Hi for all!
I'm seeing powerful of proc optmodel and i would like to resolve svm problem with it. is it possible to resolve support vector machine with it? Like this problem
Suppose we have two vars linearly separable, I know proc svm can do it.
Here's a simple way to do it. I included plots because you have two-dimensional data.
%let n = 2;
data indata;
input X1 X2 y;
0.49922066 0.834590569 -1
-0.509598752 0.865356638 -1
-0.313012311 -0.54000741 -1
0.713675823 0.094540165 -1
-1.05062909 -0.493905705 -1
1.326427551 1.400617167 1
0.688668461 1.385509561 1
2.705730511 1.526311825 1
2.335457445 -0.497797479 1
-1.340637901 2.205443013 1
proc sgplot data=indata;
scatter x=x1 y=x2 / group=y;
proc optmodel;
/* read input */
set OBS;
num n = &n;
num x {OBS, 1..n}, y {OBS};
read data indata into OBS=[_N_] {j in 1..n} <x[_N_,j]=col('x'||j)> y;
/* declare optimization model */
var W {1..n};
var B;
min Z = 0.5 * sum {j in 1..n} W[j]^2;
con Separate {i in OBS}:
y[i] * (sum {j in 1..n} x[i,j]*W[j] - B) >= 1;
/* call QP solver */
/* plot output */
num slope = -W[1].sol/W[2].sol;
num intercept = B.sol/W[2].sol;
submit slope intercept;
proc sgplot data=indata;
scatter x=x1 y=x2 / group=y;
lineparm x=0 y=&intercept slope=&slope / lineattrs=(pattern=dash color=black);
PROC OPTMODEL doesn't has a SVM algorithm. It has transitive closure, shortest path, minimum cost network flow, minimum spanning tree, minimum cut, TSP, among others, but not SVM. For SVM you need to use Enterprise Miner or Viya VDMML.
Although PROC OPTMODEL does not have anything built-in for SVM, you can formulate the quadratic programming (QP) problem and call the QP solver.
Suposse we have this data:
X1 X2 y 0.49922066 0.834590569 -1 -0.509598752 0.865356638 -1 -0.313012311 -0.54000741 -1 0.713675823 0.094540165 -1 -1.05062909 -0.493905705 -1 1.326427551 1.400617167 1 0.688668461 1.385509561 1 2.705730511 1.526311825 1 2.335457445 -0.497797479 1 -1.340637901 2.205443013 1
how can we apply proc optmodel?
It seems this data is not related to optimization problem, such as minimize or maximize y. It seems to be a very traditional classification problem, and then you should use the traditional SVM algorithm.
You right Rob. I was thinking about OPTNET.
but i dont know how can i do it with my data
Here's a simple way to do it. I included plots because you have two-dimensional data.
%let n = 2;
data indata;
input X1 X2 y;
0.49922066 0.834590569 -1
-0.509598752 0.865356638 -1
-0.313012311 -0.54000741 -1
0.713675823 0.094540165 -1
-1.05062909 -0.493905705 -1
1.326427551 1.400617167 1
0.688668461 1.385509561 1
2.705730511 1.526311825 1
2.335457445 -0.497797479 1
-1.340637901 2.205443013 1
proc sgplot data=indata;
scatter x=x1 y=x2 / group=y;
proc optmodel;
/* read input */
set OBS;
num n = &n;
num x {OBS, 1..n}, y {OBS};
read data indata into OBS=[_N_] {j in 1..n} <x[_N_,j]=col('x'||j)> y;
/* declare optimization model */
var W {1..n};
var B;
min Z = 0.5 * sum {j in 1..n} W[j]^2;
con Separate {i in OBS}:
y[i] * (sum {j in 1..n} x[i,j]*W[j] - B) >= 1;
/* call QP solver */
/* plot output */
num slope = -W[1].sol/W[2].sol;
num intercept = B.sol/W[2].sol;
submit slope intercept;
proc sgplot data=indata;
scatter x=x1 y=x2 / group=y;
lineparm x=0 y=&intercept slope=&slope / lineattrs=(pattern=dash color=black);
if we have non-separable data, how can we modify our problem?
num c = 1e4;
var W {1..n};
var B;
var E {OBS} >= 0;
min Z = 0.5 * sum {j in 1..n} W[j]^2 + c * sum {i in OBS} E[i];
con Separate {i in OBS}:
y[i] * (sum {j in 1..n} x[i,j]*W[j] - B) >= 1 - E[i];
The choice of c is up to you.
One more question!
Its easy to see how we can classify obs in 2d graph, but if we have five variables (5d), we cant paint it.
Then how can i see how classify my model? for future obs? I know qe can solve this problem with this code but i dont know how translate it.
%let n = 5; data indata; input x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 y @@; datalines; 3.435937542 1.910389226 0.276850846 0.364419827 0.140722091 1 1.752885649 1.190057355 0.599295002 0.227447953 0.815532861 1 1.621776734 1.179003553 0.760496315 0.624320514 0.230451018 1 2.575575289 2.999259474 0.620989763 0.828880959 0.034141306 1 1.568690442 1.864722267 0.410446021 0.977573713 0.837272457 1 2.008282532 2.035882912 0.967093924 0.725730786 0.528795923 1 3.150476337 -0.211155573 0.633565936 0.767706516 0.274370632 1 2.412125188 2.459121555 0.40247943 0.205630191 0.303806821 1 2.886648426 1.458100781 0.661861202 0.822914202 0.314037231 1 2.832672695 3.166103391 0.635750146 0.415985331 0.518241769 1 5.435937542 3.910389226 0.220233529 0.909811353 0.611028911 -1 3.752885649 3.190057355 0.090459485 0.686435643 0.218221874 -1 3.621776734 3.179003553 0.797479778 0.201698903 0.062966533 -1 4.575575289 4.999259474 0.344128219 0.054420354 0.009042683 -1 3.568690442 3.864722267 0.748489181 0.989565182 0.4580315 -1 4.008282532 4.035882912 0.460437955 0.287010879 0.200715865 -1 5.150476337 1.788844427 0.155870021 0.000179874 0.993454689 -1 4.412125188 4.459121555 0.543481598 0.639162032 0.571248807 -1 4.886648426 3.458100781 0.400991393 0.274163115 0.118862113 -1 4.832672695 5.166103391 0.333071111 0.391013648 0.446375253 -1 ; run; proc optmodel; /* read input */ set OBS; num n = &n; num x {OBS, 1..n}, y {OBS}; read data indata into OBS=[_N_] {j in 1..n} <x[_N_,j]=col('x'||j)> y; /* declare optimization model */ var W {1..n}; var B; min Z = 0.5 * sum {j in 1..n} W[j]^2; con Separate {i in OBS}: y[i] * (sum {j in 1..n} x[i,j]*W[j] - B) >= 1; /* call QP solver */ solve; quit;
You can use the SIGN function to compute on which side of the hyperplane the point lies:
/* create output */
create data outdata(drop=i) from [i] {j in 1..n} <col('x'||j)=x[i,j]> y
yhat=(sign(sum {j in 1..n} x[i,j]*W[j] - B));
I think you showed all details about solving svm as quadratic programing.
My last question is if we have non-linear case, how we should transform the problem?
thank you very much about your help!
I just saw Rob has replied the code for proc optmodel.
Here is the code for proc svm.
data x1x2y;
input x1 x2 y;
0.49922066 0.834590569 -1
-0.509598752 0.865356638 -1
-0.313012311 -0.54000741 -1
0.713675823 0.094540165 -1
-1.05062909 -0.493905705 -1
1.326427551 1.400617167 1
0.688668461 1.385509561 1
2.705730511 1.526311825 1
2.335457445 -0.497797479 1
-1.340637901 2.205443013 1
proc dmdb batch
var x1 x2;
class y;
proc svm
var x1 x2;
target y;
and the results:
The SAS System |
---Start Training: Technique= FQP--- |
Bias -0.163379279 Applied on Predicted Values |
The SAS System |
Classification Table (Training Data) | |||
Misclassification=0 Accuracy= 100.00 | |||
Observed | Predicted | ||
-1 | 1 | Missing | |
-1 | 5.0000 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 5.0000 | 0 |
Missing | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The SAS System |
Support Vector Classification | C_CLAS |
Kernel Function | Polynomial |
Kernel Function Parameter 1 | 2.000000 |
Estimation Method | FQP |
Number of Observations (Train) | 10 |
Number of Effects | 2 |
Regularization Parameter C | 1.000000 |
Classification Error (Training) | 0 |
Objective Function | -2.925242 |
Inf. Norm of Gradient | 9.436896E-16 |
Squared Euclidean Norm of w | 2.983253 |
Geometric Margin | 1.157937 |
Number of Support Vectors | 6 |
Number of S.Vector on Margin | 3 |
Bias | -0.163379 |
Norm of Longest Vector | 3.000000 |
Radius of Sphere Around SV | 2.407486 |
Estimated VC Dim of Classifier | 18.290903 |
KT Threshold | . |
Number of Kernel Calls | 189 |
dont we use linear kernel?
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