I need to combine same clinic names if the corresponding prior_span =1.
For example, if Clinic_name1 and Clinic_name2 where both Clinic A and Prior_span1 and prior_span2 both =1 then Clinic would = A.
Clinic_name_1 corresponds with Prior_span1
Clinic_name_2 corresponds with Prior_span2
Clinic_name_3 corresponds with Prior_span3
Below is my sample data.
Data Have;
ID$ Clinic_Name_1$ Clinic_Name_2$ Clinic_Name_3$ Prior_Span1$ Prior_Span2$ Prior_Span3$ Cost service$ ;
1 B A . 0 0 0 168 A
2 A A . 1 0 0 46 B
2 A A . 0 1 0 99 C
3 B . . 0 0 0 24 D
4 D . . 0 0 0 54 A
5 B D F 0 1 0 405 B
7 A . . 1 0 0 90 F
8 E E A 0 0 1 87 J
9 F . . 0 0 0 0 G
10 C C C 0 0 0 40 C
10 C C C 0 0 1 374 B
10 C C C 0 1 1 60 A
***Summary table-clinic var not created yet****;
proc sql;
create table want as
select 1 as ID1,'service' as a length=40,Clinic,
1 as ID2,put(service, $40.) as b length=40,
1 as ID3,(select count(distinct ID) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic and service=a.service and cost>0 ) as c format=comma20.,
1 as ID4,calculated c/(select count(distinct ID) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic and cost>0 ) as d format=percent8.1,
1 as ID5,sum(cost) as e format=dollar20.,
1 as ID6,sum(cost)/(select sum(cost) from have where Clinic=a.Clinic) as f format=percent8.1
from have as a
group by Clinic,service
union all
select 7 as id1,'09'x as a,Clinic,
7 as id2,'Total Clients' as b,
7 as id3,count(distinct ID) as f,
7 as id4,.,
7 as id5,.,
7 as id7,.
from have
where service ne 'j' and cost>0
group by Clinic
union all
select 7 as id1,'09'x as a,Clinic,
7 as id2,' Total Cost' as f,
7 as id3,. as c,
7 as id4,.,
7 as id5,sum(cost),
7 as id7,.
from have
where service ne 'j' and cost>0
group by Clinic
options missing=' ';
proc report data=want nowd;
column id1 a b Clinic,(c d e f);
define id1/group noprint;
define a/group noprint ' ';
define b/group ' ';
define c/analysis 'Clients';
define d/analysis '% of Clients';
define e/analysis 'Cost';
define f/analysis '% of Cost';
define Clinic/across '';
compute before a/style={just=l color=black};
if id1=1 then len=0;
else len=10;
x=' ';
line x $varying10. len;
line a $40.;
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