I have patient encounter file with more than 13000 records. File structure is like this.
No Problemtype1 problemtype1b problemtype1c ... problemtype49 prblemtype49c outcome1 outcome1b ... outcome49c
1 aa bb cc aa bb solved rejected denied
I need to count respective outcomes if problemtype is 'aa'. I tried using 2 dimentional array but its not working.
How to solve this problem ? Please help me. I am new to SAS.
No. I am getting error.
ERROR: Array subscript out of range at problemType = pt{i};
@BKPatel wrote:
No. I am getting error.
ERROR: Array subscript out of range at problemType = pt{i};
Means that you assigned a value to i that doesn't match the size of the array PT when created. Usually by incrementing to large but if your base index is something other than 1 then othe possibilities abound.
Here is some sample code. change the var and arrays from 5 to 49.
data have; *infile yourfile end=eof;
input n:5. (prob1 prob2 prob3 prob4 prob5) (:$8.)
(outcom1 outcom2 outcom3 outcom4 outcom5) (:$20.);
array prob {5} $8 prob1-prob5;
array outcom {5} $20 outcom1-outcom5;
do x=1 to 5 ;
if prob{x}='aa' then do;
if outcom{x}='solved' then solved+1;
if outcom{x}='rejected' then rejected+1;
if outcom{x}='denied' then denied+1;
end; end;
*if eof then output;
1 aa bb cc aa bb solved rejected denied solved denied
2 aa bb cc aa bb solved rejected denied solved denied
3 aa bb cc aa bb solved rejected denied solved denied
proc print; run;
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