I am having the same problem as Sullivan. Below is my code, which does produce a TIFF image at the dpi I need. The journal specifies that figures are in a .tiff format at 800 dpi. However, lines for the axes around the boxplot and around the blocking variable are very, very faint when I print the graph and on my computer screen when I view the image in Microsoft Office Document Imaging. The lines for the whiskers are also very faint even if increase the lfactor=8. This problem occurs when I insert the picture into a Word document. When I look at the graph output in SAS, all the lines are thick and crisp.
This technical document provided some help.
goptions reset=all device=tiffp rotate=landscape ftext="Arial" htext=12pt lfactor=4
gsfname=output gsfmode=replace hpos=70
ypixels=3200 ymax=4in xpixels=4800 xmax=6in;
filename output 'C:\r_watershed\Manuscript\Figures\precip_boxplots1_z.tiff';
symbol value=plus color=black;
proc boxplot data=precip_boxplot1;
plot precip*Watershed(year)/blockpos=1 blocklabelpos=above cblockvar=(color)
vminor=4 boxstyle=skeletal nohlabel cboxfill=(color);
label year='Year'
precip='Precipitation (mm/yr)';