,Clinic,
       7 as id2,'Total Clients' as b,
	   7 as id3,count(distinct ID) as f,
	   7 as id4,.,
	   7 as id5,.,
	   7 as id7,.

 from have
where service ne 'j'  and cost>0
  group by Clinic
union all
select 7 as id1,'09'x as a,Clinic,
       7 as id2,' Total Cost' as f,
	   7 as id3,. as c,
	   7 as id4,.,
	   7 as id5,sum(cost),
	   7 as id7,.

 from have
where service ne 'j'  and cost>0
      group by Clinic
options missing=' ';

proc report data=want nowd;

column id1 a b Clinic,(c d e f);
define id1/group noprint;
define a/group noprint ' ';
define b/group ' ';
define c/analysis 'Clients';
define d/analysis '% of Clients';
define e/analysis 'Cost';
define f/analysis '% of Cost';

define Clinic/across '';
compute before a/style={just=l color=black};
if id1=1 then len=0;
 else len=10;
x=' ';
line x $varying10. len;
line a $40.;




Accepted Solutions
Super User

I think the code(wrote by me) you posted has nothing to do with your question.

Data Have;
ID$	Clinic_Name_1$	Clinic_Name_2$	Clinic_Name_3$	Prior_Span1$	Prior_Span2$	Prior_Span3$	Cost service$ ;
1	B	A	.	0	0	0	168 A
2	A	A	.	1	0	0	46  B
2	A	A	.	0	1	0	99  C
3	B	.	.	0	0	0	24  D
4	D	.	.	0	0	0	54  A
5	B	D	F	0	1	0	405 B
7	A	.	.	1	0	0	90  F
8	E	E	A	0	0	1	87  J
9	F	.	.	0	0	0	0   G
10	C	C	C	0	0	0	40  C
10	C	C	C	0	0	1	374 B
10	C	C	C	0	1	1	60  A
15  A   B   C   1   1   1   60  A
proc sql;
create table classdata as
select * from 
select distinct Clinic_Name_1 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
select distinct Clinic_Name_2 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
select distinct Clinic_Name_3 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
(select distinct service from have where service is not missing)

create table want as
select Clinic_Name_1,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span1='1' group by Clinic_Name_1,service
union all
select Clinic_Name_2,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span2='1' group by Clinic_Name_2,service
union all
select Clinic_Name_3,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span3='1' group by Clinic_Name_3,service
proc tabulate data=want classdata=classdata;
class service Clinic_Name_1;
var count cost;
table service all,(Clinic_Name_1='Clinic' all)*(count*f=f20.0 cost*f=dollar22.0);
keylabel sum=' ' all='Total';



View solution in original post

Super User

Thank you for providing working data.


Can you provide an example of what the data looks like after the "same levels" are combined for that data?


I am not sure what the output should look like.


You should expand on your single example to include a few more. Such as what are the rules for when you have two (or more) Prior_span =1 and correspond to different clinics such as hypothetical:

15	A	B	C	1	1	1	60  A

what is the rule for selecting the response?


What is the output where there are no 1 in any of the Prior_span

Obsidian | Level 7

Sorry, I did a poor job of explain this. Ultimately, I want to sum clients and cost by Clinic and Service where prior span =1. Here is an Excel example of what I am trying to do in SAS.  I have added ballardw's example to the sample data set.  Hope this helps!



Super User Tom
Super User

Photographs of a spreadsheet without any explanation do not help much.

What are the RULES?


Here is what I think you want.


You apparently want to create a new variable CLINIC, such that
        all the non-blank values for clinic_name1, clinic_name2, clinic_name3 have the same value,
        all the corresponding prior_span values are "1"

        the new variable gets the common clinic_name value


        it is left blank.


If so, then 

data want (drop=i);
  set have;

  array cn {3} $ clinic_name_1- clinic_name_3;
  array ps {3} $ prior_span1 - prior_span3;

  if prior_span1='1' then clinic=clinic_name_1;

  do i=2 to 3 while (cn{i}^=' ');
    if cn{i}^=cn{1} or ps{i}^='1' then clinic=' ';

This rule, in the case of your sample data, generates a name for only 1 observation (out of 12).  So I think we may need more clarity from you on the rule to use in assigning a value to CLINIC.

The hash OUTPUT method will overwrite a SAS data set, but not append. That can be costly. Consider voting for Add a HASH object method which would append a hash object to an existing SAS data set

Would enabling PROC SORT to simultaneously output multiple datasets be useful? Then vote for
Allow PROC SORT to output multiple datasets

Super User

I think the code(wrote by me) you posted has nothing to do with your question.

Data Have;
ID$	Clinic_Name_1$	Clinic_Name_2$	Clinic_Name_3$	Prior_Span1$	Prior_Span2$	Prior_Span3$	Cost service$ ;
1	B	A	.	0	0	0	168 A
2	A	A	.	1	0	0	46  B
2	A	A	.	0	1	0	99  C
3	B	.	.	0	0	0	24  D
4	D	.	.	0	0	0	54  A
5	B	D	F	0	1	0	405 B
7	A	.	.	1	0	0	90  F
8	E	E	A	0	0	1	87  J
9	F	.	.	0	0	0	0   G
10	C	C	C	0	0	0	40  C
10	C	C	C	0	0	1	374 B
10	C	C	C	0	1	1	60  A
15  A   B   C   1   1   1   60  A
proc sql;
create table classdata as
select * from 
select distinct Clinic_Name_1 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
select distinct Clinic_Name_2 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
select distinct Clinic_Name_3 from have where Clinic_Name_1 is not missing
(select distinct service from have where service is not missing)

create table want as
select Clinic_Name_1,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span1='1' group by Clinic_Name_1,service
union all
select Clinic_Name_2,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span2='1' group by Clinic_Name_2,service
union all
select Clinic_Name_3,service,count(*) as count,sum(cost) as cost from have where Prior_Span3='1' group by Clinic_Name_3,service
proc tabulate data=want classdata=classdata;
class service Clinic_Name_1;
var count cost;
table service all,(Clinic_Name_1='Clinic' all)*(count*f=f20.0 cost*f=dollar22.0);
keylabel sum=' ' all='Total';




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