I want to minimize an unconstrained NLP problem, having 4 variables. But, upon running the SAS file the solution status was failed and I got a warning that the "Objective function cannot be evaluated at the starting point." Can somebody PLEASE help me with this? I attached here the code. I am new to SAS by the way, it would be a great help for me.
proc optmodel;
var x{1..4} >=0 <=50;
min g=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
((0.5/(2*(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)))^(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)) *
((0.4/(2*(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)))^(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)) *
((50/(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]))^(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1])) *
((60/(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]))^(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2])) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*4)/(195*(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6)))^(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6))
* ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*2)/(195*(-0.475*x[4]-0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-1));
/* starting point */
solve with nlp / algorithm=activeset;
print x;
Because your objective function has product form, it is natural to minimize the log instead:
min log_g = -(
+ x[2]*log(12/x[2])
+ y[1]*log(0.5/(2*y[1]))
+ y[2]*log(0.4/(2*y[2]))
+ y[3]*log(50/y[3])
+ y[4]*log(60/y[4])
- x[3]*log(100/x[3])
- x[4]*log(120/x[4])
+ y[6]*log(y[5]*4/(195*y[6]))
+ y[7]*log(y[5]*2/(195*y[7]))
The resulting solution status is then Optimal rather than Best Feasible.
I have a suggestion that should help, but first I want to make sure that your objective function is defined correctly. In the final line of the MIN statement, did you really mean to have both -0.66*x[2] and +0.66*x[2], or should those coefficients be the same?
Hi Rob,
I am sorry for typo error, I mean to have only +0.66 in the objective function. By the way the objective function should be define by:
proc optmodel;
var x{1..4} >=0 <=50;
min g=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
((0.5/(2*(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)))^(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)) *
((0.4/(2*(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)))^(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)) *
((50/(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]))^(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1])) *
((60/(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]))^(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2])) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*4)/(195*(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6)))^(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6)) * ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*2)/(195*(-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-1));
/* starting point */
solve with nlp / algorithm=activeset;
print x;
One way to avoid typos is to use implicit variables to represent expressions that appear in multiple places:
impvar y {i in 1..7} =
if i = 1 then 0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1
else if i = 2 then 0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1
else if i = 3 then 0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]
else if i = 4 then 0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]
else if i = 5 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3
else if i = 6 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6
else if i = 7 then -0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4;
min g=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
((0.5/(2*y[1]))^y[1]) *
((0.4/(2*y[2]))^y[2]) *
((50/y[3])^y[3]) *
((60/y[4])^y[4]) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * (((y[5]*4)/(195*y[6]))^y[6])
* (((y[5]*2)/(195*y[7]))^y[7]))^(-1));
With or without these changes, try using the multistart option:
solve with nlp / ms;
Hi there, I tried running the code that you sent me however I got this error saying "Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
73 impvar y {i in 1..7} =
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
74 if i = 1 then 0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1
75 else if i = 2 then 0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1
76 else if i = 3 then 0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]
77 else if i = 4 then 0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]
78 else if i = 5 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3
79 else if i = 6 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6
80 else if i = 7 then -0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4;
81 min g=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
82 ((0.5/(2*y[1]))^y[1]) *
83 ((0.4/(2*y[2]))^y[2]) *
84 ((50/y[3])^y[3]) *
85 ((60/y[4])^y[4]) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
86 ((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * (((y[5]*4)/(195*y[6]))^y[6])
87 * (((y[5]*2)/(195*y[7]))^y[7]))^(-1));
89 solve with nlp / ms;
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
Hi Rob, I just want to ask what if I run this code and I don't want to set an upper bound for my Variables X[1].. X[4], therefore I would like them only to be greater than or equal to zero. However, I've tried running this code multiple times and I've got different results for X and it only says that it has only the "best feasible solution" everytime I run it. I was just concerned about how can I deal with this type of problem? or Can we have options other than multistart, or shall we incorporate a search method for this? I'm clueless. Thanks for the help! 🙂
proc optmodel;
var x{1..4} >=0;
min g=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
((0.5/(2*(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)))^(0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1)) *
((0.4/(2*(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)))^(0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1)) *
((50/(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]))^(0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1])) *
((60/(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]))^(0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2])) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*4)/(195*(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6)))^(-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6))
* ((((-0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3)*2)/(195*(-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4)))^(-1));
impvar y {i in 1..7} =
if i = 1 then 0.4*x[3]-0.2*x[1]-1
else if i = 2 then 0.55*x[4]-0.6*x[2]-1
else if i = 3 then 0.6*x[3]-0.8*x[1]
else if i = 4 then 0.5*x[4]-0.4*x[2]
else if i = 5 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]-0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+3
else if i = 6 then -0.34*x[3]-0.08*x[1]+1.6
else if i = 7 then -0.475*x[4]+0.66*x[2]+1.4;
min f=(-1) * ((-1) * (((10/x[1])^x[1]) * ((12/x[2])^x[2]) *
((0.5/(2*y[1]))^y[1]) *
((0.4/(2*y[2]))^y[2]) *
((50/y[3])^y[3]) *
((60/y[4])^y[4]) * ((100/x[3])^(-x[3])) *
((120/x[4])^(-x[4])) * (((y[5]*4)/(195*y[6]))^y[6])
* (((y[5]*2)/(195*y[7]))^y[7]))^(-1));
solve with nlp / ms;
print x;
Because your objective function has product form, it is natural to minimize the log instead:
min log_g = -(
+ x[2]*log(12/x[2])
+ y[1]*log(0.5/(2*y[1]))
+ y[2]*log(0.4/(2*y[2]))
+ y[3]*log(50/y[3])
+ y[4]*log(60/y[4])
- x[3]*log(100/x[3])
- x[4]*log(120/x[4])
+ y[6]*log(y[5]*4/(195*y[6]))
+ y[7]*log(y[5]*2/(195*y[7]))
The resulting solution status is then Optimal rather than Best Feasible.
Indeed the solution that you recommended was brilliant and I thank you for that. I never had that idea before 🙂 In line with this, I tried this approach in evaluating the optimal values for another unconstrained minimization, however, it says that the solution status is failed. I guess I've had some problem with formulation? or in dealing with this type should require other type of solver?
proc optmodel;
var x{1..4} >=0;
impvar y {i in 1..8} =
if i = 1 then -((-0.6*4.5)/(1.6*5.5))*x[1]-(4.5/5.5)*x[3]
else if i = 2 then -((-0.7*5.2)/(1.7*6.2))*x[2]-(5.2/6.2)*x[4]
else if i = 3 then (-1/0.72)+((1/0.72)+((-0.6*15.5)/(0.72*1.6*5.5)))*x[1]+((15.5/(0.72*5.5))-((1/0.72)+1))*x[3]
else if i = 4 then (-1/0.78)+((1/0.78)+((-0.7*17.6)/(0.78*1.7*6.2)))*x[2]+((17.6/(0.78*6.2))-((1/0.78)+1))*x[4]
else if i = 5 then (0.6/(1.6*5.5))*x[1]-(1/5.5)*x[3]
else if i = 6 then (0.7/(1.7*6.2))*x[2]-(1/6.2)*x[4]
else if i = 7 then (-1/0.72)+((1/0.72)+(((4.5*5.5)/0.72)+(2/0.72)+1)*(-0.6/1.6))*x[1]-(((5.5*4.5)+1)/0.72)*x[3]
else if i = 8 then (-1/0.78)+((1/0.78)+(((5.2*6.2)/0.78)+(2/0.78)+1)*(-0.7/1.7))*x[2]-(((5.2*6.2)+1)/0.78)*x[4];
min log_h = -(
- x[1]*log(3500/(300*x[1]))
- x[2]*log(4000/(300*x[2]))
+ x[3]*log(175/x[3])
+ x[4]*log(64000/(300*x[4]))
+ y[1]*log(3500/(300*y[1]))
+ y[2]*log(4000/(300*y[2]))
+ y[3]*log(0.15/(600*y[3]))
+ y[4]*log(0.2/(600*y[4]))
+ y[5]*log(5250/y[5])
+ y[6]*log(2000000/(300*y[6]))
- y[7]*log(3.9/(45*y[7]))
- y[8]*log(4.3/(45*y[8]))
solve with nlp / ms;
print x;
The log function requires a positive argument, and that implies that each x[i] and y[i] should be positive. But x[2], y[4], and y[8] cannot all be nonnegative, as detected by using the IIS functionality:
con c {i in 1..8}: y[i] >= 0;
solve noobj with lp / iis=on;
expand / iis;
SAS Output
Var x[2] >= 0 Constraint c[4]: y[4] >= 0 Constraint c[8]: y[8] >= 0 |
Now expand y[4] and y[8]:
expand y[4];
expand y[8];
SAS Output
Impvar y[4] = 1.3573200993*x[4] - 0.2165134044*x[2] - 1.2820512821 |
Impvar y[8] = - 42.615384615*x[4] - 17.205128205*x[2] - 1.2820512821 |
Indeed, x[2] >= 0 and y[4] >= 0 together imply x[4] >= 0, which forces y[8] < 0. I would recommend checking your formula for y[8], which should not have all coefficients negative.
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