I do not want to duplicate messages but this has a different heading.
How can I fixed it?
NOTE: Closing WORK.KMM_1
ERROR: Matrix Big has not been set to a value.
statement : CREATE at line 913 column 93
ERROR: No data set is currently open for output.
statement : APPEND at line 913 column 133
NOTE: Exiting IML.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IML used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
proc iml;
use KMM_&p;
read all var{time censored survival1 frequency y replicate } into DM;
/*read the 3 variables into matrix*/ /*have to print within DM*/
close; /*close the link between the dataset and IML*/
replicate=DM[,6]; y=DM[,5];frequency =DM[,4]; survival1 =DM[,3]; Censored= DM[,2]; time = DM[,1]; /*Survivalival is second column*/ /*time is first column*/
n = nrow(DM);
/*number of rows in the dataset = obs*/ /*THE N DOESNT NEED TO BE FIXED*/
/*Segment equals the number of consecutive patterns*/ /*J creates a matrix in IML , it creates a 100x1 matrix of 1s, the 3rd 1 is the value in matrix*/
segment = J(nrow(DM),1,1); *print segment;
do k = 1 to ncol(u);
byIdx = loc(replicate=u
byGroup = DM[idx,];
y=byGroup[,5];freqency =byGroup[,4]; survival1 =byGroup[,3]; Censored= byGroupDM[,2]; time = timeDM[,1];
do i = 2 to nrow(DM);
if ((Censored=1)=(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]; /**/ /* coming up with unique segments for censored*****/;
else if ((Censored=1)=1-(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]+1;
*print time survival1 censored frequency segment;
*print segment;
do i = 1 to n;
if censored=1 then SurvivalM=survival1; else if censored=0 then SurvivalM=survival1; /*****Create a 1 by N -matrix of Survival ****/;
*print SurvivalM;
do i = 1 to n;
if censored=1 then InverseC=1/survival1; else if censored=0 then InverseC=0; /*****survivalC is the imputed censored survival and set the real Survivalval to 1**/;
do i = 1 to ncol(frequency);
call symputx("j", i);
m = num(symget("j"));
m=1*m; print m; %let mm=m;
t=InverseC[(loc(InverseC^=0))]; print t;
tt=t(t); print tt;
create GIB_&p from BIG[colname={COL1}];
append from BIG;
Is the data the problem? The vector 'replicate' copied from your input data set appears to have 7 unique values 1 to 7, so (u-1)*20 is a row vector with 7 values, which can not be added to the vector (1:20) as they do not conform.
Your code has not defined u, therefore the DO loop over k is never executed and therefore Big is never defined.
As you develop this program, you will be more successfull if you start with a simple data set with two groups and a few observations in each group. It will be much easier for you to debug, and you could include the DATA step with future questions so that people on the list could actually run the complicated programs that you are posting. Speaking for myself, I find it difficult to debug someone else's program when I have no idea what it is supposed to do and I can't even run it.
Thanks for the help, I defined u, yet still having issues;
NOTE: Closing WORK.KMM_1
ERROR: (execution) Argument should be a scalar.
operation : J at line 5393 column 113
operands : u, *LIT1010
u 1 row 7 cols (numeric)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*LIT1010 1 row 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 5393 column 105
ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.
operation : [ at line 5393 column 189
operands : DM, idx,
DM 700 rows 6 cols (numeric)
idx 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
statement : ASSIGN at line 5393 column 177
ERROR: Matrix Big has not been set to a value.
proc iml;
use KMM_&p;
read all var{time censored survival1 frequency y replicate } into DM;
/*read the 3 variables into matrix*/ /*have to print within DM*/
close; /*close the link between the dataset and IML*/
replicate=DM[,6]; y=DM[,5];frequency =DM[,4]; survival1 =DM[,3]; Censored= DM[,2]; time = DM[,1]; /*Survivalival is second column*/ /*time is first column*/
n = nrow(DM);
/*number of rows in the dataset = obs*/ /*THE N DOESNT NEED TO BE FIXED*/
/*Segment equals the number of consecutive patterns*/ /*J creates a matrix in IML , it creates a 100x1 matrix of 1s, the 3rd 1 is the value in matrix*/
segment = J(nrow(DM),1,1); *print segment;
u = unique(replicate);
do k = 1 to ncol(u);
byIdx = loc(replicate=u
byGroup = DM[idx,]; /* extract BY group */
y=byGroup[,5];freqency =byGroup[,4]; survival1 =byGroup[,3]; Censored= byGroupDM[,2]; time = timeDM[,1];
do i = 2 to nrow(DM);
if ((Censored=1)=(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]; /**/ /* coming up with unique segments for censored*****/;
else if ((Censored=1)=1-(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]+1;
*print time survival1 censored frequency segment;
*print segment;
do i = 1 to n;
if censored=1 then SurvivalM=survival1; else if censored=0 then SurvivalM=survival1; /*****Create a 1 by N -matrix of Survival ****/;
*print SurvivalM;
do i = 1 to n;
if censored=1 then InverseC=1/survival1; else if censored=0 then InverseC=0; /*****survivalC is the imputed censored survival and set the real Survivalval to 1**/;
do i = 1 to ncol(frequency);
call symputx("j", i);
m = num(symget("j"));
m=1*m; print m; %let mm=m;
t=InverseC[(loc(InverseC^=0))]; print t;
tt=t(t); print tt;
create GIB_&p from BIG[colname={COL1}];
append from BIG;
You should write
byGroup = DM[byIidx,]; /* extract BY group */
You will also have future problems if you don't fix the limits of the inner loops. You currently have
do i = 1 to n;
which is wrong because your vectors are now shorter than DM.I suspect that you want
do i = 1 to nrow(byGroup);
(or you can redefine n)
Now that you are on the right track, I'll let you and others debug your program. Take the time to learn how to interpret the ERROR messages that come out of PROC IML. This article might help: How to find and fix programming errors - The DO Loop
Good luck!
Thanks, I will look at and keep working on
Hi Rick, I am confused while I am still getting this error:
Thought this occurs when you try to assign or print a matrix that has not been assigned.:
NOTE: Closing WORK.KMM_1
ERROR: (execution) Matrix has not been set to a value.
operation : [ at line 11381 column 173
operands : DM, byIidx,
DM 700 rows 6 cols (numeric)
byIidx 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
statement : ASSIGN at line 11381 column 161
ERROR: Matrix Big has not been set to a value.
statement : CREATE at line 11388 column 94
ERROR: No data set is currently open for output.
statement : APPEND at line 11388 column 134
NOTE: Exiting IML.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IML used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
I have been reading since morning, got more than 70 hits but no one can help, Can you help me with this Rick? I made some changes to the code
NOTE: Closing WORK.KMM_1
ERROR: (execution) Matrices do not conform to the operation.
operation : + at line 7396 column 81
operands : _TEM1002, _TEM1003
_TEM1002 1 row 7 cols (numeric)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
_TEM1003 1 row 20 cols (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 7396 column 69
NOTE: Exiting IML.
NOTE: The data set WORK.GIB_1 has 140 observations and 11 variables.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IML used (Total process time):
real time 0.11 seconds
cpu time 0.06 seconds
proc iml;
use KMM_&p;
read all var{replicate time censored obs y frequency survival1 } into DM;
/*read the 3 variables into matrix*/ /*have to print within DM*/
close; /*close the link between the dataset and IML*/
survival1=DM[,7]; frequency=DM[,6]; y=DM[,5];obs =DM[,4]; censored=DM[,3]; time= DM[,2]; replicate = DM[,1]; /*Survivalival is second column*/ /*time is first column*/
*n = nrow(DM);
/*number of rows in the dataset = obs*/ /*THE N DOESNT NEED TO BE FIXED*/
/*Segment equals the number of consecutive patterns*/ /*J creates a matrix in IML , it creates a 20x1 matrix of 1s, the 3rd 1 is the value in matrix*/
segment = J(nrow(DM),1,1); *print segment;
u = unique(replicate);
do k = 1 to ncol(u);
BIG=J(140,11,-1) ;
byGroup = DM[loc(replicate=u
*byIdx = loc(replicate=u
*byGroup = DM[byIdx,]; /* extract BY group */ /* extract BY group */
obs=byGroup[,6];y=byGroup[,5];freqency =byGroup[,4]; survival1 =byGroup[,3]; Censored= byGroup[,2]; time = byGroup[,1];
do i = 2 to nrow(byGroup);
if ((Censored=1)=(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]; /**/ /* coming up with unique segments for censored*****/;
else if ((Censored=1)=1-(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]+1;
*print time survival1 censored frequency segment;
*print segment;
do i = 1 to nrow(byGroup);
if censored=1 then SurvivalM=survival1; else if censored=0 then SurvivalM=survival1; /*****Create a 1 by N -matrix of Survival ****/;
*print SurvivalM;
do i = 1 to nrow(byGroup);
if censored=1 then InverseC=1/survival1; else if censored=0 then InverseC=0; /*****survivalC is the imputed censored survival and set the real Survivalval to 1**/;
do i = 1 to ncol(frequency);
call symputx("j", i);
m = num(symget("j"));
m=1*m; print m; %let mm=m;
t=InverseC[(loc(InverseC^=0))]; print t;
tt=t(t); print tt;
create GIB_&p from BIG[colname={COL1}];
append from BIG;
Wrong output:
The error message is correct, you have not assigned a value to the matrix byIidx. You should have typed byIdx instead.
The error message says
byIidx 0 row 0 col (type ?, size 0)
which says that the matrix that you are using to index DM is undefined. You have a typo: it should be byIdx.
I made some changes, howver the problem with this code is where I mark bold, any corrections
NOTE: Closing WORK.KMM_1
ERROR: (execution) Matrices do not conform to the operation.
operation : + at line 7396 column 81
operands : _TEM1002, _TEM1003
_TEM1002 1 row 7 cols (numeric)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
_TEM1003 1 row 20 cols (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 7396 column 69
NOTE: Exiting IML.
NOTE: The data set WORK.GIB_1 has 140 observations and 11 variables.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IML used (Total process time):
real time 0.11 seconds
cpu time 0.06 seconds
proc iml;
use KMM_&p;
read all var{replicate time censored obs y frequency survival1 } into DM;
/*read the 3 variables into matrix*/ /*have to print within DM*/
close; /*close the link between the dataset and IML*/
survival1=DM[,7]; frequency=DM[,6]; y=DM[,5];obs =DM[,4]; censored=DM[,3]; time= DM[,2]; replicate = DM[,1]; /*Survivalival is second column*/ /*time is first column*/
*n = nrow(DM);
/*number of rows in the dataset = obs*/ /*THE N DOESNT NEED TO BE FIXED*/
/*Segment equals the number of consecutive patterns*/ /*J creates a matrix in IML , it creates a 20x1 matrix of 1s, the 3rd 1 is the value in matrix*/
segment = J(nrow(DM),1,1); *print segment;
u = unique(replicate);
do k = 1 to ncol(u);
BIG=J(140,11,-1) ;
byGroup = DM[loc(replicate=u
*byIdx = loc(replicate=u
*byGroup = DM[byIdx,]; /* extract BY group */ /* extract BY group */
obs=byGroup[,6];y=byGroup[,5];freqency =byGroup[,4]; survival1 =byGroup[,3]; Censored= byGroup[,2]; time = byGroup[,1];
do i = 2 to nrow(byGroup);
if ((Censored=1)=(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]; /**/ /* coming up with unique segments for censored*****/;
else if ((Censored=1)=1-(Censored[i-1]=1)) then segment=segment[i-1]+1;
*print time survival1 censored frequency segment;
*print segment;
do i = 1 to nrow(byGroup);
if censored=1 then SurvivalM=survival1; else if censored=0 then SurvivalM=survival1; /*****Create a 1 by N -matrix of Survival ****/;
*print SurvivalM;
do i = 1 to nrow(byGroup);
if censored=1 then InverseC=1/survival1; else if censored=0 then InverseC=0; /*****survivalC is the imputed censored survival and set the real Survivalval to 1**/;
do i = 1 to ncol(frequency);
call symputx("j", i);
m = num(symget("j"));
m=1*m; print m; %let mm=m;
t=InverseC[(loc(InverseC^=0))]; print t;
tt=t(t); print tt;
create GIB_&p from BIG[colname={COL1}];
append from BIG;
Is the data the problem? The vector 'replicate' copied from your input data set appears to have 7 unique values 1 to 7, so (u-1)*20 is a row vector with 7 values, which can not be added to the vector (1:20) as they do not conform.
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