proc iml;
use kaplan;
read all var{time Survival survival1};
Survival1 = DM[,3]; Survival = DM[,2]; time = DM[,1];
n = nrow(DM);
segment = J(nrow(DM),1,1); print segment;
do i = 3 to nrow(DM);
if Survival1=Survival then SS=Survival1;
else if Survival1<Survival then SS=survival1-survival1[i+1];
do i = 2 to nrow(DM);
if time=time then TT=time;
else if time<time then TT=time[i+1]-time;
create kaplann var{time Survival survival1 TT DX DX};
ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.
operation : [ at line 1985 column 16
operands : DM, , *LIT1002
DM 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
*LIT1002 1 row 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 1985 column 2
ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.
operation : [ at line 1985 column 35
operands : DM, , *LIT1003
DM 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
*LIT1003 1 row 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 1985 column 22
ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.
operation : [ at line 1985 column 50
operands : DM, , *LIT1004
DM 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
*LIT1004 1 row 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 1985 column 41
ERROR: (execution) Invalid operand to operation.
operation : J at line 1988 column 12
operands : _TEM1001, *LIT1005, *LIT1006
_TEM1001 1 row 1 col (numeric)
*LIT1005 1 row 1 col (numeric)
*LIT1006 1 row 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 1988 column 1
ERROR: Matrix segment has not been set to a value.
statement : PRINT at line 1988 column 28
WARNING: Variable DX already exists on file WORK.KAPLANN.