I do remember this paper...if you look at the reference section at the end of the paper, you'll see references back in 1999, 2000, 2001, etc. This is an older paper and if you notice, there are NO ODS invocation statements in the code shown in the paper. The paper's macro is capturing LISTING page numbers, which are probably different than ODS PDF page numbers.
The paper authors say that they are 1) running PROC REPORT twice, once to get the page numbers (these HAVE to be LISTING page numbers because of the use of PROC PRINTTO) and 2) that their method is an ALTERNATIVE to ODS RTF and the {pageof} ESCAPECHAR function.
There used to be a macro called the PAGEOF macro, first described in this paper:
http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi24/Coders/p081-24.pdf And folks used to use this macro to get page X of Y page numbers in their LISTING output. Then, the people in Tech Support came up with a version of the PAGEOF macro for using with the LISTING output:
Then, there was a version of the PAGEOF macro designed for ODS PS (PostScript) and if you need to generate page X of Y page numbers, this is the macro you should use and not one designed for the LISTING destination. This will mean that you have to use Adobe Acrobat to distill the PostScript file into a PDF file, however. Also, I don't know whether you can insert images into the PS file when you use the PS pageof macro...that would be a question for Tech Support. You can find information about the PostScript version of the pageof macro here:
And then look under the header
Archive: SAS 8.2 ODS PRINTER Family and the Pageof macros will be listed as the first topic. (when you click on the link a .SAS file is downloaded, so you must have popups enabled to see the download box.)
PS -- you might want to work with Tech Support first to see whether it's possible to use an image with the PostScript pageof macro in the first place. If it's not going to be possible, then there may not be any point going down this road.
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