I agree with Peter, that iterative calc looks odd, just solving for it;
which means your loop will never meet the condition you gave, they will always be 0.2 apart by defintion.
Do you mean to increment i by 0.2 and then look for when the the values of u(i) and u(i+1) are within tolerance, like this:
|u(1.2)-u(0.2)| < 0.001 ?
|u(1.4)-u(0.4)| < 0.001 ?
|u(1.6)-u(0.6)| < 0.001 ?
Which I don't think I have ever seen before.
Or do you mean by u(i+1) that u is not a function of i but i is an INDEX of u, which would normally be written as a subscript in mathtype, I have seen it written as u{i} and u{i+1} to distinguish it from u(i) which normally means u is a function of the variable i
So that u{i+1} means 'the next value of u' and not as ''u is evlauated on i+1'. I am not sure that will help since they still will always be 0.2 apart.
If you can clarify or give a different meaning, it would be helpful
Ike Eisenhauer