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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Similar to the thread I made for the Specialist prep guide, put all the errata in this thread that you find for SAS Cer Prep Guid, Advanced Programming for SAS 9 (2014)

Since this book can be easily found on the internet in pdf, this book is way more accessible to most people than the newer edition.


Please attach the official errata from SAS if you have one, I cannot find it on the internet since the book has been superseded, that would save me a lot of time determining if something is an error or not.

SAS Base Programming (2022 Dec), Preparing for SAS Advanced Programming (Cancelled).
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

The official data for this book is located at 


On page 67, after I put in the code I am getting a different result. Seems like the data I have from the link above have birthdays 10 years later than the output produced in the book.


I don't know if it is because SAS institute uses the same link for the data set for all their various editions and when you try to read older edition like this one, this data produced is different from what is printed in the book because the data I am using is meant for the 2019 copy or this is just an error?






SAS Base Programming (2022 Dec), Preparing for SAS Advanced Programming (Cancelled).
SAS Employee

Hello @Nietzsche 

I can't stop you from going through this effort - but I would comment for anyone else reading this thread: No one should be using this guide to prepare for the current Advanced Programming Professional certification exam. It's not just that exam was updated since this book was written - the A00-212 exam was retired and replaced with the new A00-232 and corresponding credential. Yes there is some overlap and in broad strokes both cover SQL, Macro, and Advanced Techniques. But there are many content and format differences, as the new A00-232 includes performance-based lab activities. The correct book ( SAS® Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS® 9.4 ) is available here: . Scroll down, there are links to purchase the book, the practice data, content updates (errata), and a neat tip sheet as well. 

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10
Hi Mark, I don't how much changes there are between SAS 9 and 9.4, I am pretty confident I'll will pass the advance programming exam with the 2014 prep guide as I don't think the impact will affect advance programming.

I will finish this 2014 prep guide plus other sas books on proc sql and macro that can be found on the internet and then take practice exam before deciding if it is necessary to spend money on getting the 2019 copy.
SAS Base Programming (2022 Dec), Preparing for SAS Advanced Programming (Cancelled).

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