I've been away from SAS for a few years so I'm kind of rusty. Here's what I hope is a simple questions. I'm currently running a fairly extensive batch file that uses SAS quite extensively. I keep getting a message saying that the system is running the SAS program and have attached an edited version of that message. My real question is: Can I still run other SAS programs while the batch file is executing? It appears as if the answer is no but I thought I'd ask.
I'm running Windows 7 PRO with SAS 9.4.
Yes you can.
If you mean by extensive, that it consumes lots of resources, you might find that your system to getting slower.
Also be aware of any data set locking that could interfere your other process.
I tried opening a second instance of SAS and get the following somewhat cryptic message:
"The SAS Windowing environment is not available. This version of SAS can be used with SAS(r) Studio or in a batch environment. Use SAS(r) Studio or other client tool to access SAS. See http://support.sas.com/kb/52/757.html for more information."
The web link refers to A SAS NOTES web page titled: Usage Note 52757: The message "This installation configured only for server mode. No interactive session possible." occurs when you invoke SAS® University Edition. We are definitely not using the University Edition.
I recognize the possible resource constraints and potential slowdowns but this seems odd.
Any chance that you tried to use SAS with the -NODMS option? That's not supported in Windows, and might generate a similar message.
Launching a second instance of SAS might generate a message about your SASUSER profile being locked, but it should still work.
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