So, I have a simple table that I would like to present using the following code:
proc report nowd data=wt_anly_cmp;
column Campus cohort coh_pct Withdrawals wd_rate sig pct_ratio excess wd_Rate_py Pct_Ratio_py;
define sig /left;
define excess /order order=internal descending;
define wd_rate /style(column)={backgroundcolor=verylightgray};
Unfortunately, when I run the report, some values in the sorted column disappear (EXCESS in line 04). Note that the observations are in the correct sort order that the values not gone missing. I have tried changing the ORDER variable, and it repeats itself, seemingly randomly removing values from the new ORDER variable after properly sorting the observations. I tried applying a format in the DEFINE statement to no avail, and changing the ORDER variable moves the removed values to different rows, so I really don't know what is causing the problem.
If you define EXCESS as an ORDER, then the repetitious display of values will be suppressed. For example, this code:
data class;
set sashelp.class;
** make some people the same height;
if name in ('Barbara', 'Judy', 'Carol','Henry', 'Jeffrey')
then height = 67.5;
proc report data=class nowd;
title '1) Default Behavior';
column sex height weight name;
define sex / order;
define height / order descending;
define weight / display;
define name / display;
proc report data=class nowd;
title '2) Changed Behavior using a COMPUTEd item';
column sex height showht weight name;
define sex / order;
define height / order descending;
define showht / computed;
define weight / display;
define name / display;
compute showht;
if height ne . then do;
holdit = height;
showht = height;
else if height = . then showht=holdit;
Produces these results:
Using Compute Block:
Some input data, the results you are getting and the desired results would be helpful. Also, are there any warnings or notes about that variable in the log?
No warnings or notes. Here is my data (campus information removed).
Campus | TERM_CODE | _TYPE_ | _PAGE_ | _TABLE_ | Cohort | CPct | Withdrawals | wd_Rate | Pct_Ratio | Excess | wd_Rate_py | Pct_Ratio_py | coh_pct | z | pval | sig |
A | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 162 | 2.067909114 | 17 | 10.49% | 0.77 | -5 | 17.97% | 0.91 | 2.07% | -1.202384487 | 0.229214597 | |
B | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 291 | 3.714577483 | 48 | 16.49% | 1.20 | 8 | 17.54% | 0.89 | 3.71% | 1.407764708 | 0.159200754 | |
C | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 268 | 3.420985448 | 24 | 8.96% | 0.65 | -13 | 11.20% | 0.57 | 3.42% | -2.302439201 | 0.021310416 | * |
D | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 350 | 4.467704876 | 54 | 15.43% | 1.13 | 6 | 23.80% | 1.20 | 4.47% | 0.956622055 | 0.338758053 | |
E | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 427 | 5.450599949 | 49 | 11.48% | 0.84 | -10 | 23.05% | 1.16 | 5.45% | -1.380257352 | 0.167507421 | |
F | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 334 | 4.263466939 | 66 | 19.76% | 1.44 | 20 | 27.51% | 1.39 | 4.26% | 3.285809914 | 0.001016896 | ** |
G | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 328 | 4.186877713 | 37 | 11.28% | 0.82 | -8 | 13.21% | 0.67 | 4.19% | -1.306560091 | 0.191362158 | |
H | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 284 | 3.625223385 | 46 | 16.20% | 1.18 | 7 | 22.68% | 1.15 | 3.63% | 1.24153184 | 0.214409343 | |
I | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 436 | 5.565483789 | 58 | 13.30% | 0.97 | -2 | 20.09% | 1.01 | 5.57% | -0.254069736 | 0.799441683 | |
J | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 314 | 4.008169517 | 48 | 15.29% | 1.12 | 5 | 21.32% | 1.08 | 4.01% | 0.829281128 | 0.406945347 | |
K | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 468 | 5.973959663 | 132 | 28.21% | 2.06 | 68 | 34.68% | 1.75 | 5.97% | 9.401931993 | 5.35702E-21 | *** |
L | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 302 | 3.854991065 | 13 | 4.30% | 0.31 | -28 | 12.46% | 0.63 | 3.85% | -4.845869048 | 1.26059E-06 | *** |
M | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 1,321 | 16.86239469 | 263 | 19.91% | 1.45 | 82 | 22.19% | 1.12 | 16.86% | 7.184604394 | 6.74021E-13 | *** |
N | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 398 | 5.080418688 | 42 | 10.55% | 0.77 | -13 | 14.79% | 0.75 | 5.08% | -1.87922317 | 0.060214027 | |
O | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 436 | 5.565483789 | 41 | 9.40% | 0.69 | -19 | 15.15% | 0.77 | 5.57% | -2.68975212 | 0.007150511 | ** |
P | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 26 | 0.331886648 | 3 | 11.54% | 0.84 | -1 | 16.00% | 0.81 | 0.33% | -0.322367117 | 0.747174592 | |
Q | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 377 | 4.812356395 | 26 | 6.90% | 0.50 | -26 | 16.84% | 0.85 | 4.81% | -3.941794892 | 8.08741E-05 | *** |
R | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 303 | 3.867755936 | 37 | 12.21% | 0.89 | -5 | 29.31% | 1.48 | 3.87% | -0.77330628 | 0.43934114 | |
S | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 454 | 5.795251468 | 42 | 9.25% | 0.67 | -20 | 14.52% | 0.73 | 5.80% | -2.845430717 | 0.004435141 | ** |
T | 201530 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 555 | 7.084503447 | 28 | 5.05% | 0.37 | -48 | 9.69% | 0.49 | 7.08% | -6.156339973 | 7.44453E-10 | *** |
And the result I'm seeing. No warnings or notes in the log. Note the blanks in the Excess column for campuses R and N, highlighted in red below. I did just notice that the formatted values for these entries are exactly the same as the line before it (-5 and -13, respectively). On a whim, I just tried adding the SHOWALL option to the PROC line with no effect, unfortunately.
Campus | Cohort | Percent of Cohort | Withdrawals | Withdrawal Rate | Signif | Percent Ratio | Excess | Prior Year Withdrawal Rate | Prior Year Percent Ratio |
M | 1,321 | 16.86% | 263 | 19.91% | *** | 1.45 | 82 | 22.19% | 1.12 |
K | 468 | 5.97% | 132 | 28.21% | *** | 2.06 | 68 | 34.68% | 1.75 |
F | 334 | 4.26% | 66 | 19.76% | ** | 1.44 | 20 | 27.51% | 1.39 |
B | 291 | 3.71% | 48 | 16.49% | 1.20 | 8 | 17.54% | 0.89 | |
H | 284 | 3.63% | 46 | 16.20% | 1.18 | 7 | 22.68% | 1.15 | |
D | 350 | 4.47% | 54 | 15.43% | 1.13 | 6 | 23.80% | 1.20 | |
J | 314 | 4.01% | 48 | 15.29% | 1.12 | 5 | 21.32% | 1.08 | |
P | 26 | 0.33% | 3 | 11.54% | 0.84 | -1 | 16.00% | 0.81 | |
I | 436 | 5.57% | 58 | 13.30% | 0.97 | -2 | 20.09% | 1.01 | |
A | 162 | 2.07% | 17 | 10.49% | 0.77 | -5 | 17.97% | 0.91 | |
R | 303 | 3.87% | 37 | 12.21% | 0.89 | 29.31% | 1.48 | ||
G | 328 | 4.19% | 37 | 11.28% | 0.82 | -8 | 13.21% | 0.67 | |
E | 427 | 5.45% | 49 | 11.48% | 0.84 | -10 | 23.05% | 1.16 | |
C | 268 | 3.42% | 24 | 8.96% | * | 0.65 | -13 | 11.20% | 0.57 |
N | 398 | 5.08% | 42 | 10.55% | 0.77 | 14.79% | 0.75 | ||
O | 436 | 5.57% | 41 | 9.40% | ** | 0.69 | -19 | 15.15% | 0.77 |
S | 454 | 5.80% | 42 | 9.25% | ** | 0.67 | -20 | 14.52% | 0.73 |
Q | 377 | 4.81% | 26 | 6.90% | *** | 0.50 | -26 | 16.84% | 0.85 |
L | 302 | 3.85% | 13 | 4.30% | *** | 0.31 | -28 | 12.46% | 0.63 |
T | 555 | 7.08% | 28 | 5.05% | *** | 0.37 | -48 | 9.69% | 0.49 |
If you define EXCESS as an ORDER, then the repetitious display of values will be suppressed. For example, this code:
data class;
set sashelp.class;
** make some people the same height;
if name in ('Barbara', 'Judy', 'Carol','Henry', 'Jeffrey')
then height = 67.5;
proc report data=class nowd;
title '1) Default Behavior';
column sex height weight name;
define sex / order;
define height / order descending;
define weight / display;
define name / display;
proc report data=class nowd;
title '2) Changed Behavior using a COMPUTEd item';
column sex height showht weight name;
define sex / order;
define height / order descending;
define showht / computed;
define weight / display;
define name / display;
compute showht;
if height ne . then do;
holdit = height;
showht = height;
else if height = . then showht=holdit;
Produces these results:
Using Compute Block:
I'll have to try that when I'm back at my desk in the morning.
That is what ORDER is DESIGNED to do.
proc report data=sashelp.class;
where age < 13 ;
column age name ;
define age / order ;
Age Name
11 Joyce
12 James
Why not just use PROC SORT to set the data in right order?
Unfortunately, I have many tables with the same issue, as I am actually analyzing one variable in many different ways, and I was looking for a way to streamline my code as opposed to a series of PROC SORTs.
My code example shows how to work around the issue of using EXCESS as an ORDER item on the report. I posted the code and screen shots. I think you want the second example.
That's what i went for, and it worked like a charm. THANKS!
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