I have unsuccessfully posted an error similar to this.
I am generating Mplus file within SAS, if I generate 1 time the process is smooth. But when I have more than 1 iteration only the last iteration goes threw the whole codes correctly, all previous ones skip a step. B/C of these 3 similar errors. I did try to close the files with CLOSE FUNCTION but it did not work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
ERROR: You cannot open WORK.ITEMBYCLASS.DATA for output access with member-level control
because WORK.ITEMBYCLASS.DATA is in use by you in resource environment DMS Process.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
ERROR: You cannot open WORK.CLASSLEVEL.DATA for output access with member-level control because
WORK.CLASSLEVEL.DATA is in use by you in resource environment DMS Process.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
ERROR: You cannot open WORK.ITEMBYTHRESH.DATA for output access with member-level control
because WORK.ITEMBYTHRESH.DATA is in use by you in resource environment DMS Process.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds