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Do you want to bring your SAS Hackathon project to market as a Channel Partner
SAS Employee

A new Channel ready category is available this year!

You own the IP you have develop in the SAS Hackathon and as many of you are already using SAS at work, you can of cause implement your new developed solution into your production.


Or you might want to develop your contribution further and bring your SAS Hackathon project to market as a Channel Partner. If so, please complete the channel ready questionnaire attached and then submit your responses for consideration in addition to submitting your final Hackathon contribution videos.


Accelerate your use case through the SAS Hackathon


SAS offers a game changing way to commercialize your SAS Hackathon project to create net new revenue streams for you and more value for your customers.


Selected teams with an MVP (minimal viable product) may qualify for SAS Analytic software to monetize their SAS Hackathon project showcasing their IP.


Commercialize your MVP


Please download the Word document " SAS Hackathon Commercialization Qualification Checklist XX Teamname" and submit your "interest"  for evaluation.


Please mail to:, 

Subject: Commercialization Qualification

Last day of submission April 20th, 2023.



Best regards from the SAS Hackathon office


Einar Halvorsen
Global Hackathon Producer

