I wanted to iteratively pass list of variables in quotes separated by commas to a SQL WHERE “IN” clause
WHERE IDS in ('a111','a222','a333');
Please check below working piece of SAS macro code, first approach invokes macro directly using %, it is working as expected.
In the second approach; macro invocation using CALL EXECUTE, I am not able to pass multiple parameters without wrapping up in quotes
Else it will throw ERROR: More positional parameters found than defined
But as workaround I am able to remove the additional quote using a dequote inside the macro.
Can you suggest modification to CALL EXECUTE statement so that macro variable mbrlist receive values as 'a111','a222','a333' and not “'a111','a222','a333'”,
so that dequote statement is not needed, ie wrapping CALL executive parms or just macro parm with %NRSTR, %NRBQUOTE etc functions?
%macro get_dbdata(mbrlist) ;
%put &=mbrlist;
%let mbrlist_DQ=%sysfunc(dequote(&mbrlist.));
%put &=mbrlist_DQ;
/* 1. Call macro direct */
%let mbrlst='a111','a222','a333';
%put &=mbrlst;
/* 2. Call macro using Call execute */
data qq;
/* set indata; */
put mbr_list=;
call execute('%get_dbdata("' || strip(mbr_list) || '")' );;
You need to include the %NRSTR in the CALL EXECUTE.
I have tried %NRSTR in multiple combinations before but it was throwing different errors, may be because of unbalanced quotes, commas, and brackets
But rethinking with fresh mind it is working now -😊
call execute('%get_dbdata(%NRSTR(' || strip(mbr_list) || '))' );;
Thank you Kurt
It looks like you intend to use the list in your macro, something like:
where ids in (&mbr_list)
As long as you don't add %NRSTR in the wrong place, you don't need to pass the list of values as a macro parameter. Instead, bypass all parameters:
ata qq;
/* set indata; */
put mbr_list=;
call symputx('mbr_list', mbr_list);
call execute('%get_dbdata');
Within the definition of %get_dbdata, you can still use the WHERE clause that refers to &mbr_list. It's just not a macro parameter anymore.
Note that there is a tricky timing issue here, that works for this problem. On each observation:
To add the %NRSTR in the CALL EXECUTE wrap it in %NRSTR().
3110 data qq; 3111 mbr_list="'b111','b222','b333'"; 3112 put mbr_list=; 3113 call execute(cats('%get_dbdata(%nrstr(%nrstr)(',mbr_list,'))')); 3114 run; mbr_list='b111','b222','b333' MBRLIST=%nrstr('b111','b222','b333') MBRLIST_DQ='b111','b222','b333'
Here are two easier things to try if you are just going to use the list of values with the IN operator.
First: Get rid of the commas. The IN operator in SAS is just as happy to use spaces instead.
WHERE IDS in ('a111' 'a222' 'a333')
Second: Include the parentheses in the parameter value. That will protect the commas from being seen as marking new arguments. Either put them in the macro variable value, or in the macro call.
%macro get_dbdate(mbr_list);
where ids in &mbr_list
%get_dbdata( ('a111','a222','a333') );
call execute(cats('%get_dbdata((',mbr_list,'))'));;
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SAS' Charu Shankar shares her PROC SQL expertise by showing you how to master the WHERE clause using real winter weather data.
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