I think you are mis-interpreting the use of a Poisson distribution, but I'm no expert and I haven't done any time-domain analysis in while. So take what I say with a grain of salt.
The SAS ranpoi function has two paramters ranpoi(seed, m) where seed is some arbitray seed value and m is the mean # of events. With the Possion distribution, lambda is the mean # of events, so m=lambda for the SAS function.
Notice that the results of using ranpoi is an integer, i.e. # of events. This is a crucial distinction when interpreting the Poission distribtion. It measures the # of events within a fix time period, not the time between events. So I don't think the Possion distribution will not work for you. Unless of course you reframe your question to the # of events/impulses per second or minute.
Now for the rub, what you discribe is a Possion process but you should be using an exponential distribution for your analysis/simulation. Not all Possion processes can be modeled with a Possion distribution.
Check out either of these links on wikipedia
The Erland distribution may work for you too. The Erlang can approximate gamma and SAS has a rangam function.
I hope this will point you in the right directions.