SAS Product Suggestions

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There should be an option to visualize data from two different tables into a single plot without having the need to join those tables. It should work by just mapping the connection between the two table. Why not join? Because join may create issues if the data is at a different hierarchy/ granularity level.


In many cases, you can simply use a SET statement to vertically concatenate the data from different data sets. You might need to rename variables if two data sets have variables with the same name. For an example, see "How to overlay custom curves with PROC SGPLOT." 

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Under Review

Hey @Harsh_Belani! Thanks for enteringg this request. Just to confirm, is this a feature that you are looking for in SAS Visual Analytics, or are you using SAS/GRAPH?

Calcite | Level 5

@Stu_SAS Thanks for looking into it. I am requesting for this feature in SAS Visual Analytics. I should have mentioned it in the original request. Apologies for the same.

My basic need is to arranging multiple datasets into a star/snowflake schema like structure and being able to visualise columns from multiple datasets in one plot with the use of mapping between those tables. Hope that makes it more clear.

SAS Employee

Thanks @Harsh_Belani. Being able to support multiple datasets in a single visualization is something that we are looking into in the future, such as in the Network Analysis object. Today you can create star schemas using SAS Studio, but you have to build the table first before using it in Visual Analytics. We'll review this request for a future release of Visual Analytics.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Under Review
SAS Employee

Thank you so much for submitting your suggestion for SAS Visual Analytics! We have reviewed your request to allow two tables to be referenced in a single object. We greatly appreciate your commitment to improving our software for your needs and the needs of others. At this time our current development roadmap is focused on other features. Your request is important to us, and we will consider it in a future version of Visual Analytics. Please continue to share your ideas as they play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Visual Analytics.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Closed