You would have to modify this somewhat, but here is a macro I wrote for a similar problem. In my case, the input dates were character vars and all "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm" For me, it was important to be able to set impossible dates to missing. I also use the year variable to create a calendar year class var, which can be helpful. %MACRO MKSASDT(DATEVAR, NEWDTVAR, FIRSTYR, LASTYR, I); _&I._TEMPDT = COMPRESS(&DATEVAR); _&I._TEMPDT = STRIP(_&I._TEMPDT); _&I._MM = SUBSTR(_&I._TEMPDT, 1,2); _&I._DD = SUBSTR(_&I._TEMPDT, 4,2); _&I._YY = SUBSTR(_&I._TEMPDT, 7,4); _&I._HH = SUBSTR(_&I._TEMPDT, 11,2); _&I._TT = SUBSTR(_&I._TEMPDT, 14,2); IF _&I._YY<&FIRSTYR OR _&I._YY>&LASTYR THEN _&I._YY=.;*GET RID OF WAY PAST AND FUTURE DATES; &NEWDTVAR._DT = MDY(_&I._MM, _&I._DD, _&I._YY); &NEWDTVAR._DTM = DHMS(&NEWDTVAR._DT, _&I._HH, _&I._TT, 0); FORMAT &NEWDTVAR._DT DATE9. &NEWDTVAR._DTM DATETIME20.; %MEND;
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