Exciting news! SAS Global Forum will be virtual in 2021 and we are already lining up the content for broadcast in late April or May 2021. The virtual SAS Global Forum Conference in June 2020 had over 40,0000 views since it opened and volunteers from all around the world donated their time throughout last year, to help organize, manage, contribute and evaluate the content to ensure attendees had the best experience possible. Since SAS Global Forum is virtual for 2021, we are still in need of people like you, who are willing to donate some of your time to help make the event successful.
If you would be interested in contributing your time, we’d like to ask you to complete the Engagement Opportunity form indicating your knowledge areas and interest. Please read the role descriptions carefully as some are specific to how the conference is attended (virtual only, on-site only, and both) and may not be available for the current year’s conference team. However, if the role is not available for the current year, you should feel free to indicate your interest so the information can be shared with the next conference team where the role is applicable. Once completed, as opportunities arise, the conference team will reach out to you.
Note that some roles may have all responsibilities done remotely which applies to both virtual and on-site conferences. Roles that are have responsibilities that specifically on-site only pertain to conferences that have an in-person component. Thus, some roles may have a mix of remote and on-site duties.
We are looking for all who want to become more engaged with SAS Global Forum, so be sure to complete the form and feel free to share to your colleagues. As the conference approaches, the conference leadership team will reach out to you based on your interest. Some roles do not require volunteers immediately while others have may have already passed. However, if a role has passed and you would still like to be considered for it in the future be sure to mark it as a role of interest.
Thank you
Engagement Coordinator
Greetings Jim!
I have attached a screenshot of what you should see when you click on that link. You should be able to see a preview of the PDF with a little "Download" button to download it.
However, it is actually preferred that you read the READ ME file first for instructions and background information on the different opportunities and fill out the digital version of the form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=O76qd3-jIEeUGAws_niopO4WPHsLsk9Klnc_rPTLcLBUNFdC...
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or trouble. You can email us at sasgfvolunteers@sasgug.com and we would be happy to help!
Thank you for all you do!
Very best,
Hi, can you share the link to the PDF that you're having issues with? I'll happily take a look into that for you.
Greetings Jim!
I have attached a screenshot of what you should see when you click on that link. You should be able to see a preview of the PDF with a little "Download" button to download it.
However, it is actually preferred that you read the READ ME file first for instructions and background information on the different opportunities and fill out the digital version of the form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=O76qd3-jIEeUGAws_niopO4WPHsLsk9Klnc_rPTLcLBUNFdC...
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or trouble. You can email us at sasgfvolunteers@sasgug.com and we would be happy to help!
Thank you for all you do!
Very best,
Registration is now open for SAS Innovate 2025 , our biggest and most exciting global event of the year! Join us in Orlando, FL, May 6-9.
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