Hi Friends,
I need to create a 4 report
1. New items—Memb that were on the previous week report but that are not on the current week reports.
2. Worked Items—Memb that are on the current report but that are not the previous week report.
3. Current report—everything on the current report
4. Summary –listing the count of the following:
a. New Items
B. worked items
C.Current report
There is no data to compare with previous week. So I have stored the present dataset in the control table for previous comparison .
Current table: present
Comparison table: previous week
I created a code as below,
Proc sql;
Create table newitem as
Select memno, var1, var2, var3
From present where memno not in (select memno from previousweek);
Proc sql;
Create table workeditem as
Select memno, var1, var2, var3
From previousweek where memno not in (select memno from present);
I need your helps on creating current report and summary report.
Thanks in Advance .
Message was edited by: Raveenat