I am going through the materials in preparation for the advanced certification exam I have observed a few potential inaccuracies, and I appreciate it if someone from the SAS team could address them.
1) The content guide mentions the following:
"Note: All 12 main objectives will be tested on every exam. The 62 expanded objectives are provided for additional explanation and define the entire domain that could be tested". The content guide contains 12 main objectives, but only 59 expanded objectives not 62. Were there another 3 expanded objectives that were accidentally omitted from the content guide?
2) The content guide lists case logic as one of the expanded objectives though the new "The SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide, Advanced programming using SAS 9.4" does not have any content covering this learning objective.
3) I am yet to go over the entire prep guide, but for chapter one, the quiz does not match the content covered in the chapter. It has some questions that are not covered until later chapters.
Thanks again for your help.