Hi Doug,
It looks like your code is correct but there are some steps from earlier in the course that need to be executed to create some objects and files that your program needs to read. Try opening up mRemoteNG and couble click the student@hadoopclient connection. That will open a linux command line where you can execute this:
hdfs dfs -put /workshop/dihdm/data /user/student/dihdm
Next, execute this Hive program in the Hive editor in Hue:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dihdm.population_census(county string, population int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LOCATION '/user/student/dihdm/population_census';
Finally, in the File browser in Hue navigate to
And upload D:\Workshop\dihdm\data\census_2010.csv from the windows machine.
Then try your program again and see if it works.