Does anyone know if it is possible to reopen an ODS RTF destination after it has been closed to add further contents?
For example:
ods rtf.tagsets file="C:\Stats\SAS_output.rtf" ;
proc freq data=ds1 ; tables var1*var2; run ;
ods rtf.tagsets close ;
ods rtf.tagsets file="C:\Stats\SAS_output.rtf" ;
proc freq data=ds2 ; tables var1*var2; run ;
ods rtf.tagsets close ;
I am aware in the example above that the two Proc Freqs can be placed inside the same ODS. What I would like to know is if it is possible to close the rtf.tagsets destination and then reopen it to add further contents that do not overwrite the current contents displayed in the file.
Many thanks