Hi guys,
I'm trying to run a macro on a set of columns (variables) of a dataset. The macro is the following:
%macro glm(dataset, y, x);
ods select OverallANOVA FitStatistics ParameterEstimates;
ods table ParameterEstimates=param_&y FitStatistics=fit_&y OverallANOVA=ANOVA_&y;
proc glm data=&dataset;
class count;
model &y. = &x. /solution;
%glm(TSM_Mods, n_Mod1_PS, count);
The macro now runs on the column n_Mod1_PS but it has to run on n_Mod2_PS, ...., n_Mod99_PS then on n_Mod1_CV, n_Mod2_CV, ...., n_Mod99_CV then on n_Mod1_INF, n_Mod2_INF, ...., n_Mod99_INF. How can I modify %glm(TSM_Mods,..., count) line to run the macro on all the variables I listed here that are present in the dataset TSM_Mods?
Thank you in advance