I've trying to estimate the SD of the difference between two means. I have the means, SD and n for each dataset. Below an example of how I have my dataset. I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks!
ages | sex | n | mean A | SD A | mean B | SD B | Mean diff |
19-30 | males | 882 | 7.45825 | 2.619444 | 6.2115 | 2.150556 | -1.24675 |
19-30 | females | 897 | 5.58875 | 2.156296 | 4.666 | 1.774074 | -0.92275 |
31-50 | males | 2077 | 7.591 | 2.546296 | 6.32325 | 2.089815 | -1.26775 |
31-50 | females | 2288 | 5.83275 | 2.173704 | 4.86975 | 1.78963 | -0.963 |