Here's my .02 with a program for you to experiment with. As the previous reply said, the only thing that SAS knows when it is handling the file is where the TABLE is going to end, NOT where the VIEWER will insert a page break. So, FRAME=HSIDES puts the line under the table and not at the end of each page.
You COULD put a line (using RTF control strings) into the first footnote ...and that would get you a line that goes at the bottom of each page, because ODS puts the footnote into the footer area of the document. You can see how this footnote looks with FRAME=HSIDES if you run this program (it uses sashelp.shoes) - a few of the REGIONS are too big to fit on 1 "page". After you run the program the first time, then change the FRAME=HSIDES to FRAME=ABOVE and submit the program again. This may give you something closer to what you want (lines under the column headers and a line for the footnote on each page. (Sadly, I do not know enough about RTF control strings to do more than pass on this very handy string that I got from somebody in Tech Support.)
The other pieces of ODS that go into making this work is the use of ODS ESCAPECHAR to specify an escape character so you can use the escapechar + S= in order to change PRETEXT= to pass the control string and then PROTECTSPECIALCHARS=off, which allows the string to pass from ODS to RTF unchanged.
options nodate nonumber;
title; footnote;
ods listing close;
title1 j=l font='Arial' h=10.1pt
"Protocol XXX"
j=r font='Arial' h=10.1pt
title2 j=c font='Arial' h=10.1pt "Some Table";
title3 j=c font='Arial' h=10.1pt "Report Adverse Events";
**make sure there is a SPACE between the 1 and the quote;
** in the footnote below;
footnote j=l font='Arial' h=10.1pt
"^S={protectspecialchars=off "
"pretext='\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw1 '}"
footnote2 j=l font='Arial' h=10.1pt
'Some Other Footnote Text';
ods listing close;
ods rtf file='c:\temp\line_vs_hsides.rtf' ;
ods escapechar='^';
proc report data=sashelp.shoes nowd
style(report)={rules=groups frame=hsides
cellspacing=0 borderwidth=1}
where region in ('Asia', 'Pacific','Canada');
column region subsidiary product sales;
define region /group;
define subsidiary/group;
define product /order;
define sales/sum;
break after region/ summarize page;
ods rtf close;
title; footnote;