I tried all I can to check the following code, but still cannot figure out why I cannot get what I want for the first column, should be, Total Amt, Score, Regained %, instead of numbers. and the % of Variance column should be the % format, instead of numbers, Please see that attachment for the graph that is supposed to be. Thank you for your help!
email to="famizhang@gmail.com"
SUBJECT="Report" CONTENT_TYPE="text/html";
ods listing close;
ods html body =mail HEADTEXT="<STYLE>thead {color:black} tbody{TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;} </STYLE>"
/*headtext="<style>p,hr {display:none}</style>"*/
stylesheet=(url="temp.css") options(pagebreak='no') ;
title1 j=c COLOR=white " " ;
proc format ;
picture million (round default=32)
-1E15 -< -1E12 = '009.9T' (prefix='-$' mult=1E-11)
-1E12 -< -1E09 = '009.9B' (prefix='-$' mult=1E-8)
-1E09 -< -1E06 = '009.9M' (prefix='-$' mult=1E-5)
-1E06 -< -1E03 = '009.9K' (prefix='-$' mult=1E-2)
1E03 -< 1E06 = '009.9K' (prefix='$' mult=1e-2)
1E06 -< 1E09 = '009.9M' (prefix='$' mult=1e-5)
1E09 -< 1E12 = '009.9B' (prefix='$' mult=1E-8)
1E12 -< 1E15 = '009.9T' (prefix='$' mult=1E-11);
VALUE negfmt
low-<0 = 'red'
OTHER = 'black';
Proc report data=allproduct contents=" " nowd split='\'
style(header)={color=white just=center background=lightgrey fontweight=bold }
style(column)={color=white just=center background=lightcyan foreground=black };
column _name_ month2016 month2015 Num_of_Variance Perc_of_Variance year2016 year2015 Perc_of_Variance_y;
title1 j=c "All Products";
define _name_ / "Dollars" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=2in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=2in just=center foreground=black];
define month2016/ "mon16" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define month2015/ "Mon15" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define Num_of_Variance/ "# of Variance" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define Perc_of_Variance/ "% of Variance" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define year2016/ "16YTD" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define year2015/ "15YTD" style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
define Perc_of_Variance_y/ "% of Variance " style=[fontstyle=Roman fontweight=bold width=0.7in font_size=2.2 cellwidth=0.7in just=center foreground=negfmt.];
%macro comp(arg);
compute &arg;
if _name_='Total Amt' then call define(_col_,'format','million.');
if _name_='Score’ then call define(_col_,'format','comma8.0');
if _name_= 'regained %' then call define(_col_,'format','percent8.1');
%mend common_lines;
%comp( month2015);
%comp( Num_of_Variance);