HI Team,
I have a requirement to create Pvalue based on distribution of data , below is the requirement.
1 If data follows normal distribution, P-values were derived using paired sample t-test else by Wilcoxon test for baseline vs all the timepoints.
The below codes i have written , but the codes are too lengthy. Could you please help to make it in a macro
/*Method 1 - Paired T test*/ %macro pir(dat1=,visn=,parn=,out=,rm=); data &dat1; set input; where parcat1n=&parn. and avisn=&visn.; run; ods trace on; ods output TTests=&out. ; proc ttest data=&dat1. alpha=0.05; paired base*aval; run; ods trace off; data &out._1(rename=(probc=&rm.)); set &out.; probc=put(Probt,pvalue6.4)||"^{Super 1}"; label=" P-value"; ord=8.1; keep label ord Variable1 Variable2 Difference probc; run; %mend; %pir(dat1=input1,visn=1,parn=1,out=l_wk1,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=1,parn=2,out=nl_wk1,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=1,parn=3,out=h_wk1,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=2,parn=1,out=l_wk2,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=2,parn=2,out=nl_wk2,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=2,parn=3,out=h_wk2,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=3,parn=1,out=l_wk3,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=3,parn=2,out=nl_wk3,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=3,parn=3,out=h_wk3,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=4,parn=1,out=l_wk4,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=4,parn=2,out=nl_wk4,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=4,parn=3,out=h_wk4,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=5,parn=1,out=l_wk6,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=5,parn=2,out=nl_wk6,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=5,parn=3,out=h_wk6,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=6,parn=1,out=l_wk8,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=6,parn=2,out=nl_wk8,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=6,parn=3,out=h_wk8,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=7,parn=1,out=l_wk12,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=7,parn=2,out=nl_wk12,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=7,parn=3,out=h_wk12,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=8,parn=1,out=l_wk16,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=8,parn=2,out=nl_wk16,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=8,parn=3,out=h_wk16,rm=_Healthy_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=9,parn=1,out=l_wk28,rm=_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=9,parn=2,out=nl_wk28,rm=_Non_Lesional_); %pir(dat1=input1,visn=9,parn=3,out=h_wk28,rm=_Healthy_); %macro mrg(in_1=,in_2=,in_3=,vsn=,out=); data &out.; merge &in_1. &in_2. &in_3.; by Variable1 Variable2; avisn=&vsn.; run; %mend; %mrg(in_1=l_wk1_1,in_2=nl_wk1_1,in_3=h_wk1_1,vsn=1,out=p_wk1); %mrg(in_1=l_wk2_1,in_2=nl_wk2_1,in_3=h_wk2_1,vsn=2,out=p_wk2); %mrg(in_1=l_wk3_1,in_2=nl_wk3_1,in_3=h_wk3_1,vsn=3,out=p_wk3); %mrg(in_1=l_wk4_1,in_2=nl_wk4_1,in_3=h_wk4_1,vsn=4,out=p_wk4); %mrg(in_1=l_wk6_1,in_2=nl_wk6_1,in_3=h_wk6_1,vsn=5,out=p_wk6); %mrg(in_1=l_wk8_1,in_2=nl_wk8_1,in_3=h_wk8_1,vsn=6,out=p_wk8); %mrg(in_1=l_wk12_1,in_2=nl_wk12_1,in_3=h_wk12_1,vsn=7,out=p_wk12); %mrg(in_1=l_wk16_1,in_2=nl_wk16_1,in_3=h_wk16_1,vsn=8,out=p_wk16); %mrg(in_1=l_wk28_1,in_2=nl_wk28_1,in_3=h_wk28_1,vsn=9,out=p_wk28); /*Paired Ttest values*/ data PT_pval(rename=(variable2=varname)); set p_wk1 p_wk2 p_wk3 p_wk4 p_wk6 p_wk8 p_wk12 p_wk16 p_wk28; run; /*Checking normality of the dristribution to understand which test needs to perform*/ %macro uni(var=,a=,b=,d=,rnm=); data input_1; set input; where parcat1n=&b. ; run; proc sort;by avisn;run; ods trace on; ods output TestsForNormality=&d.; Proc univariate data=input_1 normal; var &var.; by avisn; RUN; ods trace off; data &d.(rename=(pValue=&rnm.)); set &d.; where TEST="Shapiro-Wilk"; run; %mend; %uni(var=chg,b=1,d=pv_l_0s,rnm=ls); %uni(var=chg,b=2,d=pv_nl_0s,rnm=nls); %uni(var=chg,b=3,d=pv_h_0s,rnm=hs); %macro mr(a=,in=,ord=); data &a.; merge &in.; by avisn; sord=&ord.; keep avisn VarName Test ls nls hs sord; run; %mend; %mr(a=pval_0s,in=pv_l_0s pv_nl_0s pv_h_0s,ord=0); data pvalue_T415; Length nvar $9.; set pval_0s; if ls<0.05 then nvar="ls"; if nls<0.05 then nvar="nls"; if hs<0.05 then nvar="hs"; if ls<0.05 and hs<0.05 then nvar="lshs"; if ls<0.05 and nls<0.05 then nvar="lsnls"; if nls<0.05 and hs<0.05 then nvar="nlshs"; if ls<0.05 and nls<0.05 and hs<0.05 then nvar="lsnlshs"; if ls ne . and nls ne . and hs ne .; run; /*Method 2 Non parametric method*/ %macro par(a=,b=,c=,rnm=); data input1; set input; where parcat1n=&a. and avisn in &b.; run;; proc sort data=input1; by parcat1; run; ods trace on; ods output TestsForLocation=&c.; Proc univariate data=input1; Var chg; Run; ods trace off; data &c.(rename=(pValue=&rnm.)); Length varname $4.; set &c.; where Test="Signed Rank"; varname="AVAL"; run; %mend; %par(a=1,b=(0,1),c=ls_1,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,1),c=nls_1,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,1),c=hs_1,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,2),c=ls_2,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,2),c=nls_2,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,2),c=hs_2,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,3),c=ls_3,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,3),c=nls_3,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,3),c=hs_3,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,4),c=ls_4,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,4),c=nls_4,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,4),c=hs_4,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,5),c=ls_5,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,5),c=nls_5,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,5),c=hs_5,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,6),c=ls_6,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,6),c=nls_6,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,6),c=hs_6,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,7),c=ls_7,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,7),c=nls_7,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,7),c=hs_7,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,8),c=ls_8,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,8),c=nls_8,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,8),c=hs_8,rnm=nphs); %par(a=1,b=(0,9),c=ls_9,rnm=npls); %par(a=2,b=(0,9),c=nls_9,rnm=npnls); %par(a=3,b=(0,9),c=hs_9,rnm=nphs); %macro mr(a=,in=,ord=); data &a.; merge &in.; by varname; sord=&ord.; keep varname test npls npnls nphs sord; run; %mend; %mr(a=np_1,in=ls_1 nls_1 hs_1,ord=1); %mr(a=np_2,in=ls_2 nls_2 hs_2,ord=2); %mr(a=np_3,in=ls_3 nls_3 hs_3,ord=3); %mr(a=np_4,in=ls_4 nls_4 hs_4,ord=4); %mr(a=np_5,in=ls_5 nls_5 hs_5,ord=5); %mr(a=np_6,in=ls_6 nls_6 hs_6,ord=6); %mr(a=np_7,in=ls_7 nls_7 hs_7,ord=7); %mr(a=np_8,in=ls_8 nls_8 hs_8,ord=8); %mr(a=np_9,in=ls_9 nls_9 hs_9,ord=9); data np_T415(rename=(ls=npls nls=npnls hs=nphs sord=avisn)); Length varname $4.; set np_1-np_9; ls=put(npls,pvalue6.4)||"^{Super 2}"; nls=put(npnls,pvalue6.4)||"^{Super 2}"; hs=put(nphs,pvalue6.4)||"^{Super 2}"; drop npls npnls nphs; run; proc sort data=np_T415;by avisn;run; proc sort data=pvalue_T415;by avisn;run; data final_T415; Length varname $4.; merge pvalue_T415(in=a) np_T415(in=b); by avisn; if a; run; /*Merging both Paired T test vlaue and non parameter value*/ data fi_pval; merge final_T415(in=a) PT_pval(in=b); by avisn; if a; run; /*Assinging Pavlues based on the requiremnts- Less than 0.05 for Wilcoxon and rest are assigned with T test*/ data final_pval; set fi_pval; if nvar="ls" then _Lesional_=npls; if nvar="nls" then _Non_Lesional_=npnls; if nvar="hs" then _Healthy_=nphs; if nvar="lshs" then _Healthy_=nphs; if nvar="lshs" then _Lesional_=npls; if nvar="nlshs" then _Healthy_Skin_Area=nphs; if nvar="nlshs" then _Non_Lesional_=npnls; if nvar="lsnls" then _Non_Lesional_=npnls; if nvar="lsnls" then _Lesional_=npls; if nvar="lsnlshs" then _Lesional_=npls; if nvar="lsnlshs" then _Non_Lesional_=npnls; if nvar="lsnlshs" then _Healthy_=nphs; ; run;
, Is there any way to make it small and create a macro for this
I have a requirement to create Pvalue based on distribution of data , below is the requirement. 1 If data follows normal distribution, P-values were derived using paired sample t-test else by Wilcoxon test for baseline vs all the timepoints. The below codes i have written , but the codes are too lengthy. Could you please help to make it in a macro
Not able to test this, as I don't have your data. But the general idea is to sort and then use a BY statement.
proc sort data=input;
by parcat1n avisn;
proc ttest data=input alpha=0.05;
ods output ttests=out;
by parcat1n avisn;
paired base*aval;
The general idea here (and hopefully for the rest of your SAS life) is to avoid using macros when a BY statement(s) can do the work.
Also, the same idea applies to using testing the distribution and for non-parametric tests, no need for a macro there either, so I did not write code for that, see if you can follow what I did to get distribution tests and non-parametric tests working without a macro.
@ambadi007 wrote:
...but in second method i need to show baseline VS all other timepoints (i.e visits)
I'm sorry but I don't know what this brief comment means, I don't know what doesn't work, I don't even know what baseline you are referring to. Please explain in detail.
@ambadi007 wrote:
need to check the Pvalue for first visit(Baseline) and all other visits
Hi, I find this to be unclear as well, and request a detailed explanation. Be generous with information!
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